A collection of 300 scions fromi the Nellie Lake Scotch Pine, sent to tue POntar'io Departiiiht of Lands and, psForests tree seed plan~t at Angus, are to be used ini grafting to produce seedlings fer establishment of a seed ,ie orchard from which cone collections, IXScan be made in future years from W-trees of goodI quality. A scion is a Stwig taken fromn the end of a branch àPini the upper portion of the tree. IL a shouild be about eight inches long 'in and contains roughly three inches of Y growth from the iast growing season, with the remnainder of the scion be- ying composed of the previous year's growvh. e."The imprudent use of Scotch Pine tr in southern Ontario haq given rise ut in the past 30 years to some very e8 unsuccessful reforestation ventures,"' <eDistrict Forester F. L, Hall statea, O~"Some niay wonder, therefore, why le, thi-q effort l expended on the Noeli It1 Lake planting. The story of thb '~jNellie Lake Scotch Pinie le worth re, 1tI atingL, 5: J. NORTON Main Street, Ort> Plone etl-4 Builder & Decorator V_ Consuit us on ail thing8 *p- Y, pertainIng ta the beautification )y of your home. ib Papei'hanging and Interfor Dr Iecoration a speclalty. ot a Plumblng AND oer mAETR Uà IN CALUP FOR EST131ATEýS HARRY E. LYCETT .R. f ee, ~ Phone 84 r 12 ph f OIONO ON. SON'S L9omORONOi ONT. ream Corn, 10 oz. 2 for 19e as 2for............. 37e I l... ...........67e ice, 20 oz. tinis. 2 for ... 23e 15 oz. tin . .....,... 24c 0Ooz. tin...... 23e ... . . . .. . . . . 29e .....35e popular tints to a package, velopes' Package ......20c .S, floral ptens, set .. 25e ing styles, a nice assortment 'd ~$1.69 and" $1.98 l lock knit Pullov'er, round )ntrasting color trim, assort- 1.Each........... 98e ýanforiz-ed, side zipper, hip s. ÎZes 12 to 20. Pair $2-.79 Sizes 38 to 44. Pair $3.25 "n, ribbed cotton waist band olors. Sizes Med. & Ige. 98c ,36 in. x 50 in- Satin bound, --f-