Yes, George can bi a ted in neved'. For he's the 1rudenitial 1Insuranice agent in the Bwa. wille dsrc -- and nom- he's miaking regular visits t.t OT-ono anid -Newcastle, Too. Gere"W'rte i's an i deal mail ta counsel you on1 y4?ur blîisurîc proýgram. Ele can tell you the l'es tay provîde an-,în(oe for yur anlif -anY- thinig shoiuld ha 4) to ou F .le cati show you how te. guarantee pyet on your mortgage or rent... hlow to prov ide for paymenït of doctor or hospital ils Why flot hv George Whif e drop in and sýee youlfes fllytrained . . . a Chartered Lif e Und 1r- writer . . . and ccmp-letcely q!Ualiie to talk over yur IIamJily sdriyned.le's at Phone OSHAWAA 3-1222' mon' in modern and traditîoi'al designý< or every iromof the home ical Appliances of every nature I TRADE-1-N- - EASY TER-MS JA~CK$ FURNITTJRE PHIONE 3616 - HEATLIE AND APPLIANCES - NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO It.u enioy tn:s wrnter-tilme sport. Sonie Dauira and Dci thirty-th enbers have alreajdyCnrtIt joined the Club. Emil Schimid oi ter in Bowilla Mrs. Tone Fofrýester vis;ited in Tor- piWIl. on'm oe ertheweekenf. 11 .Mr. Richard ontooverthe eek-nd. is Parents Mr. ton, - Mr)..A. A. this week taKl the village a ý lie& lNighto Build Anoth.t With Jfteurance gainist sucl hazards J but you can gtrd againis complete loss. lasura'e k whays your best bet. C-ALL N.F. PORTER ~ro77/1 HATS We have a nice selection of Hats for Easter. Corne ini and look tliem over, there are Mi- lan and faney straws in Whte beige, red, green, black~, navy and the new shade shrimp< $4.*95 To $9 95 rloesdifferent style laeck- )ra trim, color red, turquoise vhite and navy. m........ $4.95 to $6.95 ini Print, Good Patternîs for aprons. AIt color to choose -- .~ Vior01Co L td Reduce the price on Fuel 01F' anid Stove -O1 Stove 0-l!19q cents per gai. on Wecinesd'ay of last weel Mrs. Emmia Lunn has, pos)itioni in Armnstrong's IX' Mrs. lwe Dean and berson Gerýry left -Dy plarle for lFlorida -where they are fo'r a mownI. Srimust 'be on its w-ay for a R0 PH H A nlu rn h r o f re p o rts h a v e b e-ý n l e - P O E 1 3O O O N A J cev don te retiirn of PH ONdE__ ___143__ __ ___ ___ __ ___ _ ON TA RIO__ __ br PtdIobinl. Anothe'r etuaî sig ofwarer eaterin thle ifuture is a report from -Mir. C0. F. Duncaît.i that crnusaie bl01ng on thein sot )sd f his house in the village. A u"rof ebr of the" Fish G jotu-c ofl To ronto o edesa afte noo to att nd he porsmea~sTHIEATRE - fOW M ANVILLE Mri, . TJiok WIlson, London, spent the Aeek--dN itsMr.cnd Mr Ir. nld 1MON. - TUES WED luartettè 'r Texas eptod q L, store. rs. An Mlclary Two-,Door Ref'rig- erator, 12 eu. ft. uora tic Defrost. Reg. $529-95.1' Beatty Refrigerator, il cu. ft. Reg. $ql99a' SPEGIAL Norge Refrigerator, 8.5 eu. -ft. Reg~ $-49.50 SPECIAL Ba7 TMin '$825 Lea3vé yqur Orders o Bran'tford Knotless frC~aa Extra frngth jBiler Twine, Z 40lb. Baies 250Ft. Lb. and insectsAringh4y MsAude Bi llînigs, Oshnawa, sinent the w\eek-end with Mr. and Nirs. Carl Bîllinga. -Mr. and Mrs. Jackl,,eisýhn-mn ho have beeni spending- the winter in Miami, Florida, are vstn with Mr. and -Mrs. Milton Tamblyn. UNITED CI41RI4 Ororto Pastoral Charge Reverend John Kitchein IARCH 20 1001 at 1la at 11, al p~FRI. and S.AT. O MARCI 18 and 19 li"engai Brigade" Technicolor SRock< Hudson - Arlene Dahi also ' "Tarazan ami .the Green Goddess" F.7 and 8:30 Sat. 6.30 IVI,4ijR Jl 1 AND DANCEI A$ cents per gai. .1 liii George - White is a gooed 1to know in,,,, - - - - --------- - --------------- ---- - ----------------------- lvý $ l- 1- 9 0 9-1 ire ý $241 orito