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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Mar 1955, p. 3

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VTUE STANEî CH> - PALIlf esonne str'ange, some bizarre, some daatie mc om iaârius incidenrts have punctuated the long listory ofi the we 'iStanleY Cp, on d 0Off the tee. N0oue thari tlle serieiï et 1916, wlhwsfuh betwýfeen the hninsotw lage Who were warrlug veacb other 10t te bitter end, Thie stjý-t e! Mhe seris UtNiweek iyealis sfýnome tese ,apnns Those *.ere te dayýs of thne to ajor leagujes. The Put- rick brohers, Leter and rak in perhaps the miost drn pronmionai venture in Canadian s;ports history, haýd dsre Mhe east, in wbich hey had w-on high acclaim, as playýers, a-nd îDnva'ded the Pacifie Coasï,-t founid a niew pirfessional league of mjor proportions. Thy bujitCanac'fs t aMtiical c rinks, three of themany itrdedhoke herejitrneur had been playedl before. T-he shadow-, o! Da m-ajo)r %war r lsigee 'h o lu e-arly 1914, as thle Vcois caposof 1the paiiifc Coasýt, camne east and wrreuedin terSalyCup hunit by a,- Toronto club that included "Happy" omes, ranký! oytnand the late Jack WaIker,. The workd was atvar the next yr, a d wý'ýar between the two big hockey leagues. was sartin to cbmud te sports skcies. The West Coastars prondTom-my Smi-itb o!Quebec, ,whe had Led the esenscorers tosu1cceýssive yeas Uner1 pressure, thy ey!turnecl him, but te peaceUwas ai uneasy oua. And wben the 1915-16 seaýsonà stai-red, the easfern pOweýrs surddenljy realized thieir stocýkades hiad been *invadc"ed-, For, aýs Seattie lned up for its opening game, tbey hd in, goýal"ap py" Hoimes, Ken Crpntr, Fos1 on arid Wýaiker of the form-rer champion TVorontos. The fight was on The easten bagne had agreed to sub- ject itef tu draft by tliçyeung, pewerflwestîern bdBtt wheu prett nearly an entiire teamt was filched by thte daring raiders, the east rebelled. But thse dispute SWil prevailed ln thse spring opf 1916.Ee then, the magnates ef each le-agueý were by 11o meanps ready te bary thse hatchet;, but neither were they inclinied to pass lp isle spoils Of &a Cuplsrts.Se, (d1rlng a býrief truce, the- stanley Cs'p sertËes was played in Montreal, Caniadiens de- feated tihe Portkand Roeus htie League resumed their 'warfare, tisougls it was setlefl sooni afte-r by a peaee agree- ment. (Ths cucldesthetwo-articje series about thle Stanley Cu"ýp. Netweek in this colu n EhheFergu-ý r will examine sm ei Canadas problems ;in the 195k tîOlympie game) your amm ré od sgesMnsfr Mi c olumn wM bu6ewecmed &y Ehmer Fergu. C QertHouse,431Y nge S", Toronto. Cathvtp1sTý1 '1 SLýM1TE TIUE ÀRM FRONT SÎtr'aigh.t,, Erght, mrketar, a tional !Mîn icu and Whiderrnoorý Wonder arze names of ccmr ereties whlich will be !oeundi aiong ,vÏth many othars la the M,55 seedccJý,atalogues. ucm beýrs may be divided into pichlý- ing and slicing varitias. Tlhis, Iast grouip icldehe varieties m(ore widaely known to the geri- eral -public, since they ;a7re the, Ones used for the homne gardan., NamesschaStagtiht A and C, DlroWindermoorq Wonder or Longfellow aefa LinIiar temnyo! uxs, but other aames are nanw or relatîvely se. l&rketer and _Marketer Lonmg, are. recoiineu-ý,ded varieties whichi areeay and giva a good yield o! attractive green fruits. Othcr varietiCeS such 'as Niag'ara, Batee ard Clonal re much îËee lato for our climate, ctçaptý possibly 'u the Niagara pe3L~- gUïa. Suparcrep Hybrid, 1J{ybrid Csesation Hybrid anjd Sunuy'- brook had no value over varie- lies such as Marketer or Br pee Hybid when testad at the Division ùo! Horticulture, Con'- Ira] Exparimoental Farm, V ta wan Some -ývaiieties have ýbeen de- velored wthtender -skia a n d ~-~' ~"'V ý .-b!k spinas, They are raferrad -to t as theapicKling varieties and are used by, the Food Procassing Indastry for m a kiinggrk and Othertly-pes o! pjýikedcI u- r-umbars. Ofldstnidard varCieties arc! still avilable and are ro- ferred "-y many. Tbeva araParis' PIickling. N at na 1 Pi ckli ng Haeinz PrlilngandMnc The nlewar vatriatias havete zidvantaga !bigrsspt t soime troublesomne diseases such as cucumbar 'cmosavi 7rus or eujrbrscab. Hicrop Hvýbrid dEvelopael by the Ontario Agri- cuiltuiril Co«!lage is rasistunt ta t cucumber msl virus anids are Oiblo MIR-17 and Ohio R 25. Wis-onsîn SMR-9 aimd Wis- ençin SH- are resistant te. seab and to cueumrber mosalc virus. Some of the willbe ajVailuýble in -the spring e! 1955; ethers imay ho b luîn hori supply for anothoer yeaýr. Flowering' plants w.hic(h are Usually 4classZ'_edIas nnulsara hsewhlcli iproduce theïr b'cst bloom i n the year in whch he sceds are son.Anna my b classed as hardy as hait-hardy. Hiardy nnulsare those vwill ous ijr and may be sown i lats fail or vary early bpring. I-li! hary nnuýals are nî,a- teso!. couatries whoDse ,grow,ý- ig seasonls are lngrthaný Ours, says J. I. Scatterty. 1Headi Gardenar, HroStaion.Bw resuits Wil be obtanad with teaby ,sowinig iearly indoovrs aind transplantig tr. fiowa-rbing qtuartcers wenfrosk dangerc Mlost varietias e! annumal (of farced by Canadian sadhooses will bloom if the saads a'qre sown Ôutdoors Jin late April or early May Quickçer effect how,ýer, and a mruch longer peri)d o bloomýý will be obtainad by start- ting the following va.rie-ties lu- doors -in Ageratumi, S3weet Alyssiym. ,Chin,ýa Asters, Balsam, Carnation, Celosia, Co- leus, Dianithus, Dïimorpjhothýeca, ImptiasLobalia, Margo1d, ÏNi c ot Ja Pa, Pansy, Petunia, PhoPartuflaca, .lpiglosis, Salvia, Snapdragon, S toc, '1,liLnbrgia, Verbena, Vinca andl Zinnàia. Properly icasifiid va- ileties ike Salvia and Snap- dragoý ar tendler perannmials b)ut are usla1lY listed iCîaad as annuals. V arieties -wvlhii giva excellent resuits when sown drectly in the gardan would includc; Acrocilnium, Amrainthus, Arctotis, Çalend,- nia, cpind-yttu!t, CaUfiopsis, Cenl- t 8alu r e q. Chrysanthemiumn, Clarkia, 'C-leome osoGail- lari Iia, Godetia, Gypsophila, Halinthu. Heichy~um Kochia, Larkspur, Luipini Mign- onette, Nqasturtiutn, Nigellaý Poppy, Saioaand Swaet Pea. With such a multiplicity (o! types and !orms if is Possible to find varetis uitable for any siuation in the homne grounds. Soma are ideal ln the rock Ar der, othiers may be used to take over bare spots left by)ý early spots eM by eary bloomiing plants in the paraninial 'border, wiea greal maniy are valunabit euLt !lowers. Excellent long last- ing~ mass effects rnay ba ob 'taýin - edé by planting .altnoust any va- riaty of petun-ia, mdu height Snaýpdragoni, French Marigolds ard maniy others. Best results are a)Pined in a fine üosce loam. Variaties such as Asteri, jiDahlias, Zînnia arid MariogIde 'ill e os atis!actory inu'a soiltot which manu-rê or fertfli- e o lias beeon addeid, while Pocp- bl~ a0~ 80:1 tef~ v t. q i '4 I 1

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