ments for other ideas submnitted in recent >-cars. Gordon Chant also received an ad- M r. ditional award of $10 for a sugges nigt 1 tion that brought hlm $ý15 when it vice ç -was. adûpted in- January of laat year. lus Ris total take on the idea la thua $25. ducted the CE Rarymond Fiee received $7,50 for a bereav suggestion ank $5.00 awards were AE made t» Jimi Coyle, Brian Damant, he, C.olin Taylor and Charlie Greenhamn. Fidy eofUaOOOO<, .% Good £ucK I 299b Margarine poud eS9 pou ns 35c 0000*00n Tel Elliott and >yce Elliott. Miss Joyce Low and f riend a and Mrs. Dave Low and so-i- spent the weekend with Mr. ai Art Low. The latter ran into bank on the Jast Iap of their and( it COOK seVeral hours te the car. Mr, and Mrs. Art L turined to Toroiito with thein 'Mr. Rohbie Alexander On' the road teO Newtorvi turn to Toronio on Suni, and returned te Kendal night, making the jour Toronto on Monday mi Place your order today for a PLUIMP CIIICKEN OR A TASTY IAIM FOR EASTER Swift'is Premiuim Branided Beef Round 4 oi St-e;eak Or iRfoast lb 6c dNom01 Steak Or Roast lb 63e Enough pkgl 1/2 lb. plkg. pkg.35c ired PeMealed Crossed Fish hJLII, ~IEEh0 4,P. zEL Clarks 20 oz. tin 2 for CIl -HOME-STYL 6 Porknd 8 SAUSAGE Royal LUne Fancy Red Soc-keyej 6Freshly Mad3l Salmon Hbtn S-il ikb3 T~ ~ ~ w 35e fl*1 ý»uivy, xnereszmg, zkliriuua, ±iirw.i e iarge bu Grapefruit Durham Corn Stat'ch 2 for 35c -Stokelys Cream Corn Granulated Sugar 5 lb 42c Instant Milko Powder Crown Brand Corn Syrup Catellis Long Speghettî 16 Heinz Toniato Ketchup 2 for 29e 10 lb 82c 10 for 49C Ceanser OId Dutch Lifehuoy Reg., Deal Banded Toilet Soap igilvie Choolate Cake Mix Libbys Fancy lb 37e Tonato Juice Campbells 2 lb tin 29c Soup oz. pkg. 16c il oz. 27c Mvushroom 10z. Farri Bov Heinz Cooked 1 2 for 27c 3 f or 25c 16 oz. 35c 48 oz. 31c for 33e Raisins 2 lb C1140 43c oz. 2 for 31c N Tender and Juicy RHUBARB Bundles, LBI19 lIl Tops in Vitamin "A" Imported 20 oz. Bags Cé'ARROT'S 2FR2 0N. 1 C fonker i 3LB imffl -, oo . ao , FROZENFOODSZ Birdseye Cod Fillets Haddock Fillets lb 36c lb 46e STORE HOURS OPEN IMONDAY, 8 a..-5:30 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.M. I WEDNESDAY. 8 a.m.-12 noon For details on car providing suehi protE Howard' R. King- St. W. Repre-senting Co-operators hisurance Ase diation Automobile Insurai for Carefuil Drivers Ifamiltous Insurance Every class of Insur- ancee is represented in our office. The f ollow- ing are somne of the main coverages -we can -' ffer; Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hospitalization, lvestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Rail, Pidelity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE 1R16 FIRST -MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy ianilto ONTARIO Cc A An ag-e oi sum i attende( ~~eefl~fl0O~ 'SUM tional $50 mnitted a a total of ,t fns an addi- a he £ub- », ~naking >r the ene Male Leaf Lard ist, lhe bas mean enoti- 'lm 1 h