nres, M.P. ik1rýeemncrt onr.ff tile onimprs 1. A. ýncy 15 oz *.0-U 3. DIN& 25C <ooeqfooe 2for eptesl reason waieli may divor-ce case. In Nova isl alsQ included. New- 1 Quebec have no di- It il. '1 course of the debate d' conýsiderable su1pport1 ly wïli be raised at a of cither the Senate. or Gommrons. Frankly, itsý .t a sigla of re1ief in! sbecause it was quite if the bill ascvre le House of Commons, poieda raons for the 1 be icdna ii e ellig Coaimittee FROZEN Bloth Fîsh Stix 'York Cod Fluets 39C Pictsweet French Fries 33%, Florida Nêew - Cab bage FIuridai O ranges F1orida,, YIo 80's Grapefruit 6for New BErunwick Protatoes 10l tee plans C o ,g re ss jmils 1an1 visi Avr-o e hild are someiq position. They only export 5% c f their. national products, but we must export between one quarter anid one 'thhrd of al we produce. For that vea- son -we cannot be as tough about tariffs and quotas as the U.S.,A. for: ffear e nsuim.ikets miay be closed, to us as a reciprocal measuyre. Budget Coming April 5 The uniemployed debate continues, buit most mlembers have corne to trie ýoniclusioýn tlhat oincliig new will beý done until afttr theDoîio-rv incial preliiniary conference op)enF) tlhe emd of Arl The budget of co cemo pil5hwill lhave acen (Cniudon page 5) Ken Heron Carpeuter Orona% Ontario Phbone 61r2 Cabinet AMaker- litcheu Ciupboard Trimn Work, Repaire etc. Orono Electric Phoie 93r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARIM and IHOUSE - WIRING ,APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repair, o ail nak-es of ElectricaI Eqiuipment: and Appliances *4ï as IItcrs, Water et &ý Fresh - Butt' Park Roast 53c OnOoea.o.os YE 9 37'c Sift Premium Smoked - Cryovac 2 Cottage nous Fresk Shankless - Picnie tJ Pork Shouldersstl Swift's Premium Browit'N Serve Sausage 8oz$ Swift's Prenifun Sllced Platter Pak 4, Table Ready Meats Hansens, assorted 4 Flavors Icings for 3c Blule Bonnlet YelloýwQik M argarine Gerber Infant and J-unior Fooda42àfor Gerber Baby C e r eals 1ilb. 43c '!oz 1 .9c~ 8- doz. 21C Roiyal Guest 15C Yo-'Yo Chocolate Ma11êw Bisce its Green Giant Peas Fanicy 2 for Ogilv;ie Vita PB cere-al 36( Il' Price Deal Vel V2 Prlice Dealý Fab oz. 9 42 foar %5cçý, 2 for 59c'r tore Hêurs Filmedi Iii Tec W'ith Jani TREAS Jm.' LU 9 ML~ SIZV 1K £KUAlo. 1 Biggest Musical Comiedy Country" Ht of the Season n Canada Next WVed. & Thurs. iniolor"THEADVENTURES OF fHAJJI -BAIBA" les Stewart lu CinemaScope h Roman MTO "TELWVERSUS URE ISLAND" BEALY THE KID"I 7Y ~I~r ~irnîWtrur~ tif nIt~r~ i shqcu1id prompt you to cail upon us intme of sorrow. We stress 4 iî~pebeautif"ul servicýýs .a prove conisollntg to the br.vd 5-1l