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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Apr 1955, p. 2

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1inoculation artificial ot the bacteia or- ~u. ýt us on ail tbings ap- ito the beautifleatrot Iftteror11 ?luipblng EAVEStRGHING CALI, UI FOR ESTMI HARRY E. LYGI Phone 84 r 12 ORONO [MATEo OETTS ONT. NICHOL('~N'SRONO Kerne1 <Jor. Oak Leag, 2 for .... 29e Sockeye Salmû n, Fancy Red - Red Seal - 1/2 lb.. 37e Lihhv's Cooked Spaghetti, 15 oz. 2 for . . . ý,29e qik Powder, 16 Oz. ..... ........35e [el~~~~ '/ rc el o................ ..59C [ohwrsliad (i 1,G,-Ceaf. quart.....98e ~uvehus w~tPotatoe-s, 20 oz.......... 23e1 'X1ito Laundry Sv rh.32 oz............... 24e ktbe seed shortly befoie it las Own1. B this niethod the bacteria~ are carried¶ i-rto the soi? the seed and in ample xinmbers te practically insure infection of the ro-ots, with couse- quent increased growth of thie erop. The 0.A.C.- Guelph bas introdueed a puwder culture to replace the üld liquid type f'or eacl Ilegume. Aniother Advantage in favour of th-e powder is thý,t ea(-h cltuire will dIo two bushel%, without w'ettini-; instead of crne au the old rate of 25e per culture. For yeur accoiuodation your Ag- ricultu-ýraepi-eentaive, E. A. Sum- mers, bas a supply of cultures fori Red, White, Ladino, nd Alsike Clovers, Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, Soy- beans and Peas at the Departmient of Agiculture Office, BOwýmatnville. A culture will treat tiwo bushels ofi ýseed, but if you have less than a bushel the entiire cuture m-iay lbe used without harmi Plants Are Divid <Contfiied froin naze 1) uni-il the frost is out and the mud ba s dfried uir 1easonablv. Tt neyer doe.s toi start workding soul in any case while it is stili soggy and liable to pack dw ight.. Ifi thiis first group of planitings -c','t h r~os ursery sýtock, thinga like fruit and ornamnental res shrubbery and woody ývines, and ber- ~ ~'ee~n~als.The so(ner these are safedyr in their permianent giart-1 ers after leaving the nursery the bettpr thev -ill po.Thier shld(i be watered well and for, a few day if p)ossible priotected from- the %wind rind sun. Amiong- the seedùs that can be sown w 'J NEVER TOUCH a-fc,,,,Ien wirelé t to go near uTA DROm M Lawn grass seed is another early ibr.Either in iiew lawns or ýrepair- ing w-e sow early. Grass thrives when ~seed usually cornes in packaged mix- tures. The reason is simple Wpvaiit some early seed that mill germninate and grow quickiy te provid!e irne green and wilI also provide soine shade for the slower germin>ating, finer and more permnanent ports. Aise it is a well known ag-ricuItur-al fact that a mixture of grasses or choyver ~vill give a thicker etaind. Seed Fairs &Showing importance In Farining By the end of 'Mardi. seed fairs throughout the older sections of On-, tarîo have cone to a successful coni- clusion. There aue stili a number Of shows-,scheduled for April ia North- raOntario, with thie onefo th District of Nipissinig te be heldo Mlay 2nd at North B3ay. The attend-ance at seed fair-s this! r has been Che largeat on record maký,ing it necessary for sonie or- ganizations to) plan for larger aiccomn- odaition next year, accordinig to the Field Crops Branch of the Ontario ljepartmeiit of Agicutltutre. In spite of unfavorable weather during hast yeai-'a harvest, the total numiber and quality of exhibits at this year's Co-unty ind District shows were at an ail time high. Unusuail interest bas aiso been taken in the educational programmries, paitticularly panel dis- eussions deailing with sncb subjects as grass silage, drainage, inainten- ance of soil fertility' new varieties, corn, cash crops and thebuieso tari-ing, The situation was sumtniied 11P in these words hy the President of the North Simcoe Soul and Crop Tmprýove- ment Association, Arthur Gardiner (if Wyebridge, wben lie officialhy op- enied the biggest and best seed show in tbhe bitory of their organization. "Those ci us whio have been farm- ing for the pajst twenlty-fiv'e yara to power 1fts and frein hand pu,.Yps J However, in aU ii period C-7 to~ hydro, omtiines wohnder where R lChange Some things remafin the Same.-' will all end. We now have te spen e difference in price between goodi. Taxes are higher.ý The cost of gaso- seed and poor seed has alw;ays beex line and niachinery repaira fa greater amaIL, The differenice ini the ýCri>pfï doliars wherýe w'e used te ped8 ens (Clontinued page 3>' SEaster Chocolates, 1 pound boxes, assor-ted hard and soft centres........... . .75c, 89c. and $1.00 Easter Specicjt J ELL-Q 3l for 27e Glide Liquid StLarcli, 32 ounce Botties ......- ý........ -25c Br ooms, 4 string.... ..... 98C Sanii-Flush, disinfeets and deo- dor(), will not harm Septic(- Tanks. Tin . . ........ 29c Carnation Milk, Tali Tins, 2 for ............. -ý.. .27c, Sponges, Special while they last 7c each or 3 for.... -ý ...20e Fam'lîily ixurBulk Candy, pounld.............. .. 25c OROtIO5rTC.,$10.n0 STOREI Notice of Special Grants to A Municipalities and Sehool Boards in Ontario ,For the information q/ heads of muniddpalffes and sehool boards, elementary and seeondary, itl announced mlat- TmIE GOVER4lMENTOf the Province of Ontario will pay a special unconditional grant equal to 01e-hait' of the basic uncon- ditional subsidy payable unider the Municipal Unconditional Orants Act, 1953, to every municipality in the Province. Whilo these grants are completely unconditlional they are primarily in order to assist municipalities ini special weliare niatters where required and at the saine turne to stirnulate employment. The total SUrn beilg Paid Ifor thiS Purpose is $3,750OOO. AND THE GOVE NSIENT of the Province of Ontario will pay to eaeh school board in the Province a special grant of $4.00 for every child of average daily attendance in the elernientary and seeondary schools of Ontario. The total amnount being paid for this purpose is $3>500,000. THEsLi ÇRANT-S, amnounjting to $7,2'50,000 are uncondi- tional and wil be paid as soon as possible about April 15, 19-55. Estimated arnounts payable to each municipality and board are being comrnrnnated to the Clerk of' the Mncplt.I u meantJime, e-,nquiries should be directed to the Department of MuniipalAffairs, Parliarnent Buaildings, Toronto. EACHMUNcn',nTyand board- should take these grants Into considerationi in plinfig programs and etx rates for the year 1955. Mardi 24, I9~5 G. , H.DuNAR, MiLiro Muicipal A;ffarn Wý...DNO x F.ý . (>ilcloth Mats, clear patterns, so 'border, Size 24 ns. by 36 ims.. Special!........ ....25 Childrens C,-tton Training Panties, sizes 2.P 4, and 6 Price 5 pair for ............69c llaînbowr colored Writing Paper & envelopes pkg 20e Setrpullover style, 2 button shoulder, round neck, short sleeves, Cotton knit, assortedJ patterns and Colors. Size l, 2, and 3. Each......79c Ladîp~ and Misses Bobby Socks, cotton ribbe'd, triple ro01J cuff, nylon reinforced heels & toes. Pair 39e Torii Hom-e Perm-)anent, New) easier, faster . $1.75 Prom Home Per-manent, self neutrallzinig . $1.75 GROCERY FEATURE

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