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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Apr 1955, p. 6

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* concer.ned, and their congeni *ality, are more timportant than * ay intervenïing years, one *caninot; dismîiss a 21year spanu * ightiy. ln a decade this %oa- *man, wiil stili be iri ber pr-ime-, - * ~whiie you will bje nearly80 *e-njoying1f e, lI hope, hut pre - * ~ferably by yaurfreie *If there w vere no cildre--n îlinvolved the situiation wý,oldç M tl be grave. The presnce jt *a youngster entaning berr teens - ~ 'canl ha highiy disturbinig te a r*man uniaccuistome,-:d to cilidren.-, *Hem m,-oth-er wiii soon becn *couvaging the custamary so- - !" cial activities end expecthe - *new home o be their cante. *Picture thhe ensuitig confiusion I r * Your onreluctance Vo ecii 1 tertain the prospect of mnar- * niage is the ms ia rgu-. * etagainst it. Ydu u L1Ci oV Sun-WraM Spé 0, of whe!e, are tthe gee-se bins now? Why didnt in the sunny South until hAd had, ils finial flinig in 0 Or ciu-dit be that mi birdis have an) unduly ï)p - spirit like certain road isors of th-ýe Department ol sys? Whait aise co 0ui jd hem -.the supervisos - SsnowFences remnoved be- e endoaMrchSc, often va a sorm from the east March or earl_:y Aril. Not 1 winiter have snowfences, Peedecl.around hure but V,are they needed now!: e Friday before Ille storni cha lovely day it wa ~ to deciveayone. Just 3ilt might be awahr r 1 had two w,ýeeks' washi- me before breakfastÉ thét ?oregular Mýonda.ýy wash- r me. 1I workaccording 1 weather. So on that day-ý trying to get about thAC ork one in onle, But i ternoon along camne vil- heir visît put a cimp 0e ivities so I didn"t get m ng' 'don.e. Nolutthat If a iing . I thought I would own3ownSatrday 1inorný- ing and get what 1 needed, Came Saturday morning ...snowl, p coers he oof indand blowving snow-an stlefi!low during o recent sost ,Thre a idhed iprtawsou w it t li ha co ne7h m e ef rei d feed in g sfa t ion m ot n y p ro id ed the w ing ed cea tre o c m m s in s e d put aItV choe mshom 5eoý with shielter-, but also wthfood, emnergentcy rations would hv rhoE1cUP" to keep uis fed untilt thestr VMY mnT MMMUsicktry-léaed àurffPr Uw 1urarnr. as üover, And then .aboutthbree in Wywryyuelsckty l flV il acdPed ithuner teham er, ocickBob'-)and Joy literally , in odcd oThe soldier adple h rge.blew in. I soon had Bobboig *may Mtl love you but be awk- The hard suiphur acted as a ouagndontntoetm *ward putting it into words HIalian police in AMi n r percussion cap. There wras a a fewi supp-lies. *Moithls -f service can also con-w nrctînwdg anincdent as the loud bang and a puif of punrgpint Partnr is havînioyig agrn * fuse a lad's mdnciso he îsi't r esuit of which a yoeng unîvet- smoke. nevia h anc=w *L,. sue hafea'ls tue sam1etwad sit stuent faces La charge of Acodn 0t teCýýourt 1repDor't ttim rmdown t the bn vdtur.n Sthe girl waiting back,-home,1 nansiauglier, appearus to "ha-ve Ducclodelightdat the joke, theis srme carryig water.tO Wi by al2,en o broughlt t 1iliht f acts .vid epeated tled ia third storm but the cows have ta0be *two meet aan thenl you wvil rnight justify the incident being tMe on the arrivai of another taken2are of! At thle same time- *noSyour w heart, and is. 1caled -the accienlt of thc cen-1 guest Signora de Rossi "Your weý are both very busy couniting *ý Enjyhe attentiïons ou his try"Monay or yoa us ie" he laulgh- aurbesns efn ehv * fiend, but be careful not to What tihe Manese Inquiring ed, pintin the pistol aàt lier, quite a lot of them. * encourage hlm to thîink' you Magistrate(the Italian equiva- She iaughed at the joke, too. During the first part of last * are i0 love; you mnay be, you lent cf a Coroner) reerrd to as BM afer the lud bang se wekw aMeeyhngaon * a o. ic ou need not a millon-to-one chance, is ai 1 waq îing dead con the floor, here -~ wind, ram, snowv and a * atn aking your chloice, Ut lged ,to have occurred in this blond tricling %rm a wound ,i th lunr clerls t arm her was quite *e i inder to keep the fre nd- wmay, 1j hlerfrhed a bit of lightning and wind dam- *ship on a casuai basts sa neith- Nobody k 110sh l a n'y Duccio has beon formaliy age tin the district btut the only *er of you Wil get hurt. finies a certain pair of dulling charged, but provîsîonally re- c'sîyhr a h ice *Absence lays tricks ith pistois changed hnnds Wftr they trial is exmpected to ! ok The ltittIe miotor in i t wasý *Ste hum an heart. ýA girl is ap lef t the wotk,ýshops of a St. -Eti- take pl,-)ace -iý_nî Marchi or April of bunt out. Then, on thE frs *to idaieamainuîgm enne firn- of gunisithî!s in the ti yar comparatively cl day a heifer, *remnembaring only his llnest I.8th centurý,iy- Hi-s dafance is th1at neo one runining baose ia the barnyard, *qualitis. It is best for both o The twin itls hung with could have known the pitol produced her first caif, withoutý, *themi that she wvithhod any six other antiue pistls in the ssoaded, least of ail hlm- any untoward incident, ate *decision ntil she sees him patmetcf Aibe-rto Suberct, sefsadtehiran cafwe *again, the son of one of Mlan's bill Poice say 4"th two enriier finýe but hý le didnCt know 'how hetý AS yais es-cend Upon 1US, Otub gestantique -eners. The édWealr ba]-n u(st have 'shaken Off the "ws ,going to get them iintote prospect of livng alune can had bought the pair of St. i rustmionh pistol. The third stable. (Mvy help sinoone drive une into a regrettable mar- enne duellig pistos fronta de- spa1k caused bV the sUlDhur appraciated.) Then on thal. won- rage, Then is when une's cm- scendant of the origilnal one. ouched týhepowdý"er and fid def l sping-iike FrîdYay aong mion sensew Is ieeded keenly A certain amnount of rust had thebulle that had been in the camne Johnny. Hagont the heifer ban n ofHirsts praticaWel aterd ni.amespecia1lly on i pis»olfor a century,' tied up and also brought ile-a ha ee finsiabevlu thýe trige, and barrai.---- two-week's sup!piy of chop. And many a troubled reader. Write The eight pistls were leeftheonigte nIý har ut Box 1, 123Egtet St., favo iyhnso i TRULY POLITE ysedy mrig te mi piaphrigs f tuwck got through the lana with.. New Toon o nt. friends, who wo-uld often, point -ý.Anierican fimproducer out any trouble-our snowr fence then at each other in fun. Thay asked ani Engiîh friend to locik , is stili psowyshiouldni't we, did not know that -a live bullat a na ý Ofn his "-soiety," films to count our besns The heifer ReaIIy Windy tilrenained in one of the see that averythingwas ail omh ae caled on ofe of At a party in hîs roomns on an Aftrr wtcin t for a wie ol have bean Iaft high anid Weater en il verihe evenînig last Dcani-ber, Subartfthe Enclishmnan asked: "Why dy ihot hp for thecos woid are înterested in new - and us friands wvere once agin doas that man keep his hat on and the lane mlniht have be- experiments now talzing place amusing theisaleos iy point- wvhen he's'taiking to aý, lady) in icma impassabia. Not that wve in thle United Statas touind out ing Ahe pstols- at. aach oýther-, the daigro? are anjoying thle stoirm - it is iin Ûne of the guests, Duccio P-ass- "Sure," said the producer, a trifla drafty around here, even Just how high and lfast alitokon-f-heS.,t-,hncntdakst finthr the cats find it warmner downi can blow. ennue pistols, cocked it, snpe ady's co iin prasentily, andj in the ceilar -- iand uWe von't A wat)ar allon20,000 feet off-i the suiphuir hed of a match, hi's got to maise his biat ta ere"' like h oko u olbn üovePhi9adaiph recnt. iy e ______________________________But we ara banking on thâe cordd wnd.In ______________________________________theory that evantuaily ail things Great Brîtain wïnis of lmorei a t nisOris thani200 m.p.h. have been found suis! a i . coma to an nd -zven strs. four miles up. Such high ind ~~ notnti htas pie 'arecomoî~fou orfiv mies ' ,taO the ca.The question 15 ar omn.fu rNemlswhich wll ast the loneuri-h up i te n h som They have bean iikened ta Aa- acual or tha je t stream, an atmiospheric - ,. Actuaboyutwiare mre con ï-o .itintorrent o wind rush- ce Nindrabot ht iýs oain moun au-is f eeap dlac aiNigar. Te frce 0 'ng don a step decisutysroni ature can bc- so de-vasting upon ai bigh baromnetric pressure ta occasion- ven more so than a iw ne" . "~-atomnic power-and-Ilý the occasionsý WVhy don't these amazing J 1 4~" seernita be getting.imore fr'equýenti wve ould talk back amd torth among OurLSelves. N0W OU the rare occasions when 1 go to tlle barn 1 notice quite aý difference. There is the noise of th-e m-otoY onj the mnilking machine; the(, SwiATsh, swish of air asPate puJts themlkr on th e cows. Anid a niuch louder s -sh s-sue tion is released wenPartne'r takes the mnilkers off. This, of couseisrepeatedî with each coüw that is milked. . , , Thenê a's the 1milïker is being rcnsed with cold ýwater therie isý a loud sucking noise as the cups rain' the l bit of water from the, pail. And to cap it ail there i8- the radio going. Fine w: ,hený Part- ner is alone but -not so goLii when w;e have toý shout toi make each other heair, The ban'isn.'t a peýacefu1 Place anly more and I neyer hear Partner say now that t ikcw sjustreea Loolk smnart, look nieat in thiis that goaes Eýverywhere! See by the diagram ýhow EASY t11h1s ui. No fitting probiems, wrýT.,Jap an ies. No i,-rning vworrie-s, opena fiat. l>Nlake it now. Se-w-easy) andJ sew-thrifty; make on, tw-,fo, thrfee styles! -?-attern-1768: Misses' Sizes 17, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes 41/ yards 35-inicl fabric, This pattern easy to uIse, Sim;ï- pie toLew >,e,,, is testad fAor fit.Ha comlete illustrated ntrcios eand THIRTY - FI;E CENTS,, ~ ein s(stamps cainnot b, accaptedl) for tisý pattern., Print p- iinly SIZE, N AmE, Y DRSSTYILE NUMBER. Send order ta BOx 1. 12i Eighteenth St11- ý, New Troto If Heaven a drauigi-t of hae iypleasumre spare, S-ecrdiaJ in this melancholy va' e, 'TIs when a Ryou)thfuliavag noetpair- Linothier's arms breýatheou th ctndertae ;IF Yeu fiel Thexe days most people work unider presaurfe, worry mor-e, aleep less. Thh; 5s.raiîi on body ind brain zrakes phyxial fItneesa evàieï tu. bac-harder 10 regain. Today'a% tenseling lowered resiiaence, overwork, worry-any of these may ahect normal kidney action. Whn lddneys gel out of order, exce&& aide and wse remain îin the ayatem. Then backeche ditUrbed rest, that "fired-o!ut" hi.ayy- beaded feeling often f0low. Thtit'a 1h.! flme to take Dd' Kidniey Pilla. Dodd't stifmulake die i. cneya f0 normal acion. Then yoieel betfe-eleep beter-work hetor Aýlcfor Dodd'aKidney Pillent any drug counier.

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