ýJ N)N f.FU p To Inquire Oïonomïjdget 0 1 opens inage LroIIenlsTh Mr. J. A. Rickaç-by, Gi I-H.Speke At Evening d~ the camre 1up for- disci i et)ai rs s, 1bmitted. -epaîrs wlth ceetwe vith the ord, 01ro110Cpal ardware. SciisJ'Y hundred divâId lber ,a do tro 30 is ienced of expert fisherii ntee in advance that th, it catches. Wnîcn allow the donior atid aIl ga-mes free of an!y chai Mr 71 f. Sanmue is w Th"fe Pee Wees in the vi yeýt to be, organ1ized but ,it that this team il]ii be out .requested, The chiairmnan r.eported a ,idewalk~*Ui R. C. For- j "<quested by Mr. Roy Winter \ýh'ch ~rono SeniIor iiarauaii lu look after s~ to be further considered to its lo-ItoLksir cation. Aiso the requeýst of raisingshre tihe sidewvalk at Mr. Wmi. Leamnen's is Municipal Vo be considered lPriÙr to aniy imajor Vlabenerndttth as authotr- wo>rk on the wls lior basebali teand las bh rorganiza-, ls.Sii Bsal enhsb, r- meetings. mr. E. Dent was authorized te) pur- vited to participate in the Lak oredviatChase a ne- rrc-charger for- theLau hi ya.A rs pýored hatTown C!ock. lMr. Dent reported that'details are availlabie in this ays would th present chrewa,,;ro cb r i. but it is expected that Oron Inesday af the batteries. Laveshora meeti. t th i the main Lksbr Itig cqisted by Town planing wa brielpy ýdi5 1 The only stumbiing block ini ETrustees eus sed an&ýtle building inspe-tor was which cerne dliring worldng kdon the requestedl te make sure no m!dn3ele'gi posbyte e ianin.g per- were erected,on voad allowancs. The for the inajority of playersç sappointed road' north froin Glanv-ille'àï Feed local Veam, mili was discugssed as it lias neyer It hlas aise been iearned VI. heen openedI and the chairnian stated Bo'wna.nvila teani lias made e ' 7 cia jta osbl intpwlh e s into the use of the local dia Muniipaltha a pssibe lnk u wit PrncesqNothing bas been done in, thisi P by the street Nwould be desirable if the At present the Boxnan.ville tc ,t one ap- Township Barils did noV exist in theil' with-ut a diamond due to w( e positien. presient location. He feit that this, the Bow-mavleHg Ikho eent noth- area couid be quitably used for homes, a-i-le-- gh- chooi one odf the most prized of ail fish, niay or miay neot co-oper- here are times when the scquare- wiii head for~ shelter at thie r of a 1eaf, and other, timi-es he'll smnash a bait ahnost as .iy there is no more beautiful the een Rickaby,a School " Tc worid's record brook trout perien-es ýd 4 po'unds and was 34, capped chil long. It was taken from the the methed n River where many other re- cliildren to sakers have heen caught. Trout couîd eventl in S-uthern Ontario is us,- fifty years der a pourid in weight. i wel UI~hVE i streams attract many froni n but that th lage each year and 1955 w il4 normal, he exception. Reports wilI n day inorniflg in opening of the se ýan Tail Maiýger (llawf ,otsa ,ileenri Billngs, read a prayer b7' outec Per iMar-aha, t rorm the book "i- expec e- Jonies inieet.s the Master". . Early Hyý-nin "Rejoice the Lord is Xig' ySaivel- wals su :11!d the Lord's Prayer re- ecording peatedi in uison. d Lands The regi.dar business was jeaj*ý he most with, and roll cal given, There wa.- en W iiI a pl nd d ttendallCe. lere will 'Mae Allen thien took charge of th- meeting and calledj on Olive Milison,. 1,-loAed 1who t lç tlie. l", votional Marih oni. New Coi mei Fer uil was Long, 1 dikp]ayed a 1on the -peake Jin-i Rickaby. or so these whvlen thevy nnant a sum and one lit call. Fire i ,h Counties over any' otb4 Ilr ax>pual ree. Tt iws expected Viit à greement will ha availabie hil Each aea will b. rcleêsented by an pointed coipttee iCho wiîi recefve ýntures and the tee. ,)nly propertiescvre by the eemreat wili be given protection, Accounts paid were A. T. Perrin )-W; Tennant Transport $5,00; Un- For Vilageý ed at $700.Ti figure is t, rared with the estimated un-ý in project. Th inwde-rgrouxrd ta ifelt, would amount Vo Forrester faveured the u- nd installation if the cQaVt t too great and where comi- ýw or rebufiV ulnes were neces- ,' Anether section needing rewiring iu a few years is Main Street south. A suai of around $4.3&>. per in.nth loc one year was ailotted V o the Rob er't H. Saunders -Memeorial which is t Vo be piaced in front of the Ontario *Building in tle rC.N.E. -rounds, TIoronï t iiecess 'Jused le emindr venzillocqated tu ~the Heather Rebekab Ladge ...25.« rono orgnizatioli f'or local xeeds. S 1 Mrs. Il. W&de....... 60. Tlhe following ls the resut of theo S.S. 2, Mrs. C. Aildred ...... 75 uxnpwgn in the ais sections ofI Sî. 4, Mis. IM. Jones......101.45 ýe Township- S.S.. 5. Mrs. WViIson .......... 12.0 rono South, Mrs. A F. S.S. 7, Mr. W. Reid .. 51;0 McKeiizie...............---- *173.25 S.S. 8, Miss F. Jernrey........-26.65 rooNorth, Mrs. WmT. .S. 9, Mrs. Fisk _.......... .. 1.00 Armistrong _ ................ 32.30 S.8-.-10, Mrs. î, Stark .....-. »ý2.75 Mis. S. B. Rutherford 30,00 (Contiuued page 2) ..ounties To Consider North Cobourg Site For Buiding Main point on the agenda of the Apri se-si etofNorthumberland tand Durham CDunities Concil will be the question of more and better accommno- dation for ceunties offices and court- The hiatter has been hanging fire for a number of years now , and threat ef a writ bas been proddin- ,unties council into action. Up until the ûpenîig of the current sessïon, efforts at soiving the accommodation pro-bleu ihave not made mnuch pro- greas. The town council bas offered sug- gestions suchi as siappling land be- hind the town hall on wich to. build or~ to build and chsarge the eoounties rer tihe empleted addition, but thee proposaIs have net been recpivedfnv orahi-ly by counties counicil. Effo-rts Vo line up anot-her bildIiing -ise 'ie te prod'uce iny resuits la, the paes, When ceunities council mnet at the upening of their April sessii theýy heard a~ recommendation that stait be made at once on a project wlich weuljnd entoil a cost flot toe exceed $400.00 were spending eneugl 'mo-ni the present circumastances t a building owned by the coin The ol<l question of where a new counties administrati, ing re-introduced tbe ec question of site and Reeve 1 of Bowmnanvillle declared ini that there had been more ha mnotions and. amendmients holding up progress and1 want te see more deiay be indecision in regard tIo a site, The Bar Assoc*lntion, he eut, had cieariy indicated bourgr's offer in regard te commodation would flot niees fmi)i ements. In reply to a que »eputy-Reeve Frank Long Hope, the counties clerk, Ker saiid that the court accomai had been surveyed by a~ goý inspecter whe had agreed Dur Associatio-n',, demandiics excessive. Reve Rw 'iTphn it Any am-ount raised -over theý Under chaîrman J. T. BrOn e i gd coee onane buatdin ary for the Mdemoai wii be Clarke Township, a speccilcmlteIwudnVme h aeo for a scheiarship for hydre en- hnd i ooked over the cut building ai emite Mq. saudhr Chathalni ith the view of seeing, if ssacrmte pene a simular buildingwoidýervj t blance sheet for thu Oronpo bel3e ewute5 Offpi " courts for Oto hdsuso f or 1953 wes presented sow INerthuilberland and DurhamN'hen suggestion that a sits night net surwls of$8,35mo0.Buis lnuIthe cemivr r-enor'e at he u-a il ot ndo o centsesso n f coun eije iReeve prykena h on mount of $2,071.1weepid o Ncoi tDal to dclrd(wihinds Vhs se Cfuu- la a blance à MWthe ank ot that ic wS' ie Vhs mtter was ett lih ch stespo .00. jMa tif ,vbecaus rpry crm s J rn fr hsed uiflted tCo- 'e ac- îe re- ght tiiere and1 Vo see any Yi The c( "Your cc Home,a tendent really g( ýd withini a few e geV the gre, on the Ceuni T.. Brown, Clark, Mvay oft- igue acceptimg" Bethany. 11the Lve teains frorti NeWtonviie, ,0 lwill o)pen its ednesday, May il be the visit- year, Wili be npionship of fil act ais coach r bas not been, About ~rnto. -1 1 1 1 1- i-mmmïuàî- -f ý In.