ORONO WEEJJ' Fl'N F-"THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1935 KENDAL Mr. and Mr-s. Ross Robbinis and Geail, Toiroiio, Mr. and Mrs. R. MoCfat Mrn~Pri. Jack Morton, . - yýman Lorn-a were- Sundcay guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Art Roblbins. Mr. ChanrIes qlyldin, Duitbartoni 'sPent the wee-kend with mr-. zand Ms E. Green anid famnily. -Mrsi. Anigus Loucks spent a fepw ~lays iii1 Kingston, visiting her sister,i ?Mrs. D. Smeathers. mr.ad mi-. Roy Spry. Libby andi Peggy Anne were Suilda vistr IV itb~ and MNrs. E, py Sorry to hetr that Ms Roy Bail is laHopial W iher a speedy Leskard WV7.Ak. wajS lheld on April, 2-Oth at the Suniday School. The mneet-SPlN METG 'dViePedet-r.FHyad ing opened with the Lord's Prayer.i* PThirETNGd Vic -rsie F-r. M. E.ln DANE FOIJND NOIMINATED AS President, Mrs. A. Loucks, was mini theé Cntne from page2) eak Corresponding Secetay- CANDIDATE FOR O.H.A, chair. Devotioiial was in chlarg-e Ù1f f issý E. Peafound; Recording Sec- Mrjjs. E. Spry whose topic was -The jLS nebrhi etfiae ere ea - .L. Richardson; Tesr Mr. Dane Found of Orono b as bteen rlead. by Ms.oE. ren: os",Siitr. on 1,rsente by r Sturtridge ander 1Mrs. .-Jobbs. nominiated as a canîldate for zthe u- vres 25 toMrs40. GLifi: "StmJohrship Pins by mrs. 1mc. onites Crsia roHockey AssociekiQn Exeicuti-e. verses -tnees: Christi n 'nlie Associatidn will -vote shortly on MalIn, reaure of om mm rs.E. Leask; Chiristian Educatio,- t 1t ,vas1 decided to hold a stÙ>ery t furaSt preSidentS of Osha~wa 3j,<I. Lee;Chritan eadhp the andidIates tro fil! t.h e xecutive. fesivll Onr alond June 29th n PebyeyW.A. Mis h'tnî {..iJ ihr ei1s s. Te 1pres]ident of the O.H.A. for this- have a wite elephant table I sCe. M ,A. iILe M. .T. Fdbse1aFnancj, . year w-,ill be Mr. Frank Buckland Nwho- Mr.C. Grant gave a repoýrt octe dMr. .C. Ives. allais; Finacer Mr. M. J vïsiuio te Fre Vicor anthiMs district. th odwork that was done there.l, g fieS(fr 95.1: t 0Kis ;Utrs.AturMsoWlelshr-:Mr. Found inis bid to thie O.H.A. Meiesail donated Canned go,.d odate_ 5dntL . Je. TNoîninatidsý aMrs. . role; Par- ho forwarded to this MNissionc ~ eietM.M .Trby;Sc oae r.Hre;Pes r.I.O Bendi- - ros;~'iitngand Christian F411ow- cuiairsthe new -presýiden-t and gv Meigclosed ,vith thie f lt ie eentAdior abr-ief address asking ail fr their' tioni, and aL delicioius lunch was -le ved mr i,a' v ~' ~ ~ ~M A. Crowle; Bursany Fundic, Mr-s. by 1Mrs. A. Tennant and MrS. M. £fmily viie nIamilton on Sunday . ioî ILMs.H.T. F 1lîi se, uprtadc-operation. Thonipson. IrLHaAle sa~ eeting closed with .A tem On the SICkIIEst. isTým obyn -was wloe to the hm and benediction byv. A. H. Economicai Boneless Plate Beeýf lb 33c Lean Rib Ideal for Braising Boig Beef lb A19ec Peamealed Lean and Tender Pouand SwfsBô-fedCountry Style cello Sausage lb pkg 45C Swifts Premium (Slioed) cello pkg. Side Bacon'A b d35c Ta.sty Florida White NEW CROP 5 pounDA POTATOES L49 Ffrm and Tasty New Crop 20 unace bags CAR£OTS for 25 Curly and Crispy Green 10 ournce celU. bags S PI1NAOCH 2 f or 2 Easifirst SHORTENUNO 2 LB. 49c Kraft Velvetta OHEESE LB. PKGIF 31 c FROZEN FOODS Birdseye Frozen 15ounce S TR A W BEIR RLES47C FISHSTICKS A10 OZ. 45e i If ~ ALLEN'S 20 ounce tins 2 for 23c TolePt Soap 4 for29)c ALBATROSS FROZEN6 ounce tins OrangeX uice2 31 E TURE Libbys Taisto 12 or. weet waftr 1 CATCU [JF iekie 2 1 ne -- Culverlieuse Choice Strawberries Beehive, Corn Syrup 15 9UYSIF'dli 16 0 kg 31c oz. 31C 2lb 29c Faste Wax i11b Tin 89c Liptons Chieken Noodle Soup Mix 2 for 35c Brown Label Salada Tea '2lb 70c Y~ellow Label Salada Tea 2lb 66c Saratoga Potatoe Chips 4 oz. 25c Supreme Sweet Reà-ýlish 16 ounce St»kleys Honey 1 z POD PEAS Heinz Baby Foocis 2 for 19c Heinz Baby Cereals 23c Hgeinz Baby Meats 2 for 45c Cainada Spirit or Bîended ïnegar 24 ounce, "L4)c ~oeoeoeoeoeoe< - 0e', ~ cOR Niagara Kist Strawberry JAM 24 ounce 4lc <>'oofo'ofo.eo. NiS'S Rmed and Whoite - Orono Nmew safety, comforf, steerabilify CoMIianlm uon .au tbings &Z Pertatning to the beautirleatl of Four hore. PaPerthangint and Intert Decoration a speelalty. f Crq liamiltons Insurance Service Every class of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The f ollow.ê ing are somne 6f th.e main coverages we can offer: Automobile, Life, Accident an~d Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary, Flospitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Rlail, Fidelity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE IR16 has niany years backing in 'both in Orono and Oshawa. also) coached one chaxnpionshi *Awdry S>ervice Station