'J for baby!l NATIONAL BABY WEEK April 23rd to 3th rok to,the latest items displayed in haby supply section of your IGA re -~ they have been selected for y's welI being and for the time they FTS STRAINED or CIIOPPED TS» FOR BABYS à A Tins 29c 55S 6 large SO's 390 White Fluffy Cookiers Dw 10 lbo* bag 69o Florida New Greent c AD BaO E lb 7c F avourite varieties and ce-ours EBUSHES 5p9c Blda .5C r 16 coz. 33c aitborn Instant 3c 4-oz. $1. 15 pkg. of 50 29c B, ANT and JUNIOR FQODe Proven tlirough the years IGA. EVAPORATEDI Mlilk tfo r BEEHIVE .C, OLDEN Corn Syrup 2 lb TWi27c PRE~OOKD CEREAL Pabplum 8 oz. 21c 16 o0C39C RABY'S OWTN S»oap for~9 FRI Sll PICNIC STYLE (okes Pork S'ehoulders lb 33c Meaty Pork LrUtt fRO'ast Swifts Boueless Veal ]Leg Rst Swifts Brookfield Skinless Pure Pork Sausage Swifts IPremlium .Slieed Cooked Ra'm 6 oz cllo 4% package n Fancy, Vacuiim Packed Corn E Niblets 2 Brighit's Choice, Halves Peaches lb 430 lb 550~ lb 430 FRANKO IPackage e. 14-oz. Tins 33e 2 15 oz. Tins 35c Clark's, in Chili Sauice Beans Wiàvlth Pork 2 for 25c 2 for 25c 2 for 1 Sale! Jeui-o Instant Puaddings 4 Reg., pkgs. 25c FROZEN sweet GRIEEN PEAS sweet KERNEL, COR POODS 12 oz ....... 2 for 4c , 12 oz. pkg...... 21c. ,6 oz tins ...2 for 31c * .. h4VuId Prompt you t aiuo us ini timne of sorrow. We stress simple beautiful services that U~prove consoling to the hereaved. RIARTLEY li. DARLOW FIJNERAI, HOME phre 18r7 Orono. O0-- 1 lhone 18ra Yf1 -I rancy, 2 15 oz. Mik ,PoWderý Tins; 35cI 1 lb pkg. IGA Fancy Apple Juice MM 0 ý ïý',b M e lýlé mi- ome, 33c Report From Ottawa By John M. .aines, M.P~ Fwfj Big Ctýernereune t he roinefor itB pur- The eofeene » anqdur2, nd-& po,,ssThe saine ho)ldt true-fo-r ecor- esia. waýs the big news of last we-ek prtontx and1 this week Otw will be hUsýy1 Distributes Filnds wit~h a Dominion-Provincial confe-ý ence of its owýn which should mlake One of the purposes of the are headliines. ments is to provýide miore ic s 0 A Change of Cimat, watis called the hv-fo Pro- The Balndung affair was the first vinces. .These are the nlon indust aý1 -tinme the 29 Asin Africancontié provinces, whereas O (ntaric andè Que- have joined foir sucb a oneee.A beardfntey the 'have" pro- the start, it looked very cie as j1ices. It hias nieyer 'been puiblicizedi though it would Jevelop into~ a propa- too nirnch, but the thinking is that ganida agency for Commrunist China, Ontario citizens and fir-ms are able- Towvard the end of the week, Ceylon, to pay more incomec and corporation Turkey anid Pakistan anid' a few oth- tax because of the wr provided ea,:soin to be thanktul te iandthe profits accurnulated due to' the %vest, altered the cirnâite cm produce purchases by People situate&t pletely, and Red China was on the die-i ou1tside of Ontario., ai bfor i4n- fensive, stance, lias rio way of collectiig cor- fes eac vrFonoaporation tax.ýes Crorn General _Motors,. Tt 10w loks as though Chou-Eni- but its îiespu-ae)nya- l]ai of Cornmunist China hias been itomiiobiles mjýade ii) Oshawaýv. The sarne pused ntoa cane o hert ndholds true for evuery province 4>u-tsidLe pof the twotwealthhacentoallprarinand we Iray soon uexpect a tmeet.inigbe- f't e o\eit "Haei N,!o ine twen the -United "States,,and Redi eeis11aeNw)s China instead of a shooting war over Ofttawa therefore collects no- Formsa ad te costa islands. an1d corporation taxes £romnOtai This developir.ent plus the propo-Se-d and gives to the provinice of Mani- four power meeting to discuss ar- toba or- Nova tSc.otiat or somre other' Austrianl peace tr-eaty has eased provinice more funds thlan il; coll rather distraulit fefves in 11an1y possýibly collect f1,111 those sources ountries of' the world in[clinig Cn (Continuied on page 5) ada. This of course could chaiure o)vetrnight but w'e cani only hope con- ferences will -onitinu1e ad ifnti. S~ They are far less expensive thian wav-s Provices Visit Ottawa IV1 nesday of this week, the ten premiers i le anid theïr staýffs fiorn alpovî wilI gather, with the federal ministers fo-r the firýst Domjinion-_Provinýcial o ference in several yeariS. AtalO n, ai this meeting is supposed to be a pre- ,Phone.6r ludu to a Ï fuliconferenc.e ini thfilail, but it aijppears nvtbett much Ctk ýet Maker illore Iwi1j ha broughit up thail merely ig Cpor Who Is Responsible? 1 Trimi Work, Repairs etc. One of the itemis for discuission, will be "u-nemployment". A t th moment, t -he blig Question is ~u tain cre of those who are tbie rono Electric and illng o wrk 1ut a' t ~1 IPhone 93 r 1 ed emiployables who for- co1n re son-[ ar-e înot able to draw nepiometCONTRACTORS FOR iinsUrance. Bofh lprovinces and n1 'u cipalities arethat Ottaa süu1d FARM and ItOUSE be rsosbe That would be fine excep)t Ottaw~a refuses te accept the W RN undel nuriheý.bbytheprvneIN wanmt to leave on its Idoorstep). We'll Free tifmates hope for- SOI-e progress in cleario Ï- APPLIANCE SALES up this sit41ation w'hichl to date hani been far fromi satisfactor-y. Unidoubt4 Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira edysost people ia Caniada would ýo al makes o-f Eleetrical Equipment 'agree that every level of govera- and Appliances ment shouild miake every effort to corne to termis so that unfortuinates icas1'1itGr8, Water Heat.r&- unable to find wotýk would have ac- s4t t.e ii.P. cess te sufficient funds fromn an est- ablished sourcefor their basic iieeds. __________________ If the conference can corne te on?,jê agreemient on this particular subject, JIU CAMIERON it will have lbeen Nvorth-while. E AROT Those 1Tax reiext The other big miatter for diýcti~s - 1tre dAct en eadi ill11 h the ta* agreemenits. Al 44 Provinces e*ce'Pt Quèee now rent ou certain t -v filds t Oftw a nd re ceive futt4a in rr-turn. This s stbem LMùn gM&-Dzi mnakes it possible for Ontarioy citi- MF 4r, zenls to fui in 9nly one incomne tax AUl Work Giuaranteed retura to the federâIl government. Phone Orono 1 diii 5 Part of the inlcoine t-axe You pay s Next 1on.ti>Tues J " InEEnémIe"e This Thurs. to Sà' '. Next.r ed. to Thurs. 'The Silver ChaJî.e' 'C-à en 0f Love' A Social Tragedy 4 iiCinemrScol»e* with Frankly Revealed VlRGINIA MAyO -JA(Aduit IEntertaiitent)