BUILDERSI Whèther you- are ibuilding one home or a fiundreti, you may be.neft, by using mortgage foans under the National Hoùsing Act 1954. Seè'the manager of our nuarest branch. He'Il gladiy te[ you how such !oans are arranged. Mortgage loans are- offly o-ne of- the mrany services we offer our customiers at c-y of our more than 680 branches. NI-W245' THE C'-IANADJAN BANK 0F C0OM ERCE OrooBranch, A. L. llooey, Ma -ager 1Mr. anid Mrs. Rbr Stewa the Chest cf S!vEIr-waýre; Mrý- ilton the 'W,11 aa per +! M Tennant 4 quarts Paint; Mrs. 'CochPeeat;Mr.Hb The ladies of the Oro-ýnc Church W . S akd1 elothingonTesa atmno week for- Koreýca and the Fric Misqion in Tornto. This quc donated by the people ocd this CALL N.F. PORTER CHILORENS' WEAR Designed for Summer Comfort and Quality Childrens Jerseys in good quality cotton terry cloth in plain colours or patterns, size 2 to 6 years. î5e-. - $1.39 Chidrens patterned seersucker Pyjamas, color yeilowr, pink, blue, size 2 to 6 years. Priced aI....... Girls short Pyjamnas in plain colorqd seersucker, lace trim, size 2 to 6 years, Priced at ................... $2.45 Girls tissue taffeta Petticoats with binding under skirt of net for gay can- can effect. Size 2 to 6 years. price $1.95 Size~ 12 to 14 priced at ... ....$2.95 Slips wth two skirts ehbroidered over pain lawn lace trim. Very fulA gathered skirt, size 4 to 6 years. Piced Cat$95 Girl kriskay adpl1hnYIDresses, 7 to~ 12 years. Pried at ..,.95c. lu $3.25 LADIES' SU~ME WEAR Blouses in dacron, nylon and cetton, _.14àies knee length seersueker P'y- ail shades and sizes. Prîced $3.25 - $6.50 jamas, white background with red, black and tourquoise designs. .. $3.00 1Ladies cotton Skirts ini permanent pleated or plain linen, eoors navy, tourquoise, sand, tweed effeet, Pink and grey. Prîied ..... $4.95 to $9.50 Ladies Summier Dresses in printed taffetta, linen, priuted cottoni, silks, shantung. Pricd f rom $1150 to $23.50 Friday & Satur4i we4nesday Open Mll Day Cotton Pyjamas in different pat- terns, al sizes. Pricedl $3.00 to $5.935 Ladies and childrens Shoes în ox- f ords, pumps, strap, Iow andl high, wedgie, casuals. Piced $3.95 to $12.00~ s Stere Closed Ail J2ay Morday -t- -- sML Vigo 011cou r Ltd., Reduce the price on ('Fuel 011 -and Stoee 01 Steve Oit 1centsr fi î. Fuel Oit 16' cents per gai. For' DeIivery Phone ORONO 53rI or OSHAWA 510 - r - J.' Pushers) M. I <h-nn~i Mis s Sllroý A1Î eterane numlber of lttegiïl-friends Om Sat- urday to a blrthday pnrty andIce Valerie Mlerc;er entertainy-ed beýr llttl frieinds on Mondaý,y at ber £rha party. ate, ay in Teôxito ith M.Al înd Mrs. Arehie -WatFoii, Betty Ann and Mr. and r red 4hooks ' Oshawal visited on 5$aturd-ny ' w!tht Mv.and1 fieldà-'olitted -witbhtheir Mother and father. At Sud lirMs. J nZiYzbv 'and eNIrnan4 sPenithe tis e ~nd witl spent flic, weekend witli AMv. aîd AMrs. Mi.. and l a-ey \vent tO, Toronto fmat Saturdajy iftelrlool- to attend-a birthday partv gouen in bis honour afit V- bene cof hi.ý daighter andsonin-aw-Mr- andl Mrs. Leatlandi KeatÊ. M(1eeysordI ý ters cf hit~ wthlier buslband, Clinton ondand d'augter Mary. The four graýndcbilren wre pre-- sent Mv Wm.J-.roud and 1bis wýife Brbasa or oib;MisEen Keat ind Bih CaverlJy and Mary J.1 Vounid or Oýrono. A-I kad a tre supper then played- IRIPS and ~vache teeviionandopened the presats.Mis Sheieya nrce qand ohlu fElno i a lso present. Thse Oronn Scout Troop is proving very active ith Athbys passin test- andla 'in leral larin Coutingi over the wek-ndtb cotsPut in-' Ito practice their trailsias vb n o palset out ieatvingsiasto be fûoIlower hy thie secoIn Trtr-oî M.,. Charles Taylor hasý accepted! a Position in Rol-ph's Hardware, Mr. A. McGill is redecoraqting and reoat b is -Bake Shop. Mi. and Mrs. D. G. Mc,ýGee and faiyvisited )wýýith Mr., aN Ms. Wmi. Bunitinig and famiily of St. Wilanre ently-. Wifiners of the prisesý given aa aýst 'Saturdty at Rlflp's 1Hardware Store wele as fohiows: Report Frei ttawqa 1 withint its own province. fil some! proincsnealy 0%of the total. Irevenue is provided hy a rebate from the Ottawa tr-eaau1ry. Tis els the citizens of those poorer poicst ha\ýv e bttelseool and other facili- Many Compications t Unfortunatýely, ftbias ystofm $is not ~nycontecntiolis, it is cOmaîicaýted. Every "have inot" province-(, '.iit hhul ave more money. Quebec re- fssto bave anyvthing to do wvith such an agrýeemeat and eveni Ontirio ap tmtil a short timle ago wvas reti-. cet to enter into the scheme. At presen t, Ojinaio bas ana-renet b'ut isn't too overjoe-ed abouit it. Some W'ant Old 5y stem Ear-lie-r this year, 1 was cuite wvor- ried at thi tais going around Ot-. tawa about canceling the a<greeerts. $everal1 membevs and cabinet mii-« sters were ver-y annoyed at speeches being made by provinicial p)eople, fa- cluding ene Liheral premii, am ing that Ottawva was trying to- cen- tralize everythiiny, These ttw inembers were arguiag thaÏt it \a just abouit time the pr'ovince(s wr forced to colleet thei lown taxes again, because iionc of thern seemied happy 1bout ,thf.ituOtion. This, ofi course, would agi bring in double taxation btit the-se lads feit urovincial goveraments soumaaln exPe1ienceý the unpopularity of tax co-lecting. î don't beli etbis desperate measure- wih appenl. The itibto prin-I q1il atcntr w~tecnlforge~t aboutnia-king po]itical capitlillong eaough te omre to a resnbeSet- them-ent. 'the systeM sol eof ben-1 efit to al Cnaa We'Il have to wi ind see what hL appeis. UNITED ,14IRCH Oron)io Pastoral Charge Rever~u'd jclin Kiiehen Min -~Servie 1, 19,55 at 10 [l tQ ýort Denimi Sanforized, îe asorted c(iolrs, sqizes 12 to 11Shorts, Child tic at back Gowns, Ladies printed criinkle crepe, assorted1i Styles, size medium and large. Each....$1.98 *Sîz 34 t-o 40. Each................... $2.98 Wonder Touch furniture touch up, colors wbite enamel, brown mahogany, complete with birush bottie for................ ....... 29c-. GROCERY FEATURE Special Weston 's Creamy Sodas, plain or salted, lb, box 27e. Gold Medal Pure Peanut Buittev ~~ ~16 ounice jar .. ~ 3c l-e. Sale, Sweetheart T-oilet Soap 35 cents J 4 bars for . . ...... 31c Nestie Quick C1 ocolate, deieious chocolate flayôur for cooa ikor ch1c e t _sauce, 16 oz, 55c,. Sh-irîriffs New1 Honey Sp)c Cake Mix and Shi-rîff>s white cake 4rn-ix............... 2 p-kgs 50c. Stokelys Beanee Weenee, Beanis with sliced Weiners in tomnato sauce 8 oz. tins 15C. iPancake Syrup 16 ounce bottie 37e ORONO- 5cTO '$1-OOU STORE THEATRE .BOW0AIV1L L E gTJURS.- FR1. - SAT. -~ APRIL, 28 -29 -30 gi gGuy iMadisoi: - Joan Weldony The Rai«nbow Jacket' ( Technicolor) IIStarring J(ella Edmionds, the boy jeýy g MONDAY-TUjESAY -- MAY 2- 3 Valnly0 The Klugvs' g RobertTaylor Eleanor Parker g . 7 and 9:15 - - .e*fa flê ~e~oa..eoeoeoe -- DEAR DONALD C. S. McLaren, Orono Coal & Luinher, Orouo, Ont. Hlave been having a bard tinte to get a minu o e-t write. Hanve j been -getting things or9au7î b er-e and still havea' way te go. Arn- wvaieting for a phone callt ügo tlwough rnids .ow, se wilt- take this tinie to write.î11 1 have a defiaite day off here. Tesdays, but s-,o far haren 't i really divorced myseif f oint proceedius here on that day. 1 should very shortly be in a piition to do ' fot wirking very ny nights bhut flnd limpretty weII betafter a days w;,ork 1Bere. seoam~ getting considerabiy m6re sleep e;lt in tl4e rornings thou;glO. I feel well for it. Have gaine.d an un-beievable amuounit of weight, twve pounds. arn now up to 1145./ Our engineer, jisb-MeMiiian. and 1 wenit over te Chzirlkttowsi, P.E.I. yesterday and bought another aircraft.Ilt is in pretty good sha e. e eft at 7.'0 and had inspected the aircraf t before noon. We went into town for dinner and bad a g-ood look around. There is soet very beautiful country on the I.,lanid. Their earth is red. Lt really looks odd te see the fields, ditches àsnd ruaids that cooirand. tihe arS ,ýI~~ ne in red mnud. We dida't get back here and fiished iii 'tihi! 10 o'chock hast ighIt. I went horne and weut to sheep on the ehecster-I field. 1 guess they bad an awfui time to get me going again to goI to bed.i T-I ', If r utnew coil o inhithe car bîttotherwise it i, working good. How do you like tise power steering now that oeit ~re usdto t Have heen to the Y.M.lC.A. a couple of'tiime, here ansd think 1>11 ei n.I P1hone crali hasn't conte through yet se hetter get after the eperate-r again.I Sicerely Fundy Flyig Saint JMhn,1 April 21,1 a - I 1 1 i; 1