J'2JE1 two un- ~aay 10W- - aux ~ius. ~ffad .wcho< 1 1ifre is a boy thare By his actiorns i le, and ha! teils uit he lase Sh anythinigl going cin fora can 1 do? '.mi lythinc for fear in for an and let * epu;it proves youi ara at- *tractive and h schould stimw,- Me lae5i eenesms ta kMW yu *beter. lHe ill autgrow bis *shyness o ne day, and if yau *have beecordialmenwil *he shiould ntrlyturn to Wheln a wif e las givant yeara- of ier lie and lMvetu raipng a fine faiiy, she lbas earned the svsyma'Ihy and appreclation whicli li husband promised 'in bis vowv te,ý cheristi har. IF these ara wçlth- held, site Is b1-Mi ftleed.,, Anne HIrst bas given mauy a disheateied wifea 11w courage teù escape trom such cruzeity. Wriýte; lier at Box J, 123 Eigltaenth -St, New Torndc Ont ta orar I ta hus.. 3ecutians ~d ai tise of vour sx akc tdngs aLatnoi 0% hanlês ansd et ibai you * re raictd ron- any furt-, ~Tbis is the urn you ueed syii-patliy and. kindress IE youir * lusband iUinat give them, ~thinthiese cideny are so oamrud oifcnnatluinAh deecy, rese )supp[yly te Snee. I have no daubt they *fensc Tt Ici deploabe tuta 'wmu *ca-n be ca hartlesýs ta the oane A ai iswsup ed tM4Ume tisemon., ~ES With auý i-ltievaou ttig teehave benuIta commnent con just atly ike wutrweath)erý and snmr h1estrs seera ta hveforgotten ana or tachanges ý,tisai baV e taken place ai GingerFacr as adiec result ai Tippy's delth, 'TÀe first was a realizatian tisatcw mustu ha ve anoi("thar " dog - a wachda.Trie nexi ýtpr.oLeni was thse kind, an.d weata get it, We ihought wve had solved ht by makxg arrangents taý ý adopi a yearold calie whase owncrs had sol their tarm anci ware maoving ta towlu But it didln't work. T1ý, dog ,vc)tl(la mrake friencds ati l sud sitice he hiad neeheen tied up nor aven-i bad a calar on., it was isard ta, knw ow lta baudla him, or hwtu keep hlm tra rn inig away befare lihe gai accuoiame ta usn Sa we hbd ta uetthe yung lad corn sudtake him omec a-gain.'Xe weËa sarrybeaa hae was a tovely dag - if w.e cauld have trusied him. Pe vionýs ta this, Dee and Art, had paWty ' r 2 c. once- Powder, ~ ~und claves, c. seedle's~ butter or M~ 2-71 What te, we ar? 4rn .Y1-to0- b e , dont wrry W'ip up 'a uwtoP or skrirt iii a day vwiti h ibis sewýý- eas,,y pattern! For casuial weaa, 3ew the cekdvrinwîth or,ý wvithout the Peteýr Pan callar. aychoose trhe s.'Coope'd - e conie-shaped top, !Make ýýit J-21a glamiour f abric- 100, for evenlin-g, Send naw! Pattern 4705:: .MIsqes' Mfýate-v it'y Iýzes 1.2, 1(4, 1M, 18,20Se wihpackets, 3 yardes; ¼ ya".rd contùrast, (35) iËIn Coins stamps caiinat beý aepe)for, this patterrn Pin plainly SIZE, NAME.ADRES Send ùorder ta Box 1, ýu'3 E'ighteenth St.. New Trno inig we,,c-ul.-ancile oneIojfg befttr than îtwa. ,Sa now vwE- haven't ai dag 9atal-L The breed 1 have always. wanted if we had te get anAthcr dlog was a' Welsh Cori-but how or where ta gei anea , is te question, Corgis are not taa, camman ini Canada. Wae couldi get a German Shephexal quite easîiy but we are a litte afrid of not. being able ta traâin h pro- perly, A beecwe are sitting an thý"e tance, undecidedwh ther t get, a -p(ppy, a bl-gondo;g, Corgi, a Col1lie or a Gra shepherd, 'n ihe m!YeanjtIme neyba sesttled down: quite hpiyl Torouto, much taý Daveýy's de- libDave lovs taput bathr arrns araýund' Hoirey and give liera ber-hg, wichHaney graioulypermIits. And then Jhey play ball tagethier.. Honey alwasIlave ta play bL.ýL But iba"I'bai s 1ers sud shen hm C', stuck. ian&gý gr4v tU, ext'ra !la the-y Wei 1oi of core a sock ;mf , was iba heîf~?s. GR-R-R - "Tpper" figures he ought to have Sp,ýecial eý,quip- ment if he's- going ta be a pr-, fesina ound-dog. That ex- plains the conic Ieeth cluttering his mrouth. Thea rine-monthi-old beagle wili -dO his houniding around West Safnd Lake. ISSUE il --1955 Ibe needed 1I wenit to Gelhma da.But ae hec.ilferbem rhtaged suId required ecrnr first aid. Partnjer wvsti ed Id been here t cause I1kew bt-, ter than - îeha hï ow haie the partyAline flephone. And be iieve me, ana edûes need a littIe expriece iidealing wvith a party-4ine. Wa ehave also Lhad visitars here( foir nearlIý a week,ç buL.t, obmi ng an ex-ifarmr' couple, thytake tarin ueergencies in, ane the, bird populatýionI is in-. cresilg. Thaeblue barorAs were dIown at the cereek todaiy; a Lanù Iillçdeer 1flew over yes- tarday and a ýiperky titt1e rob-*n is àrnaking liinseif quite at hOMe._, SpeakJng of roýbins, a crepn dent sent um( ti oiginl u ttle poam:ýJ "'No H1ousiXng problem ".He, biidq without plority At haome beyorid the sti;fe S..300your Lcoi Agent-No One Corn Serve YOU Botter or <UNAD LIE, orne. ~y &Wallingten is., Toronto, Ont. 0f C.I.O. authoritLy For himsdf and wii. Ha h!-ops ablout bi eigh. bours' yard To, narke-t, wl'hii bis -wife Flutters about the5r nest tob guard And warm -,the wcamirng Hle. And he the iriouthls are- opened wide 1'or'a&fat Squirmîing mea .Toy an-d s-curity a.bd;e Tthsstraw oicl. Eioner's harp is broken and Hoaeslyre is iinstrungr, an4d -the voices o.f the great singers are hushied; but theit sangs- thair songs are immiiortal. O friena!l whit~ moots it ta thame- or tai us whio gave this epic or that lyric te imzuartality? Tihe siniger Ibelangs tc a3y1 r, s, s3ong ta alfne Tetaphons Et4i~ire 4-3471 I B strtn th to r onjmdàaie leÇm, ra,n Pau('RicIter Zle' Me' wcho tÎhi!;o7 Imrrwpacie nèrai dxa Oefingther4is haf theêfun,.