deurooms o vke l eoratce entrance. Anuljv E. Wl ,tol Dr. HARDW, Oflfl#400f0a.en G IL Go.M of its imd Newcastle on Ilighway ý,. 3,5 purchase of six galems or more of 011 4.t<ur convenience in small qantities fivaliable at the Station Open Evenùîgs anJ Sundays Oro oAnore MIOND4'Y General bsnsFilms Shoting badges will -be presented at this meet- i]ng. Time 8 pa. IN MEI~IOR hr lo'1n'~ mem o ha d and f-ther. Wrti ~-av f ij ye~ 2Tth, 1"50. Ju~t a th~ugh~ ofw~ Just a memor -4 aý ear hus- finton, Who lago April rd true devotion.ý fil nother and N W TO ,.ARMONIZE y,1can getDEEY toilet tissue in your favourite bathr twIcoloi-rs -PINK, YELLoWý, GREEN or lBIA E-as wiell as while. TArd. q e tc for3 Z'::' Ci-0 S e sr fdveng n SOFT LIKE KLEENýEX* C's i t 'ieg TraJe ark Oro.nD, Ont. Phone18 f~PHONE 47r] le peerd a-C El) -.DR.R. J te <ay f- VE Pl, ýeiter Pre- EEI Veteriary, m grt, llo. and instri a-c di JEGAL Lawrence C. rMauii BLA. Barrister and Solicitoi, lJOWMVANVItLLE. ONT. Phona ' FORSALE 75 Cedar 1>ole, Iengt 15 t 2 feet. Any rinbér at 20. Leroy Ham-iiltoi, Phone, Orono 011 buners, i ýtiIing, c a1ning, re- p-airing-, aiso îýfkers dpumps; lubigrepa tis. Proiipt service. Le> -Mutton, 14iLiberd ,st. N., Bow- Containing 20,b O Sey cbpinle or more, 4 to 5-v ra-qo +rees prefez red. Box 93, Ch O ntario.~ FOR SALE / 5 rmtrj'alld a hamlf hOuse- 30' x 80W. Iiiitti(>n limiestne bIock sidinig. FUI] baseiment. Att.ched gai- age ana workshop - IS'x 30'. Har4 and soft water jystenis -4 piece bath. Two and one lailf acres of valuable land in the vii4age of rono. May beý bought as a '!.L.$A. smali holding. Priced reasOnaýe. Durham C.nmurnity AuCY n W. will be .eze& o 4pick up dâ or crippled far nanîmaLL3for aie dispo&-d. Teleph tie Collect, ('I 1266 or 11orouto .EM. 3-3136 then r-all as vo et - Boem nvJl* L~)p.m. Interment 'Nouit Pleasant O TELS - HOMES Cetery, Trionto,- on arrivai o)f 1 Toeim Il ,nsBaht motor's. ApproiýxmaÏly 3.30 >f1. ShoWé gJ. Sinks-Pressure Sy9tens; Surnp ýupps - Comxer & ealvan- Local N~ews ized Ppe and Fittings, E- The total amount- raisedt by thih 'You Pay No> Freght» ladies of Oron<> and surrounding dis- trict for the Bow-manville Memorial ite for free. talogue Hospital Fund lias now reacbed the Li1T1O sunm of 53Q6. Thinls arenoi~t is a few dollars over the total raised last year. W SUet~ i eP LIE S 85 followsa;t'îj Ohairinan, Wi. *Riddell; .Secretary,l pnMena~ W ednesday ..and I S. Bu. Rutherford; Trèasurer,'R. R.Frîday eve;ltîygs. opern ail day WaddelU; Mentbers, Ted Wondyard, .Fi audy B. Tyrreil, Chas. Knoex, MsChater, audyN Wm. Carmait. F. TÀGGART '4pRy Su-RGEfN iediciine3,biologlela runi entis ethlçalI7 lspenseâ. Office 688 Borne 518 JACK REID Auctionoer and Valuatit Specializpi n arni and Fumniture Sales (Consu1t me fori ternis and udates Phone 5 r 18 TED JACKSON -Auctoneer sud Valuatu>r and et robs.naM. vpati comnvteat. witl im et FPM Perny, Ouàtado r tee h le . A. ' E.Morton,, at OrOXI fer date, LIFE INSURANCE Pensioni -Planzs; duratîonal ?ufti.s, Protetl. and Sa$ints PIAM ho Cbfldrci and A*idta@; M ortiat. b gurance Plans& F. E. LYCET ORONO, On. Pborïe 3,r W STAFFORD IflOS Sis Dundas St. P.Wfftby' FINE QUAM MOUMEINTS AND~ Let us ~erect a handsorne, d4p- nifie4 monIument over thea Wt. Iig place, of your Iov.4oe& It's net sxpensîve, 4And MOÏUS £ YOD ~àlJeu ~Omio5 'I e Or ono Tinsho'p Warm ÀAir IIating Air Conditioning Sheet 'IMetal Work Plumbing Fixtures Pipe and Fittingsý Fire Extinlgutshers Repairs R. E.ýLOGAN; Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ont. T'he RUTTER GRANITEg COIMPANY DiaI 83216 -P.O. qx 122 Port Hope, Ontaito Monuments, Grane-ai«ers REA4L ESTATE FOÔR SALE Managed asnd Aplraited L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newe ý-ont. Two ble-ks ok traffic Moni May A. F. puys] ti JOHN REGAN, B.A. Bardiser, Notary Public U3 TeniP.rauce St. Bowrsnadll Ph.uiê3m I - 89C. XE- . -25c. Store Office, 688 Ho -me ssi 'Phone 118'16 Orolio, ont.