FROM4)r beanjs, the (e1au goý refuse bin and we ror- it. Btit e,-in'!p'Y canýs bile ..kLdfèrd a iidy iýL]e fo) nnd, enly b ec-aums e 1he obstrvant Lman . Ledford was empioec(À i-on Jie live-d up to 1N05. Thle 'ine et that une ý,was producing -and set aouLt wr -rii jrough)ly oe-fid tthe wold ý1dWn iii sunset olcinthe total output of cepper. thousands of py oit 1canis Water tram the m ine-wa ,vhic11 hlid be hdnaway Tninmped itoa small stiearn Iby ithe mine workei-s'faiis tisai mearidered 1pasi Ldods Haebugt p scrap mal-i-taiad siacir and the shacirs ef afe eer few heours came1home thousand oüthar people- ali t itli theLoaý,dad cari. whons ere eployed on the j His wfewatries.Hawa minle. spnin -ood moniey :on rubLi- Ledford, Jk ail tibe f amuiiiies bish aný.d 1wh1-at wa le doing ini the rougis miring distirict witb ilti junk? Sinmply Jived almost eniirely on cai-nnd ditch-ing cairtlojad after cartIoad t Soeds. And the countryside for in]to 'Il(e stre-am! But lie neyer miles around)c, e the littie told ber wbatI)ýi lie was up te.c ,,treamr, was lierdwtihous Fer çsixwty days Ladford werk- einds ýof empty caris. ed haà imunil th-e country- a A n c n da cpperbeaing side around Anaconda was Spot- waîe,ýr saaped thase canis laîs; thjere wasn'3t a eau te be for ail efthie twvýe yeaýrs Lu ee, orail th-ecai were rusi- lord livecd next tote i tam ng a tiotem i f ilie Ana- U One day lie chancaed te fisb- a conda irraï n acw ,4Lfdord's tan frem the river. He wýas onl lawiul ,properîy. tise peint of throwing il back 1Ladferýd aaLjc orteitediy, whlen lhe Stared in amiazement watch Il hecrifus Thn 7-t the ricis coppar deposit on- when tlie lease had two days to- lits hands! go, lie sprang te work, bririging Ha ea 1ilz e ha peantial Up the cari nddrading i* he value et the caris eai once - riverbed, ricli with ceppar de- theywer nohirg Iss han posit, cais golden in colour wiih etorehouses for ail the copper- ricli copper L 5imipregnated wauter from-- Ana- Whule Anaconda engineers cod.stood cdumhifouind-ed, Ledford As the caris rusted on the iàhuled ir i-pure cepper to, the iver bed se they wara being value et thousarids et dollars- eounsurmed by the minenra-iadan and offered it for sale eihker te. watar, axtracting copper trom Anaconda or on the freea mar- tise rejeicted mine iiquid and de- kat. Anaconda, wiiich coritrol- positing pure mr.etai on the becd led the market, bouglit ai once. e _____________________ Ledfôrd kriew that he vould neyer get another ]ease from Anaconda., He had made a liaufl and that -,as the end et it. Hae pked up lis family on the day wlian Anaconda harnessed thle river te returri the couper it stole firm tle m-ina, end went off 'o bis native 'Kentucky whera ha boughtalarge. house and lived the lite e« a rich cep- paer 1magnata. ardnals, wears fs as he takes, Harry just hap- :aught by the aused in direct the floodllght Stadium. As tliougb mianaging aÀteaam in the Pacifie Coasi Basahali *Leagua were net tribulation enougli, Maniager Fraddie Rut- chinsoriofethie Seattle Hainiers lias ust lai a $100,000 knot- kola craped arouind bis neck, Detroit, you may be certain, wTas neyer like ibis. Anywayý, as nearly as mnay ha ascartpineçi, sori'-laWest Coast phlanilirçpist hb'as lad a paap- hole eut ibrougli the left field tance at the Rainiers' heme basaetofoperatioris. Tha inci- sion, axactly ore-iabai-incl Ilarg- ar ihan a ragulaiio'n baseball, comprises îlne $l00,0100 targat ai which coasi league huittars hancatorili -will ha swiriging. For tle man who contrivas ta liii, suice bounrce, carem' or auvre-s for Tyke. The run of the I I j s I i r c i i r i I f I t T i I t CAL bas, NA ci fast st hj :-- Rcnsom Jaick!son, Chicago Cubs' third Igers first baseman, Fraink Kellert. Kellert ;tacl into third, but even his slîde wavs not cacher Hctrry Chii% throw/. cian-tily us tuý1ctaaydm MO0 leet Irons homl-e plae os acash bo01unus t $000; butûe taxes. Ted W iliams, whe 1-ot i tlari in iha PLprobabiy fil- uras ha is making is comeuback n tlie wrong city niow tiai bis old 2*-.circi as goîeeand sprout- ed solid gold kueioleos. Wil- .îams, witb is stloriad vision, p-reýbably is ihe only mari given an ouisida chiance et whaqckirig a bal ibrougli the Seattle ciap- board mnina. Net aven WVillie Hoppa figu-Lrae ocomae doser thani Ted. Now iiai uchnonsbal pIayiers are abotte lose tham- selves in thea scrambla te be- corne indcepen,-dantly Nwaalâtliy, consider the added strain the liamernd enicrus,-ted garderi wall places on, the leagua's left i fid- ers. 1I wonder whni they will do to the oifialdler wTho parmits a ball te gait by hlm te go bournd- ing ever dloser te basebal'ýs newiest jackpot-, Fromna nw on maybe Érinks, lnc., will play aet tfieid i-n Seattle. Bonus signs oetibis nature are noi unusuýal in PCL parks, ai- ifough thaernajerity de net corne close te mnatc.1iig, Seattle'-, liîttering cash offer. About the înost a player cari gai for biii- :ing tariel.t the other signs i a tankful oet gasolina, 4 aw hat or a craite oe tsn-rîpened fruit. The îlaie Kikli Cuyier vwould have beeri int-riguad by the Seattle sillinees. Cuyler, who ,vas an otitstanjding b itter dur-, ng lis langthy playîng career, otteri ponidred the Jifiniesimnai differenice in dagrea- that mearit succass or t'ailure inj basebaîl. ttWýliai a gama," Cuyler used el chucirla, " a ailiusandili ot an michi whara the bail and bat cerne togathier cari mean the iifferanca b)etwaane a bit and utst anoilar eut." Bavsaballs have contrivad 'te ,wirid up iri inierasiirig places, aithougli probahly rime bas yet C1Ome te ro esi in a 20-karaili urik of wormwioed. Aitithe old Braves Field iri Boston, wliere hae outjfiaid tance abuis on a ailroad yard, il vwas net un- coi)imecn te sec home runs liter- îily blowri back ente ithe play- ng field by pas.sirtg locomotives. ['bey say Andy\-Pathfo once liii a bail oui et Braves Field just as aP. ariicularly ceoperative îraight w-as passirig. T'his bail heunýceçi once bafora niaking connections h'tside the sabooseü. Bi Sullivan, than Braves puiblicity chatf, iedi- îteiyî loo--kad up tisa train's des- malý,ien wihhaipaned tb ha Mlun-,cJe, 1 rd0. Than Sullivan euî_dly claýim-ed for the mari Pat- ]io tha distincticofet aving hit ha, lonit home run on record. Iuast n a ck Iinibe town etofStirlinig livas a mii iwith li te iosi amaxzing appatita. At hreaafasi lie ikes te knock back tave eggs and a wbohrla ioaf et brai,d. Ha buýsas otbar lbat et braad ior tea ai-d. antle for suppar. Ha dees net lika tea, but mraka-s up for ibhis by drcirking a gal- ion1 etmif par daqy.ln sumi- mer lie iikas riothirig btter ha iban t buy fi-va shý,illings' worih etý salted lierririg and eat ih al ai ana go, know-v, lcail Ha livesia saysblia car IWhe cariPl( iîle to)ha tLie cails a snaec, if calibages, two ýatOes, Iwo pounds toat of bread, and buttei-mllk! rk me~ an 1$ as 4"Cowboy foe," hosiel, heeause lie tfi cl aiançhlady ide hirlm vitb ëaU "Joe" is fiva feet, ight indes llai-and 'vary broad. His reai, name is Vasil Muzyezuk. Ha is a Ulrainian by birth. Nine yaars ago ha went te Britaini, anid being an expert herseman, joinedt a circus 'iri London. Tisera ha fel! irilova with cow- boy suits, and decided. te wear ibamn as bis normnal cýlothes on ail occasions. But his ircus job didi not suit hlm., He cotaid net Lget eneougli tne at. Se hie oed to Scotiand, wiere ha lias takan -werk as a labourer on building , sites. Most et hiF pay geces on 'foed. Moder Etiqueltt Q. ],i hail rigkst for a woman, who is marrying for tihe second time, te wvear white? A. Ne; nor dees she waar a veil or carry orang-e blossoms. Andc the simpiar thse ceramnory, the better taste it dispiays. The mnost !,-nsible wolnan marries inconspicuousiy et home or i churcb, with enly. intimrate friands and relatives -prasent te witnass the caramepy. Q. h t proper foir an engaged couple te mail blrthday cards to fidosignad with both ef their mames? A. This is quite ail rilt. Q. Is it proper te remove food quickiy from the mouith if you Suddexsly find it's too hot te Swailo'w? A.Neyer. In-steaad, takeaa quick swaliow et water. Q. If a mans finds himself seated nexi te a womtan acquain. tance on a train, sol lie effer te pay for anything si-e may buy from tihe vendor? A, Hae is not oblgatad te do se). On ne accouru should lrie in- sisi upen if, if she declines any off ar ha might maka: One et the hailmarrs oethtle socially ignor- ant is one's insisiance upon mai- ing avaryoe a debtor. al, m vo'us BUY Wholesale, WThy Pay - More! Over 8,000 items,ý te choase froma. Large Wholesale Catalog $1.00, extra gift. Associated Distributor 2233 W. Dia.- mond Street, Philatlelpfla -2ï, l'a. YOUR NAME ADDRESS y CIY P VNC Bouke etc. R'ush only $1.09 ta: Kay- Belle, BOY 165, Factoryvilie, l'a. B3ABY CHICKS YOIV can'-t make money out ef egg1s if you haven1'bhepulleLste t lay the eggs. Buly yaur diay aid pulle ts now, Eggs wili be a hlgh p rice this Fat! and Winter. We have al the popular breeda and cross breeds pecial vgg breeda that lay more oanless feed, duial purpose bree, special meat breeds, special 1breller breeds, tur- kiey pouits. iatchinlg every veek ii the year. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CIOCir HATCHERIRS LTD-. FfRGUSONTARIO WVANT Setesneýcr broilers? They ahould lie ordcred ino, . Wechave chicks, mixed; pulletsyl, started Imnmeiateý shipmieit. Wide chaice. iparticulars, Bray Ratchery, 12,1 Jchn NW Hamilten. DO quality chicks pay ofi? We l<iiw ihey do. We received orders tiqi week by phone for 631-300 Iat genieratiorn indian River Cross, Nichais New Hampe and Arbar Acres White -Rock ciiQs fromn new cutstomers wýho placed their orders with us on the recoin- miendation of their broiler frienids ,lie are buyîng our* chickanw.Yeti ton vwlll sache extra mny wt Tweddle ais generation brûller: chicks. Try themn, Breller Folder, TWVEDDLE C}IICK HATCHJERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO HATCHING EGGS %W.uId y.u like te sali hatchig gg every veek ir. the year ai, a prerrium of up te 33 cents per dozen mare t1hal markiei price for yaur eggs? If y'ou toulid, write us îmiadiately, We are ane 0 f Canada's oldesi and largest Canadfian Approved ffatchprles. Apply Box 130, 123 Eighteenth Sireet. N\e\v Toronto, Ont. 9OR SALE McCORMlCI, 12 f tiae, Cut 50 acres. $130 off new p4ïce. Car-mea Bell, Route 4, Peterbaroaugh, Ont. THREE Fox Forage Harvesters and blowars,, coilete witjhpi-u and cor unts. One year wvrrsnxy, haîfe price. O.T. Colemari, New Dundee, Ont. ' GREYN HAIR? Dont be embharraissed by prem1atray grey hair. Look years yeunger witb Kabul Eriliiantinie. Has bAeyisuccese- fully usad 1in Cuba over 50 years; easllaj appliedl will brtng back the niaturel coleur of yaur hais,. Kabul does net stain; is net pa dye. It L s Brilliantine, whose function is te gei rid cf grey hair, Ra-suits withinie weeks. Neces- sary treasment, box, 2 b;oules, $3150. Sufriient for six menthe.lMonleY Orders prepaid, or C.O.D. ecoilect. Satisfaction guarmnteed. Kabul Plroduicis Reg>Ld, P.0,Bx2, NDG, otel MIASONIC TROWELI I' lon,emblemn stamped nto stainflesa b3lade. rmatai capped end5a onrodhandle. mirroir fins. Mini3ture Bible hlnciuded. $1.00 postpaîd. Bilh Hoffmasi, 21 Edwini Place Ne"ark 8, New Jersey. FOR SALE-210 acre farm, 75 work land, nleyer fsihlng trout creakruog peat inew bhank bario. Gaod sugar bush, good hiouse. Hyýdrop. Crap la plantad, Easy terrme, Apply FORREST MIL~LER. R..,McDorialds Corners, nara ROSES ili a wide variety, 11-T. PolY- anihas, climbers $1,00 each. State pre. ference te color or w-rite for pricels. Also shruýtbs and ever greens. Clarado Bluie spruce 18" -60"ï from $2.00 up. lIre. Antoft's Garde, lç enitvilla, Novi [,ANDIIACE b0oars for Feua elvr from aOurfisnported Gava] i ngrid's d1aughters and çdaughters oe' mported Gv]Elsa,' sired by aur Stumptowvner por, grsndlson oif the fam'-ous Bluegfate Polri. rite Fergus andaceSwîne HELP WANTEO ADVENTUIIOUS MIEN! Youý are wai- ed or al ki'nds of high-payiflg wark an 64,miliondolarCan7ýadian ibuild- ing projectsý including great st. L'aw- rence Seawa.y. Direcioryý, Wiih nmap, sent upon rapPlication, $1 postpaid. a n adiaLn CntucinB. Lake GudnQue. ermuda buiams Hawail 697 rBzy st.. 2,en o nt. UT MAY BE POST'S ECZEMA 1SALVE B*ANI4SM Utev trmjn',idry cexa rashpe jand weapng lu trubles. Post"s Ékezemla Salve J31 lnotÈdlsa"P- pityen. 1Lcbing scaîing and burn- ing cez mace. igom ipe enId ifoot eczema wlvi respenrady te the tainflese, odorl-eis aintm'eni, Ire- garydless rai how ssbcnoreela they s'eesaý POSTIS REMMDES PR!CE $2.511 PFER JAR Sens rPottFreé eon Rceipi ot PrIe@, 88 ,uen t.E., Cre iLogqan. OPPORTUNiTIESFFoR MEN AND ,WOCMEN RETIE - Sunnry fMexico! Low l: iving cos-s! Booklet wvith lega'l rqiee ferIlvinig in Miexi -c, l0. . Blair Publfications, 1267 N.M rot a Angeles 29, Ca1lfornia. ATTENTION RURAL REAL ESTATE SALESMEN 1F yuar'e lnterested ýin making extraý ,moniey, contact us raeefg lilinlng rode throughout your tritrLtb- eral commission on ileadeand sales. Contact Pilips Lightninq Rod Co., Limited, 200 Main traset, oon Phonie 01. 4-0273. OFFRS! 40 Mcani e Ites, 17 Book Offereq, 15 Specials, plus axýtraF! Send 5ft now to: î iRd-State Enter- prises, 402½,B Arihur SraSrcs 4, N.V. RIADIO.TV Service - Course. Nevv mieihod. No thaory. Learn by experi- ncGuaraniteed resulis. Com;plet. course, $7.50. Rtadl ervceSchoel, 3502 Mifls Avenue AsiTaxas.-ý -MOTOR burning ai]? Loslng cmrs sioni? Guaranteed "vrhu"treat- mnent, quick, positiva emed. ree amaizing literature. ull triment $49~Aican ChemîïcalPrdct, i st. Jolin, B.C, JONCANADA S IAIO SH GýrelOp tut LearnHaresn Pîeasanj(t. digmifiad poesogo ",ales. Tbousaus i ucesfu Aerica's Gr-atceet System Ilustrated Ut]geFe Write kal B ra rcb"s 44Kirsg St Iaiilo Y2 Ridea ý . ttw Patent Atterneys. ,EstiJlsad {8ç«. 6M UnvrtyAve.. Tefronto D PaftetB couires. AN OFFER 1te ;very Inventer 1Lin di aneninsdmiffi aief'_çcmstlBn pC ËPee. Tise Rarnsay Ca.. 'Reglsteiied Pst- osai Ati0eeys, 273 Bnk t. 'tn* $!.0u TRIAL offer, wnyIledlx persorniI requiremnts. ý, Latest cata- lague Isncuded. The Me &dico ,ýAgency, ox124, Termina "t" Tarajnte Ont. ]REJYUVENATION! Aain5ie1ý Bath Face, historical, practical. N ew book, $2 prepaid. Newer kewladýege Ntr' revit'alizing forces af hasýt. Ssi 'Bath Ca., Allendale, N.J. fEACHERS ATE OTAASepar-ate Schoûl Board re- quires teachers fer rgleand specla1 classe s, Appfly statiing qalfcain experience and name t, >Lasti inspec!- ter te:ý AImeArsasSueiennt 159 Murrey Strýeet, Ottawa, Ontaýrle RYERSON TOWN SHIýP C00. RA PARRY SOUNOD, iSTRICT Reuv5for Septam1-ber, 1955tece fer o. . à 5choçl. Reply, stating qahfcein andalary expected. Please give name ai le1t in setrL.Pearl Thamps'on, Sec,.Bo 245, Burks FeUis, Ont, BiSCOTASING Tehr Waad Gr'ades -8; siate qaliailaexper.i- enece. inspecte;r, Siey$Z0 esi- denaie.ôaewrant.W MiiasIr. Susan 'sa r; SecG eta, ,Bictaig -- If 'you i aci oe dgets a sweepinq "t N N N 'N N N N N N 'N N N. N N N N N -t N N N N -'t N N N - N N N N N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s. "-t N 'N St s '-t N 'N N 'N N "'t N '-'t 'N N 'N 'N '--t --t N "t 'N N '-t 'N N N 'N N N N N N N N N Y 'N