STj- Olie t.11 siçla ta lov esý or let l'ui hav Shah I. .teýl tire feýrgt m e? ie lai and my son gts weî wi ltirhm I an't tell my par- oield, aniic don t v tiem-. l I d ree AINIOUSI» îasid(ceced your situ- every ange,] anýd i ould be a waste ai' moe 0tecon'teat i lI tirat ithard ta canev a0, *rs sa ti oy stuaiontha *ý living -with~ a imnwho does,,- * nat want taj'ive wlti Y-Du, and --,.rte ver itire(, out came, his j*Li1 fii ouldd eetyau imore *than evrtorth geur Zoo Prade!I tJS~~1 Il I ,$2". 654 S!cS tirese irmanid imbridered lu on a czyqulî1t. tirle ga,ittie Thoug,2h ý, Oui ubn oe i Y twen ila om parnt ol O Ugniake or tharmonyî, YUng could neid te tenlisio i *(j wld eit, ad ts efect u on *tI sugg, teyuteitrotr 4mhare antheremasnoîe.her- * pleaant. h ou rereet thetens1on ind thle f amily 1f e tisreatened. if ftus itmttioLl confront.: you, ask Anne HlTrst'u cQunsel. Address iher at Box 15, 123ElgteethSt., New Toronto, more adject-ives mïigir wldb applied., And the reýaSon -dogI anýd ts O t b mrespcf, two ful grawn cats, caelesad leSs ta aur 1k - ling 50 last Wredn-esdy' a iriend andI ent dwnte Oakville- ta t iHumawne Societuy ta see vbrat th-ey had i. n thle nei a wi&aild strays, Honlestl,! i t l a wojndier -,didn"'t cmehome, wit sx dgs-there were s50 may irat wer-e appeajing an need ahae aee, y cilpro!bai)y about t, wa yar aiand a five-mantis pup! andC one paýrt all hoi benSent in ta lie tsajid bnecause tire awner had another dag Ira lieàa! aloviydo bt as e aon wShepafrad reptmitht sta wits fýor ieand tire twaseruleysagan Tire up, heitersrixe aa Mc ha i te arkingsai na2Ger man Shehe -U, 'rdexceptthat. irisýe nase is tCae lng ndi-sar tapovr abi. Bt e a a has appbbuoitd hise f ast ,itswas iter six when 1 go bath ire cts ereid"ne bouse.- Mac cate i f s on tire ru.a U enr twe the 'baksad for-a gois, n ta fi Mac wsfinl just p1ýin curiaus an cme ac taaing as - 1se'asanOpportnit prntêd of seif.S fOr twody tp orpace fenth dogdtr catsandpgtingMac accu$tm- lm eevery tn ahedosr uà have.Rlgirenow e ar i- 1 hed p ira o taey.We ýtmn tie pop0-,e plae rs adoSi uper loar mststaretehi liing as from--- bt ir cn ,.ý,rnotetir deg a and a tbe-eg cat withý' three ki-ttens, anje aiofrchshe1 woudn't MCd.Tirere was aise amankey wbe res-entelJ )ur presen'ce ver- n'sl, nya fewai ire dga erestays. Othrslik Ma, iad beeni brceugrt hluIntire hope a new home mgirt re i und fortem caaalong wth a oce span-IEI that was tu be estroy"ed, I aakhed irer Wht stremte -witir it. "Oh, , natirng," sire ïar- wre."A iriend left it wt meand I o' wn t," Asir spoetie poar lijttIle thrn, i ready sir! up in a cage, laoked Up at us wh it*bg brown sire hd tire heart lo leave t In another cage there wm- a beaduu golden retriever pluppy. whi'ich had evidgnly gatJitself lort.Tire caratker wasqut sýure tire oNeir wauld dýaim ià before very long. Well, tirecountry really ia aithogir fom tr aount i, miud there és araund you mnight wodrif tire gan iiever chlyy ip. Tire crioies arc-,bacIçý elm trees, and tire meadovw !arks ar-e flitting irom fee',0to nce, Andwird v- - au cr firs ish aof rhubarib itoda-y. Oh y'es, atidau mnysterlous .friend "Mr , ia tUrnIed 'up again I'He wants tLa jan etched ,gas.Sary r. X, ire anlswer is "o.Btstli £we 1ihraen't ogatenpyu. Daugr mnd 1 waeespeaking ofyou tire otrer day anJd wneigif yo-u were stilmaousd . , and Aece I naCtI-ced ire potmarkautiis letrcaýn bemie nwir if une irapp-,eustA iebut for a sericewirre even local letter!s take two daya areir tiei desinaion ,IfDaugirter wie me alettr1Iget it nx iorn- ing. If I1 rithbr a ïlt aks tw asJt aCIre 1more aml living in tire cu Try Isuppos islow rmaildelivory cs Om rason- wiry tieeare saWMany og Su,'ch à arausday apd yet thre 'prabs' -pealç afram feri- *whien I haýve ta go tôTasiMb " I'ronî ir e Sirgpa people is drwatie', w vhOaze work in aIl parts ai tirhe Himna]ia-ya iras commiranded treï- utmast respect and amrto ai mn'ountaineers oIai! atos Many Sherpas who hravebere profssinal ounainportera flOW ive erniaesrty lxiDar jeeling, Wich ir 003-y ten mrhsfrom tieir Ihomeçu- try aifSMa Inrobu liMsaure tirey are about fiv c et si incesdep but n-ot bjread cirfjsît- cd, ireneckandsioldcers wvell, whmvrpossible rat'her than the srouiera.Tirehirisdai'ck an çùrr eat ire ,bac.k laain ~~ail, althougi ire Drel and on the long ,Tibetan b otsofduli rePd clothaoe witri hid, :nc cme up ai- motto the knees. , Evîen i n higb camp 'thetrtng I haveý tter, heard en th moni l the Serpa ne Shrapipae e hav hosesatcditFfere-nt levels in difent villa ,aud macve Upr Drd ownacording teothe eesOf seasonîai c4ýrops aPnd gr 11,Itwlltusbe senthat they get nmuch pracIinac cliiatzin. Teirbodlies il-,cor- Vig0 alitude mch il e 'l thanî a U reas-)ns ithe Sher ýpa perfers bett-r thanth thr iimn whva11l)ive lwer "Bt teeis morel to -(ýit than tj hat, I-lic flot'o conIl ïôwugh anld Jfith112 i îso high -pili. e is a £ ~and mependen an, fuil of~sor ces lu his Own way Va v 11lfr andi echod fÈaom ealiest vouth in Shepas çcan, read o-'r write, but, thitie. hnd trade andm ve ment, vill1-e economly anpd ir, most i themn aý -~er ntefligee. R lwa's afteî mneeting lSherppusthati ý 1 zd tihe Jift4th 6f e mard Sh av,' word~ whe J" KMarkledýthat. a veygteat deald of what we c pl educato l(-)a more 'than 'the cu~ttta~a eadirng for eofreceai1f e, Abov'e ail, thie S'herpx afau augh. His sense o!ï huimer "s braadc and (Ilich. ile 1)s ù.hEeruby nature belng'- help lii $nta)jn eer ing whjere condiions re seoflten ucm Il MAY BE 1 ww.u = PUBLIC MARKET-AII buyers may see your stock and bld against each other for ils posses-. sion we«hen >il k offered on îthe public market, On '0 normal busy day, more Iban 100 differeni I5uyersï operate on t h.4 Ontario Sto>ck Yards market ut Toronto, Wben your stock iîs sold hrough the miar- ket, competiion influences the price you receive;ý competiive lidding aissures you of maximum w.ll-trained buyers t19oct for thsem; their first aim le;to 0purchose as cheaply as possible. You need ull ulfe aemntoepresent your interests, teenlmcikt ue ou Ipceive fuli! mrket vaï or your live st0cký 'REMEMBER-The Public IL. Stock Mar-ket la the only pleewher. hlly-qualified isalesmen or* olways *aoable cos your ersnttv. This avetiemnUubihed ie nteresis of th PUBLIC UVI1 STOCK MARKET 'AT1TORONTlo BLACK .BROS,. LIVE STOCK COMPANY LIMITED und MrCURDY &McýIJRDy LIMITED veta OC S COMPANY L Teron