7th creamated rernains of Melita Momnent, daughter of and Sarah Moment, New Jerse,' buied in the r01-o0Cemneter ardaqy, May 14th afternoon. É Seice w'a s held in the Chape~ Rev. John Kitchenofiatn Relatives present trom ad were Dr. and 'Mis- John Morle~ daughters fromn Plainsville, Ne sey, Mr. a11idMsFe Coe, výiile, New Jersey anil Mr. an( Yrank Moment, iCape Cod- By special request Orono 1 No. 436 of the 1,0,0.F. wilI , - Devine Service at Kirby 1. Ghurch, Sundaiy, MVayý 22nd at4 pm. Meet iat the School yvard a pam. (D.S.T,,). Let îus have ai attendance of brothers ai< ±is vieand show our- appreciation o;ý initerest Bio. KitchIe)i has take urLodge. Kend.eal Fife and1 Band will lead us. "For 58 uears I have lhd arnd forf 51 ye2r3 hunted fhiaýý boundles reorationai.- Pr(xnce of Ontarie. 1I(a istartiajmirj grandson o o rt"?Wthe-f hal century of 4 knowyng inybone thit tili last. Ontario'8 olere3 resources are now iii th?, car_ of enlightened andmg% tuztive men, Gel ouI and ènjoij your ehare.» Gregory Clak CGregory Clark jhose eolui-nns Lare read by thousands, is abote for, holidaying ini Ontario. you',il more than ,,agree wvith hijni if you seek y ouionvcto in Ontario this year. What a variýety of tempting resort areas to chioose from- *North, South, WeVst ori East. And what a variety ofplare fishing, boating, lakIýe ai-d beach, museumi and surine, boomlinlg indutstries ili city, n and forest. More than 74,000 miles of paved highway and secondary raspromlise comnfortable traveL. Remlinders of Ontario'% fascin etiaig Ihstory dot the Couatrîside and schoo-book histor becomes alive in its settng. It'-s atnario that 1bas s50 matY mliaried attractions for you 's Y r. A nd, accommodation rates ýare reasonable for a true famil holidahy.cuo eo n jea:géo Ontrios Teasr To, e in' BMI 1* , 5 Lal