nthe sixth Ne.-wastle [ves by Lyc Hopper. It1 Waynie Ba run of the In, which m h leld scoreless in (e Ben Dickenson cored a single run al score to 14 to 10 lhe Orono Pee Wees stili stand secýond place beîng hall a gamne ind Port Hope. Orono and Port e meet this Friday evening at Orono Park at 6:30 and a win by local nine will put Orono on of the Pee Wee League. rento To Be NMecca for Ily- of Masons At Cante unial Event reeniasons from! and Canada delegations of Britain and c ountries as States will join olourful. centen-- ýe Canaelian Na- unds. in Toronto the G the asion1- will marýkIthe hun- rIiversary of tlhe founding mid Lodge of Ancient, Free ted Masons of Canada in ce of Ontario. alher, of Toronto, Chairmran ntennial Gommittee,- spoke "wmonderful co-operation" members of his comimittee ving from individuals and ons alikçe in planing i.-the ig event; in this connection ed, arnon-g others, to the ýnt of the ýC.N.E. il, r«naking ýes of the grounids anid build- aible; to the r'ailway and mnies ýwhich wer-e planning mjjs nndj( buses to take care ge influ-x of visitors; andJ ,ss, radio and T.V. "f-or ýla-ble assibýtance e!-vanjce will Coffmenice with rl'ýlly for. an imipressive ýervice at the .N.E. grand- Sunidayv, July l7th, with )f the Grand Lodge, itself orning- of' the 18th in the and continuinlg for two event is one which not only sattention upon the history of ry in Ontario but on the tre- us growth of the order within st hundred years. Mr. Maher d out that ia 1855, when Can- first Grand Lodge was organ- Lpproximately forty lodges were ented at the meeting with a rship of 1,179 in good stand- kt last year's session of thne Grand Lodge, reports revealed here were 592 lodes with a establi- bwas in ,easurer of tae' n Upper Can- ,y Grand Mas- ned unitil 18171 ,vedged allegi- e of England. ýre were other ree It was in October, 1855, when rep- the resentatives of the somje fort-, lodges ýith1 sebe in HAmilton in ae uldn which stili stanyds at the nrhe~ e-coner of Main amd John Streets. by ihere, the- Grand Lodge of Canada and ett, was brought into being with Williain asMercer Wilson, Iorfolk County judge, iîley as the first Grand Master. The sea- Lodge of Social and Military Virtues vetof Montreal, the oldest on e repre- sented, was given thne first Position teon the new register. However, it for (Continued page) toý t ~IlHARD TIME D N CE WITH PRIZES ALLEN FOSTER'S BARN KEN1PAL/ Saturday, JuIy JI' NORTHERNItAMI!ERS ORCHIF T9ji7 Funds for NeWvSj-4ting Rink Admissiol!! SOc, openlng or its New Between Orono; No, 35 Given away with or more of Vigor Gasoline- and Motor,'Oit At reasonable prices STOVE OIL-for ý I_~ m your convenience in small quantities avaliable at the Station Open Evennigs, and 5Sundays w z, se oendS Incredible but true - this is the amazing resuit of the ever-growing preference for Chevrolet. Day-in and day-out, Sundays only excepted, there's a proud new Chevrolet owner every 4.19 seconds. b u y s You see them here, you see themn there, you see themn àrlu1lqk ' Chevrolet leads in popularity - value - sales. CHEVRLETZ rin"OY W,, NICHOLS Dowuaanvile Oataroe Every <III i;vv (Incidentally, while you were reading this, four Chevrolets were bought!> A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE W5 mýr_ ý mm, n-