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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Jul 1955, p. 4

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n M.James, MP.. 2STOKELY'S HON-EY POD FANCY "Tablerite" lean, freshly nced Beef Lean 1Nild Cure e Rolis 10 I ALL FLAVOURS -Jeu-a2 Irround3 lb49 oz.35 2T5 ns 2 CP ]POWDERS and PUDDI NG;S 3 Reg. 26 niium, slîced or, by piece Lna lb 23c PONTARIO No. "W PÔTATOES O bs, 39c 2Y Plain, Pimento or Relish, 8 oz29 AVOUES1'zý reg -mkm pkg25 17 oz âOv iicl nkcy -- *50z Spkgo3 LNCY, RED h/lf37 ný IGA "Aunt Clara," Fieg Bar- BJisçuits Contains Coupons New Lux PICTSWEET FROZEN FRESUI Lenionade RT Tir.,,Ir n1 Or Beef lb 31c Good on Next Purchase! Large Size 3 c? inS 20 Contains 1lOcIrCnas20 Coupon w Coupon ~Pepsodent, Special 10e off Sale!, Dental Cream 72c GiantAOc Tube49 6 oz. ui Iq Oz 2.Pie 33e 132. pkgs 21c Somne Debate Ilasuits At least threce interesting develop- ments hav",e corne out of the prolonged 'Defense Production Act debate t !date. More may follow befoi7e it is coniciuded probahly withinawek P.Ml. To Rim Again1 D)uring ;the wagigback anid fot, and if ou oul see the Han- sard Verbatjim r ecor-id you would nlote there had bee-n plentyof thaýt, both ithe Piun-ie Minister and Mr. liowýe in- dI !cated on different occasions that they wvould be around for another el- ection, This cmimn a ree enithusiaestically ýby Liberals because the,-e have been mnanly rumiours lately' Lthat both mjghtleve politics for other eds o'; devor Specuflators Bu*' J!ust a Couple 0of weeiks ago, the haills ;were Lbouncing with a choicep speclaton hichLd Mr. St. Laur- ent suýcceedingý Mr. Mýassey, 1as Goven- CoiGeeraiiand Mr. lHowe) Ltalking over. for a year as -1,ri'ýleMistr Luntil a convention could lie called. Mly informiant feit that a convmention at thait tim-e i196, ould put Mike Pear1son1 in as Prýimle Minster ai- thougli Water Harris, present Fm- ane Ibnister, Bob Wnter. Public W orks Min1ister,' and a nlewcomler to federal ansTransportiisterl George Marier w"ouid b Je strong op- ponen-îts. Ncow, since the PM hadie his statement in the b-fuse signifyý- ing his intention toý reinini the rumi- ours mnay subside for, afew inuoths. Drew Wl emain The enlergy displayed by Opposi- tion Leader Geoùrge Drew in this de- bate is also -worth noting as a signi- ficant feature. You xviii recail that last vwiniter lie suffered min attack of1 mieningitis which before the daýys of the 'anti-.biotic' drug would probably haemeant L is deathi.,Duiring the de- bIate, lie made two speeches, one o)ver three hours and a second* one better than f-ouril with ao appar-ent. fatigue at the conclusion of either ln addition,1 Lie united lis forces heidhlmn, al- most compietelyl, in this battie fori the first timie sincc 1 have been a miember. There was real enithusiasmi la their ranks and indeed, there miay stilil be when you read thlis because utlthey cuu on Monday fn one ena say if they plan to continue thelir struggie indefîinitely. HwveI wvouid thik ha"t nwthfey have won par-t of their demuands they xii prob- ably decide to forego further fui bustering. The point 1 arn trying toi tnan1e is that there appears to be lit- tie likelihood of Mr. Driew i- eaving, the Conservative leaership unitil af- - - -- ------ 6"Something For The Birds", W"ith 'Victor Mature and Patricia INeal "Nà'rrowlargin" PREE C0311C BOOKS EVERY ter the niext election> Splinter H.1eads Reniain M. J odei leader of theCP" and Solon Low of the Social Credit group have give no init that they wilfl be retiring, aithougx at eu im ni it wouid nlot have ýsurprised anyone ai nfoueif the Primie Mnitr n vited MNr. Coldw\ell to the Seniate. It Could stili ha:ipen. ~Ai~raElection ResuIts, Ot1~ piL:s11 the Common101s, esp- ecaliy the Liberals, wPe r 3,C-Jig te w,,ith the results of the recent Albýertzà provincial election. For the first t-iie, lsmial chink lias showed 4rth So- cial Clredit armor aamd they suffered aà considerable reverse. They wereý re~- turned to power but now have an uýop- i position of 24 agailist 37mmhr !TheLibe(,rals jumped f ro fý Our sente; to 15, defeating tliree cabinlet mn- sters in the process. Attorney Genýei. Maynlord's defeat must havebena severe bl'ow because lievas the( only (Continu!ed on page' 5) Orono Electrie- CONTRACTORS FORk FARM and HOIJSE WIRING Free Fstimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guiaranteed Repaïras to ail] makes of Electricai Equipwme and Applianceâ qi as 1Motora, Water Heateru, R-Iii- .StoveR trou&. Et, ELECTRIC and ACETYLE-NE - Cyli der floc and Heado Welded SP)ecializing in ALUMJINUM ,rAND ZN B-ASE 3METAL ORNAMýEiNTA-L RAILINGS FIRE SCREEnS etc. - RWork Guaranteed JIU CAMERON Phone ORONO 1 in with Johnl Wayne. and Lana Turner Next Wed.-& Thurs. The Liveliést Show of the Year 9SEVEEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BOTES" and Donna Reed "Watch The Birdie"ý Wi.ýth Red Skeiton adArlenie DAIl leA~A ATO COMING -- Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday The Big MGMI Techiiicolor Comnedy with Music "NEP'»TUINE'S DAUGHTER"Y Starring Esther Williams and Red Skelton With Char-les McGraw I and Marie Windsor I MON., TUES an~d WSD. 48 oz Ç Tins$10 - «F GOLIJ SE&L FAý Am Sockeye 2WJE-fC ealmon IVAXWELL HOVS 23~ instanÇFanmiIy 2*.7C Coffee Size'11 FýOZEN FOODS IGA CIIOICE Apple Juace

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