cular lease formns for both cash and About 17 percent of alIl Ontario sha-'re rentais. faj-nis are rented, either fily or in The pnactice of renjtinig is impor-t-1 PRal Arrangem et forefYour ant, s1tates the circular, because an Arrangements foreas ng-nuinhber of fairmiers have Farm", prepared by agvicultur-ai ec-Ifontha tit their farmi-s -are too Sniall1j PLANT AT EN- STwiIightFrield Meetings g uururjiSoil And £rop Imptoveinent Assocition Mon1d< ,JIIIy l8th en Marshall Fallis Farm g iize xeiet alWetadOt.M.KnFliFedILLBROoK R.R. No, 3, Fallis Line. Inspectioni of variety and fer.lug flCrops Branichy will dîscuss these expenimnents. Friday, july 22nd on farm of Garnet B. Riekardg 13On No. 2 Rihwy/2 miles east of Bowmianville. Wheat experimenlts'41 seven varieties ,of5oats, grass plots, tour of Rickard farmi and J. T1. oBrown and Sons anm Speakers - Dr. D. -N. Huntley, Hlead of Field 13Husbandry Department and Prof, W. H. Waddell, Wheat spetialist. g ~SOUND PICTURES AT BOTHMETNSf O Ladies Cor-dially Invited Lunich oPresident Sec.-Treas,. ORalph Larmer E. A. Suzmmersg For Delivery Phc ORONO 53r7 or OSIL i 1.a additioni, the jia estlnenýt ' g 1a0ta mn yo ung men difict o btin suffici;ent Coa1sequeti,tbey can use wbvh tai thley av frmabier stock and rent4 a fan.r Thene iothiing wrong wi gsays the cruaprov id cease is stsatoy asom-, on this cnietwbere fan i l-:e f'ans are lrenteti. ennggives ayuhnare hactoget started farming oni his own aareas where both land values r Jamincomes ýare hbigh. A young farmr wuldusuilybe b)et.terý off t( rent a goodf nanýI puit bi2s capitaI int*lvestocek an-d machinery than to mae ia, down paynat on, a pool f ,"a and net have nmney to buy the ivsoc-k and mcb li e needs. The circualar points out that th-ere are two como ypes oif rentai an- rangeents shar renais 'and casb ren-tais. -Under ,a share renitai, the 1aindIord, and.0 teniant receive specifîed shrs of the fan income. Share ren- tais are most popuIar iný the cash erop rras of the province. The landordl -.nd tnnshaethe nisk ofcrop failure or the advantage of bumnper crops. Under-ý a cash rentai agree-menit the tenantMpay a speeifid sum foi th!e use of theindandclbuildinIgs. Mos cah rentai's in ntaro ae on (Continued on page 8 Vigor DiCouLd o" 9k'and Stove01 cents per gai. Dme AWA 5-1109 <-s 'Penfounti of Oshawa. Mrs. llar11vey !'>ranton anti baby soni of Wý%indsor speait last week with Mn. andiMrs. O. Cowan. M.and 3,rs--J. W. Rickaby, Toron- tovsie ith Mn. ati Mvrs. Hlebei, Souch ,Satturdaty ev7eningý Miss TJean Tmlnspeat iast vweekl ia Lýamulton visi4ting witb Mns. FraakiTmblyn aad fauy Mýiss; Cathie NwlCavanm, spent the week-end ,vith Mn. and Mrlis, W. and Mrs. NilPoter SpeatSuda wihMrs. E.Oliver Ai'. JÎinl - iver, B,,baygeon. iastwek atr pein seea weeks wsh hn d (gher ns. Ilunena Mn. flnter ati fmlyi Lakfied s Mn. -ad na. enoyflamilton hbave retuned .roma vacaltion at "Tbe Wi]ow", on'sLaadingonRice Lake. - Mr.Roy Powers, Sca,,rboro0, vsite(i wavth IMrs. C. L. Pwr and other fnientis in orono., M.anti Mns. GeýorgLe Feustený, Susan' ma Jiri of LiýtCowei are vacatioaîng wî'th fnienda in Orono. Mr. and MUrs. 0. W. Rolph, "Mr. anti Mns, Carl Billings attended the Woodbine Races Wednestiay eeig Recent v\isitons with MýrS. T. J. Car- acadden and fmiywene Mr. andi Mrs, Nornis, -Mris. Gordon Bootb, Mn. andi Mrs. L. Stevens anti son John, Toronto; Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Pik, Newtonville; Mrs. John Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry and Darwn Manie, Orono; Mfiss Nellie IlulI M. antiMrs Bent Thmpo 1rM. anti Mn.CIl Tebble, Mns. Ella iThionapson at r thun honisonKenodal. Pupils of M11s M.H. Stapies, wh'o Wene successful at the June Examnin- ationis of the Roy' al Consenvatory of Musicý of Toonto, h a Bwman- Quantnill 76% ; Gn. VI, flonouns, Doris Matiaý 70%,; Gr. 111. lst Ciass Hn- ours, Fred Grha 2%'. Theory-Gn. 11, lst Classa Ilonounrs, Jýames R.,Pllard 1,)51%; Gr. 1, lst. C1ass Honjours, Douglas Lycett 9S1/%. Report Fromn Ottawa (Continnad from pag 4) -qualified lawyer in the govenet Party and one of their top men, Revive Ontario, Issue Once the Defence debate bas clear- Pd the air at Ottawa, there wil stili be a couple of contentious rmatters which could take sorne tinie. No doubt Summer DressesbeShheosrhortsDemp la n ee.a&~t n, Conevaiea wil COTTN DRSSE ~- il ood tyle an matr- ieDr. McC a ngleh unie on the W »dis. R um RÇEfo .Na42o$1.5tvion aRvnu le picites and pro- CC rty esehe 15 110 unl ae sone SU M iSADlSr -DfressestylesShoresoinein frong thoeeinforect from Sies to . Pice.....$225 nd 295Al.pordtion, hCNonral Defsel COTT N D ESS S -AU ood tyls ad m ter gei ates, t h tinon Hth C iasck DUer o ryonlEg. $4. ....S$E.PRICE $1.75 defense, Vetans Afair oiad pother Girl' KrikayCham ray n P nt D ESSEa-s ellas thrugh rioanaly i o ro SUl3difEReSn tlS ie etsye oeos 7otingsioon to coasideato SALE PiEs fo 9. Pr,......... $.2 5eando$3.950 ok stog h lue fPs li me t hwi ot clse rth s se so Women' PEDA PUSH RS iii ood qali rpppoutiryose of. the einaldofe.Juiy grey ON ALE OR O LY j.,....,, $3et liath the 205amtroain for t- MNLON RLOUESTS IR -- ilWohite R elr- < Wefa te pwe eibschnged cioil $4.95 t aon.95SAeg.PR.9ILCE CE$1.94 a humiscorernto fijadorelieb f t,atmos rewipoeb we andy speecies Chilrens C TTO JER EYS ~ r painwelms aithropen wans s oto rs withoutskaustificationndthat OtDaEaSis noted as on of tbe.bottest citesei 'SizE 1PtR6 Er. SLE P'CE 5c j( .t $.5 %-'nCaaas djuniJlyth AgusofP.s Women's PSHORTPS, Gl»rin, Cod uoy and - it Men's Tery Clot T--SHI TS white with bie or Orno Past r gre trON SzE MFOndRLON SLEAT..$3.95 -Cainrg t to Revetire2:0 the ýve J ohj e n gitche n i N EYL N B O S S alclrs nr c-,R gua ý1wuid (oilL o loele SUNDAY, .TULY î7th KIRBRY Service at 9:45 Suiday School at Il ORONO <se wice -t 11 threhain ben n aa9f any sc-- fin'es werecaetbyigtngth 'esýt bY human1 IlIlCare1'ýlesaneQsaS. Itis dnn r ie uha prevnt tre tartIng of ha ou possibly be a seiniouis fine. This SuM-I !ner- lias bjeen very ,-yrtoaends a eutthe bush is rpidly ,approacb- Petticoats, Crinjolinje Stylje, iRed stripes, sizes s mnall, imed,'ium i or l'arge. E ach Aprons,"Ladies Print Coverail with Bib.....75 -R egitrei193Q tis. J. LE. Iich&itds, Bloses Lai~' Asortd mteralStyles and oos.Sizes 12 to 18. Each............ Skirts, Ladies printled cotton, assorted patternis and colors ...................$9 Swveater-s, Ch-iildren's Cotton knit, short siceves r-ound neck, Davy Ci'ockett stencilled front .. 9e- Pedal Puishlers, Misses inien Cloth-i, different styles and colorýs. Sizes 12 to 18. Each ...... $2.98 Coffee Cups and Saucers, lar-ge Sei Porcelain 3 colors, yellow, blue ann green. Normialy selîs for- set 39c). While they last, set......... 29C GarOCERY FEATURE Dur prices Are -,,UfweÊr Jello Insta 'tPudns Assorted-flavours, prc 2akages............. ........3 Stkey' oeyPod Peas, 15 oz. tins, 2 fori, .31c Peanutt ntter, Gl e 1 ipound jars....35e Snwlak eSho n'l-ing, i lb. Cartons......... 25e Margene Mar-garin, 1 lb. cartons.......30e Lyoni's Coffee, Regular Grind, 1 lb. sealedl tins 99e Marmalade, Wetheys Orange and Grapefruit 9 oz. Botties ......... ................. 19e UROuNO '5c- To $1'.00STORE t) THEATRE - ftWMANVILLE FR1 AY - SATURDA Y- JULY 15-16 (Technicoor) g 5 RLING IIAYDEN- YVONNE DeCARLO ZACHIARY SCOTT DY CANOROSS ELLIOl' Fniay:20- Saturday 6:30 and 9:15 1Fniday Eve and Saturdlay P.Mv. --Chapter 4 of 4'POINY EXPESS"' o MONDAY- WEDNESDAY -- JULY 18-20 GARNERCIIR SD RE ItRS~16IIMNyo UGE",CE SANIDERS LAURFIN(R Mp f 13PRESEPNTED SV WARNFEn; Time 7 and 9:05 Starting Thursday, July 21 "The111h and the Mîâety9e cents per gai. 1 L=