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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1955, p. 1

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iachers I 55ed condtitoIs of the feeling that z have tVo be formi ion centred on over hs court ar tor the park and its upkeep. The-( ' oken pop bot- iured that the, Boý 1parùk gener ally. Lo fix Up the cou] eaof the swings, any as a danger- %vas in this area yed. IV w-as felt irbed as also hs les. Steps are toj epractices in the orted on the V o July 17, Mis amiounit, ly less than easûni-s wsre use of the oTrusteý A requs, chip is prov The project of blechers for he cases. bail diamond camie up for discussion Repair work ani here it was decitled Vo have started the lattE twslve feet of four-tier bleachers on with the section each ide of the diamoad. These phione Office ani bIeachers will hold about Vwenty-five of Mill Street Sc spectators and wvill cst approximate- The Trustees bo ly $2ýý5ý. t waa aoiso decided Vo con- w-alk and curba struct five more picalie tables and Mlaini Street ant also a platform for swiirnming les-,pairsd. This seci sons. Froste's Store s NO woImprtant Dates September 9-10 Oromo Fair Two important dates o be remreni- bered are Septemiber 9th and 10ýth. IV is tbiat at- this tihne the Orono Fair will be heid for the year 1955. Wi th its exhibita of farmn produce, live- stock, domsstic work, flowers and ,plants and imany others, hs fair does hoid interest for four Vo fîve- tho)usandl every year. Entertaient sa noV oniy centredi on exhibits but is aiso providsd froin. such features as haraessa racig 1n special entertainmeint before the grandstand.1 thne JLakesorE Swmns in a hot s ie since laý gaine playedi favour 6 to 3 ýh on Monday p Bowmnanville ýY to 8 score. B( niine innings. 1 the IKu her min( During Vths p. Engineer of thei ways bias run problens bave the village. The iiitted at thes ing on Moiidaý given speciil L Street and Vhse area. are the backbone of the faip the hope that miany aýewe will tae advantage this yeai pets in soins of hs classes. no0 difference whether it hea of carrots or f ancy work classes vary to practicaiiy ev connected with farrning andt Prize Lists are availableJ -IAWA Grounds 0f L At the police court, Tuesdayo last week in Bowmanville Georl- Moore of Toronto was acquitted of charge of stealing a power snv. (re -tail price $113.50) froin Roiph' Hardwar,e Orono, on the -round o insuf ficient evidence. ýam e played in Oronio on William Carmnan, the ciei'k in the iy-was one of the better store at the tins of he disappearance gaines of the year on he- of the saw, statsd that he did not se- amund. Consistant bail was tually ses Moore with the 20-pournd by both teanis. MVike Harrison saw but that the accusd an~d bis the satire gains for (Jrono conipaniion were the only ones in the p seven hits, and two walks.t store at the ine. As Moore was leav- Jones went the nine for Boiv- ing, Carinani swore that he heard e with Oronio taking seven something nietal clink under bis coat 1four walks. as Moolrs was paufing out the door > of the store. Carinan did manage Vo- hrome Dean West ree when he Orono's first he drove out lien Hooper of on a play. a single ini the csecond on a catchiag error on a, Orono's total Vo )rd in ths fourth e by Shetier andi r by Hamiflton oni e six.Vh proved Qrono's big inn- at bat wben Armistrong, Shetier Wakeiy ail crosaed Vhe plateo Ila this group of scorers there threpe hits and two Bowniianivilil liaghe-r and Hoopsr brý nanivillesstotal Vo thres ir Lh when GaIiagher went Vo fielder's choice and camie lonoe double bv Hooper. the fifth only to lose it in tnse e when Bowniantdlle wsnt aheac Vwo runs. The gaine was act won by Bowmnanviile in Vhs firs ning when four runis eountetd o * ur its and errors by Arist and Mercer of Orono. Botb teanms scored singles in seconid, Dadson for Bo)wmai when Mercer dropped his bit Trawin for. Orono when lie rea first on~ a fielder's choies and home on Raye West's hit. Oronto camne iintô eeornet l The Orono credited them on Saturday, they played this featuret their opponen even to eight played the vis running of th( Ross Tamblyi game4 gave Port IHope Vo Wayne Bail Orono throug Smith fôr Po< port Hope scü ites after it was sto a police line-up on Vhs aiieged robbi accussd but another mani wtXQWas henuit merely added toý the line-up which wmentlj contained seven men. botaide E- J. Murphy, counsei for the de- for Orono fense, pointsd out Vo ffhe magitrate in Port Ir- that thers was no definîte evidence, the hree had picked out Vhe wron-ig in his nain Pian, there was no identification, the Magistra ~ecused and the licence of the car that there which ia 110w in Moore's naie was flot Moore was fhillipsm-McKenna was St. Ge New'castlet Maureen McKenina, daughter of Mý and Mrs. George Mc(-Kenniia, Oroni was wed te Ralph PhïAips, son otf Mi and Mrs. Hugh Phillips, Kiininouit. The bride wore a. gown of whit Leinbroidered net over taffeta wvil Lnmatching inittens. Her scaliope cro-wn heid 'lier finger tip veil ar s carried red roses and whit daisies. She was attended by Mn Robert Forbes oif Toronto Who wor pink taffeta with meétcibig flora halo and cnrried piak swset pans an white 'muins. The beat mani was Mr. Brandt Phi' -lips, brother *7. Rsceiving- nOrono, tVhs Idress of hhu After th ouple iefV Sta tes, Vhs hampagne Featured la a 40-minute stage ahOw lin'ths ",Aerodoirne" ent, oniy Vent cf:' 4ts kind in exi'stence. IV il Construicted like an inside-ouV uin-' brella -,\th the ribs of a-luminuin on tIhe oitside and ths cliver, plastic- coazed oanvas,,suspenided on hs ini- side. The resslt hein,-g a manioth et conmfortably seating 1250 people witfi, no i-ires, roipes or aniythiigVog obstruct vision of the shows. Here epectators mwli ses -hs "Cold Stove" tlii t - nver eVs h(t, thie "Motor that Rum c- ~ Sunhcîýe", tVh rop ofe watoRwth a bang, ancV Iany ther, dynmic den trtin ,of rpiress ~'hd£tnôspereis hat~ ~circus, I1 hs Parade of Progress visited Cý" p ývth "blg to" ad de- 251 cties la Canada, Mexico and the niPkt top" tani 1 'l nited States, and bad more than shoW~~it~iiVway e mae upo %. a-id tins baîf million spectators Vweive " î~fli~r"whose ides open J twVe. -- edÎVion of hs Parade oolc to forin aag ýanid marquses where The insw A-pril, 1953 anda atèr one can see denýionstrations on jet.I Vo hs road In,, th , Sates and 5 propulsion, "The Miraéles of Heat visiting 97 cities iý, jj~ vee atrd Cold, Eaergy and Man," "3-D1 cities in Canada, it b asý' vee ;interest Vo hs ladies are exhibits on - modern refrigeration, "Around 'Vhs Purpose of hs Parade la Vo s' Faninhouse Clock," and eggs beingihx cec n nutycmieV fried on a stove that neyer geVe hoV. con rib te Voo ur high standa-d tof Always a favorite Vo young a-ad old Parade of Progresa will t inspire alike la "Old Scout" hs19»2 Olde- Young people Vo work owards an mobileý that wojn Vhs firest transcoaitin- even better toinrorroir. entai race'iii 44 days. 0141 Scout aVili runs and aith-ougli Vthsoperator bas haais Vthesisxt, city Vo be dlifficulties every 110W and then it 15 visited by Vhs Parade of Prog-resa onl alwaýys a joyous miomienit when shelitVC curr-ent Can",aimntour., MonVinai, 1)putter1s tVo 1if e iga;i]. Ottaw\a, Sudbusy and sauit Ste. Diuring its tour before World Wr arecopltsVseaced'ule. In theVtop oftif Vs inttl 1(r' i camne close Vo tieiag 'Vhs score wlien a as bit by Arma Vtrong iras going for a home rua oniy tVo bit a post and fail Dian short of its mark. junior West in Vhs d ninlth fîrat bit a double anti Arin- the strong followed with bis "mould-be- ut borner" Vo puit West home. Armastrong tpl receiveti only a double for bis ef- forts. Harrison pitched Vhs entire gaine Vh for Orono while niound dutie -s for shne iw1ewas shared by StainVon ùsf and Sellers. - ~ ~ ' seve: __________knee CHANNEL à,tý thun -- lace Plans ~ beer, imade Vo, report îg havln e N'g lis Wln01 o secol CBC radio and telse, V eragsIa v Although snedoubt sqilha- I , over Vhs acti a', date on w_. m4 [lyl w'ili swý, tbk-e CBC bas TI, plans Vo provide è,extesîve cVi of beVhyo'n- Ca, a-egV of Vhsehrnl amnbulan,

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