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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jul 1955, p. 2

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1fryvaJa. . iUi UVJ14atVUr cge n - rutr wsarea dy been in use across Lake WilI Be Safe trutur ws Cerongsîce fl6. It had b een The ïew bridge wiii be sufe, 'but Sin Canada, buit in sections to give it flexibiiïtY, it wil! be just a bridge, not a color- perhaps the and the sections wvere chained to- fu atraction like the bridge of cur- neiancn-gther, and each unit anchored to the ses the bridge that floated even bottom with huge stones et the end Long flate Th tbough it must have been water- 1two Peter- Th construction was simple, two Work was started on. the new cause- lips, Harvey inch planks laid crosswise on square miles north- timbers, and pegged into place with vay a nd bridge !8 months ago. Arm- city in the wooden pegs that swvelled tight fin strong Broters Com-pany Ltd., of ing district, the water. veayp, n HailtthockBridge ocase ned Pgaon- The floatinig bridge wvas about 16 Ltd., pr,)vided the steel struture and hrogh hisfee wi -t one way traffie artery erected it. Pîers and ail concrete work er from the and if by chance or perversity two wras ~done by 'Peterborough County nd the Guli cars met going in opposite directions, workmien under the direction of Coun- om the ala- then one had to back up to the end ty Engineer Jack iCeane. throuagh a of the bridge. When a car drove do'wn Th eateto rnport paid the tona- a planked ra mip from shore to the $99 000 toar ste ot of the ne _no ae floor Of the long raft, water squished big~Cs fterc u aet up between the panking, w ich was $96,dge. and t hef Deprtc ientromeHigh not more than f ,our inch.Ies at mnost c9,toad h eatent of tht a- e had been above the water level. ways paid 80 per cn ftlt arger float- proximateiy $77,200. The remaiuung _________ if a brisk, wind wvas wiwae $9,3<>l was borne by Peterborough broke across the bridge floor, it was Couty, eight elevenths, and Harvey itreas, ium3r, goovedi by tires andTWfSIPtb'elvnt. - broked n erDtic or fast ~iig The steel spanl is 300 feet lOng- SThe railings were made from two by -witt1iza centre spart of 200 fe n ffour planking mierely a guide and -not tw fifty-feçot steel approahsai Sby any strength, of the imagination --------- a guard rail. Was Short Cut ~ j But a't ieast it was a bridge, a ý5;ý?;c short cut for farmiers in Hiarvey à. ToWnship, who wouid have a round- about 32 mile trip to Peterborcough SCity instead Qf half that distance had ihtl the bridge not been there. CLose to the Ennismore Township wt h shore was a large section which truck fe urefa- ~could 'e be swng open by means ef id s btrcursion boats, ,leeük cruisers fromf :complete vaios9Sa! ,and lso oruthoard ays yourU pow\ýered e(raft. This is nvgal [ wtewa, nd the Dprmn of L~~ Transport kept a bridge tender there 4 L tJ durinîg thie summeit(r nmontha wbV1en a-A EEA ý igation was Aopen.A RR îR ýTÏhe o -yreot ver thlepasn 'Iof the o0L ek wilcone cfromtor V"Is wo 0loked on it asa, arty'a ~ocPO~' oddity, something to be Photog hd ______someýlting to brag about.: The stran,-- Between Orono and Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Vigor Gasoline and Motor'OiI At reasonable prices STOVE OIL-for. your convenience in sniall quantities avaliable at the Station OpeUNEvenings and Sundays '-Op ~c Tru c ks o n onyjo'by ie most advanced eatures the y las ever seen!1 MOTORS VALUE Only new ChevrofI.t Tusk-Force trtiwks bigyou ail these truly modrndeig comIpletely surrounds the brlng sideL windows, reducïng pos- arnd engineerng fetures gÉyj sibility ef braka. A ie view wrap-around rear wia- Th.yr. ti. mrks a ~~Ip~~ tr<k, dt is avadahle as an extra- Theyre he arksof moerntruc, ad cst ption. Feeh ar ii l i knds of And thhy're the enney-moking, velh Chevrolet's InCw iïl;-velventilatig mnys.vlg ov.n$g.u heto.k "irough îouvrs at cowl question: Con, y.. recit f.d .m eyleel. That means air is con- stantly circulated through y.ur oext nMw tuck a Che.w.kt? the cab, regardless ef disa- J.,ale nfosr v.u.aiI grecable weather conditions. en entireIy uew develeprnent in truck design. For the first turne i any line of trucks, Chevrolet brings' you two styling treatments. Two dis-. tinctively different desigs- one for light- and mediumn- duty mnodels, another for heavy-duty jobs -- bath clean-lined and modem to the stnallest detail, Here is styling with a sneaning. Styl- ing that's miatched to the mode! and the job. Th4 Waest in cab comfort ond safety. Inside you cati cout on the same ultra-modemn ituch - softer scat action thlat reduces drivýer f atigDae, a new instrument cluster that can be read at a glance, and more durable construction througliout. The new Flite- Ride Custorn cab features ihe extra cornfort of a foarn rub~er cushien and harmon- szing two-tone inside. Out- side, brighit jataI snoldings and new two-toae color options. Customi cabs set whole new standards for comfort and convenience. New concealed Saifety Stops. Ru..ning boards are ancicat history now. Chevrolet's new t ~Safety Steps are out of sigh t with the doors closed. That way, snow, ice or mudi can't collect to cause accidents. Safety Steps are lawer, too, for casier enrance. New panoramic windshjied. The windshield alone bas 1000 sqiuare iuches of safety glass to give you a wider, virtually unobstructed view of the road - and there's more glass area ail arouind. A new glass-guard molding RiOY W.0 NIHL8 DowmauwiIle Ontario er starting, even on cota rnornings, is one big advan- tage. lncreased generator capacity is anothç r. The highi-compression power of these great valve-in-head engines lceeps you running longer between gas stops. Here's performance that cuts operating costs and shaves valuable time frein your schedules! TVbeI.., tires standard on /2 ton rnodels. Pickups, panels, Suburban Carry-alls - al models in the %-ton class now corne with new tubeless tires. Here's greater protec- tioni against blowouts. EveyPower epr in ithe book. Power brakes, for ex- ample - a big help in re- ducing driver effort wbile increasing safty-are stan- dard equipment on heavier models, an extra-cost option ,en others. The liew handling case of Power Steering, an- other extra-cost option, cuts turning effort up to 80%,'. There's new gas-saving Oyer- drive, as an extra-cest option on Y2-ton models . . . and truck Hydra-Matic - ides! for stop-and-go city hauling -available at extra cost on ý4. -, and 1-ton jobs. They're worthwhile extra- cqât belpers that can save yuu a lot of urne and muney ia the long rua. The. New Corne. carrier-. Sports model of the trucL-r field-Aeslgiied with speciat jobs in mind! Long and low-. here'; the Customn pickup that may weII create a whoIe-- new class of truck ownerst New colora and twi- toneý comabinations ad. <tie fina styling touch to these great4 new trucks. Your selectionr1 is widcr tharn ever' hefore.. Cltoose the color combina- tion that best matches your job, that best calis atteatioia to, you andi your business_. That way you'i bc taking. full advantag f the adver-~ tising value of your new,ý Task-Force model. One final word, When thie_ timie cornesto trade in '5Y modelsý thle man withouit .really modemn truck stands; to take a good-sizedlo& Corne in sud sec us soon., CHEVROLET[ IYear after Year Cana& You get the most mnodern~ trucks money con buy Chevsr oletqw:S MNew Lfine - - - - - - - - - - Wb M

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