John M. James, Ml'. Haif tin half 37cl STOKELY'S FANCY Tomato Juice SPRAY STANDARD Dessert Pears 2 2 20Ooz Tins 15 oz Tins 27c,àm 27m@M CLARK'S in Chili Sauce With PORK. 25 loz C27e YORK BRAND SPICEI Beef 12 oz Tin 35c IGA CHOICE, Toniatoes. 20oz Tins 35c .ROYAL ngs 1~ I l89C 49c 37c .--Al Flavours 2 Reg20e UE DETERGENT r5c Large SIe 'z3 8 California, YeIIow Fleshed Ereestone Elberta PEACFHES Sunkist California Vn1enci Oranges 5 lb bag 59c California, Jui 'cy Ref reshing Lemons 4 size I126's 19c Mars h Grown, Fresh green tops Carrots 2 large bchs i17e Outdour Grown, f irm lusdious. beàuties STAKED TOMATO)ES"', Arriving Fresh llaily - Reasonably priced! wFaLOZEN FOO»S Visit our Frozen Food' Department OId South Orange Julice 124 oz tins 31c 9oz pkg Ie End Defense Deate Near tihe end of a session, the de- bates are usuvally not asineetg Ulnd controversial as thiey have beeen the past week. There has beeii plenty of draina and real excýitement in th le ;House as the Def'ense Production De- bate conclude-d with a surprising sur- render by thne Prime Minister; the amiendmnent for Senate Reform was defeated and an aunmnment cover'- inig parity prices for prices fur farmi- e js aiso wvnt downi to defeat. Fortun- aItely, some of the departmiental est- imaes erepassed nifter prolonged A Difficult P04sitÏon it was also one of those Nveeks whnmy nw instincts camne into con)flct with my obligations as a Memlber of Parliamient, The back- g"roulnd of thie Cnevtv itr and the events which followed it have yet, to be told ompletelly in the press.1 Unlfortunately, it wOu!d be taking ad-ý vaPntalge of my polCitical Position if 1 told it hereý, becuýise mc of the tenseness andz the dlramia bhad to doi wîhilter'llnaimatters of mY Parýty Naturaly, the memb-ers of thie Press Galljjery wýere onl, in on the fringe o)f th-e struggle. I1can el Y012 that it was a most interesting week from ny dual point of vîew nd i is withi difficulty that l'irfaiigfrom discuIssing the matter more fully here.Eet- aJly, the details wîl eak out as they always do. IDiscuiss Parity Pjrices 1On Wednesday, a motion w>as -pre- sented askinig the go-vernmieiit to con- sider tfie avsbiiyof estaiblshing a systemi of paity prices for agri- cultural products. This, of course, wais not the first, timie during the sessijon that farm problemns have heen bohtbefore lhe Cmos but it provid.ed one of the m nost worthwhile debates of theyaralthiough, as ime- t e eriier, ne oton was d- At present, aýs ms amr n the government prefers Che use of its Support Prie legisiation instead [7Ice. ' rthe ubnread- ers, parity prcesbea a elation to the farmrs ost poution and( thie co'st of thoetings -le mstbuy. Price support, oýn threoterhand,' cornes into efflectwena priua j=r poduct apper to be headig for a l'w price which would be dis- àstrouas to the fiiarnîers. Tlie governv-m w 1- "i This Friday and * Saturday(g A1-Technticolor Show 'Escape 'To iBurma' With Barbhara Stanwyck and Robert Ryan 'ai alMn Riding" With Randolph Scott and Dorothy Malone THIS MIURS. & FR1. With Spencer Tracy and Gene Tierniey "Man With A million"e With Gregory Peck, anid Jane Griffithis COMING -- Next Monday, Martin & Lewies In mient st(ýps in and. establishus a s3up- port price wiceh is supposed ta o'e thie cost of productlin. If iio one eisoe wýill buyv the produet, the gvrmn will buy it at the support price and >tore Lt, ev-enituily hoping t te ýiZ back into the trade for disposai1.1 For mauny years, the' two suport systemis have been anis ýsue A, on toey buit the governm-lent has stood I by its supports while the Un- ited States bas continued its modi- fiparity price aystem. Which is. .,orr'ect is 'a matter of opinion 5and even farmers do noCt enti;relyage whichi is the m-ore desirable froni their particular point Of view. FOr- any farmiers who are interested, I shall be more than delighited te ban c-opies of insard covering this par.- ticular deba),te. The Minister, Rt. Hon.. Jam-es G. Gardiner returnedI froni tchc- United Kingdom hbarely in timeto participate in the dehate and his iýe- m-arks concerning agiculture in ta (Continued on page 5) Orono Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE' WIRING Free El timates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira 0o al makes of Eletii Eqaîpmee* and Appliance. oeh aa eoors. Water HeAte-ra. !~4.>stbvea Irons. Pt. ELRCTRIC and ACETYLENE ç~Cyttinder Blocks )i0y and Heads 1 ALUMINUMJ1ý7N¶D ZINC BASE METAL FIRE SCREENS -ec A14 Work Guaranteed- JIM CAMERON Phone ORONO 1 rinlg5 * Mu-nday *' Wednesday In CinemaScope "DEEP liq MY HEART" The Life and Nlusic of Raimberg, with JOSE FERRER MERLE OBERON And MIGM Guest Stars This Saturday OnIly AIi-Techuiclo hw "RIS MAJESTY O'KEEFE" With Buirt Lancaster and Juan Rîce "THULNDER OVER THE PLAINSP" WVith Randolph Scott, ai yl1i Kirk Tuesday and Wednesday ALSO "TUE 49TH MAN", with John Ikela PREE COMIC BOOKS EVERY MON., TUES and WED.' Sy orderinq in greater quantieg., your IGA rtalte f4- nbln him to pass on his- added saving to you, 1 5y py - the wecek! Why flot begïin today to make IGA 4o.where you ?et complete soection et "Guerinted Red IGA HEAVY DUTY Waxed 10"ftroi#25 Paper u trl25 YORK HO1MOGENIZED Butter 16taôz jar 37c 91- s t s jl m