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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Sep 1955, p. 4

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ement Day In OronG 1 Lb. Onion s MARSHI GROWN CRISP GREEN PASCAL Celery Staika 2 Ige size 29( Plums TARIO0 -No. 1 TABLE >Otatoes "f 6qt 59c 10Olb bag 29c GOLËDEN RIPE 35C 12e 12e 12C 12C loz pts $1.55 doz qts $1.75 cloz pts $1.14 loz qts. $1.29 çloz 21c doz 9c doz 35e Juice 27c MGA Pure White (Contents OnIy) a . 1 igai gai iiiIe6ai 2jar 2ejar IGA Sunny Muora Coffee CATELLI'S ln 'Tomato Sauce with Sýpaghetti lb bag SSc Cheese 28 oz Tin AýLYMEl FANCY Strâ'wberries U1C 25C CA 'SA meal in a jiffy Iraish Stew 1#oz 25 GoId Cake M'-Ç GREEN ýGIANT Fancy WPeas 2 or33 REGULAR 59c. VALUE PEPSODENT Tooth Brush and Dental Cream inLside Ble Surf Pag. 7 3c FRESIH and MEATY LEGS 0F LAMB lb9C Tablerite Beef Short Cnt first 5 ribs Prime Rib Roast Maffple Leaf Skinless Weiners lb 53c lb cello pkg 37c FROZEN FbODS lb 29e The 4-H Home Gardenr Club Ach- ievement Day for Durham Ç.ounty was held in Orono Towvn Hall on Wed- nesday, August 241th. During the past sumnmer, each Garden Club mnem-ber planted and cared for- a home garden including -twenty varieties of vegetables ai-d six varieties (of flowers.. The seeds had been puichiased fromi the On,-ta*jo Departmient of Agriculture. In ad-j dition, ea1ch girl keêpt a Record Bookl containing the garden records, and a story of each mecetinig. At achieve- mlent Day, there wvere exhibiteil from each gard(eni, six different varieties oif vegetables and the member'sý Re- cord Book. This yeatr there were fLour Garg-en Clubs fromwic 20 girls cohpleted the project: Maple Grove Club, Ross- mount Club, Solina Club, and Tyrone Leaders ýwho gave leadership to the Club. The Leaders and Assistant girls at their throughout the summer were: Mrs. L. C. Snowden, R.R. 3, Bowmianville and. Mrs. C. H.' Greenhamà, R.R. 3, Bowmaniiiville for the Maple Grove Club; Mrs. C.W. Stee-ves, R.R. 2, Port Hope and Mrs. W. Whitehead R.R. 2, Port Hope for, the Rossmount Club; Mrs. Hiarvey Yellowýlees, R.R. I, Enniskillen and Mrs. Murray Vice, R.R. 1 Enniskillenj for, the Solina Club. and Mrs. Donald~ Davey, Tyrone and Mrs. J. A. Rose- vear, Tyrone for the Tyrone Club. During thie morning- programme, the club members judgI,,ed a class of carrots anid a class of êeuumbers and gave oral reasons for their plaicing of cucumbers.- Then each girl aniswered a quiz on g-ardening, In thle afternoon, demoonstrations, skits, and commenits on club exhibits were giveni to showý the progî-ess and ,vhat the club niembers had learned in the Garden Club d-uringl- the sum- mer-, (Commiietators for the club ex-_ hibits were Marie Ciooney,, R.R. 3, Bowmanville commientingr on the M\,aple Grove e(xhibit anid Sh1ir-ley QuanmtriJl, Orono, cmet on th-e Solina Club exýl1ibît.- ,ls parti- cipating in aittl,,ple Grove skit, "Lets w1 Garden" were Ma,ýrie ,ýfoney, Sharon Gimilett, Faýy Holtby, Barbara -Milîs and Joyce Milis, al of R.R. D, Bowmanvmille. The participants of the Solina demottstratîon "Let'.s Tos a Saadwer-e Pattsy Daviýis, B'arbara Hooey, and H1elen Kýnox, Hlampton. The partic-ipants of the Ty- rone demnoastration "Let's T.oss a Salad" were Joan Dveand Barbara This Fri. apid Sat. A Il -Tech niýofor Show "FOX FlRE", W'ith Jeff JChandler atnd Jane tRusseI "Thbe Cun Thàth< With Denni,s Murgani and Paula Raymiond Thurs. and' Fr1. A1I-echncohwjjhow "The Maslek 0 With Errol Fynand "The S4klters" ' With JackHwkn anld G~Jh Taylor, Tyrone. Marilyn Quantrili, Orono cmplte her third year of Gai-den Club at thýis Achievement Day. Iii accord withk G-arden Club reguirements sheex- Liibited a poster showing her speial'ý project which was strawberriEýs as.- well as strawberry 'preserves andl plants. lin addition, she gave a tIhree~ minuite talk on hvir project and ex- plained the Garden reference fi1e~ w,,hichi she had made. At the close of the day, Eleanoi:- Smye, the Home Economist in chýrges. presented tle awards. Each girl re- ceived a silver spoon in, reco)gnition.ý of having successfully completed n. 1-H1 Homeimnkinig Club projeet. Those~ receivinig Certificates of Achieve- ment for completing two -units A-ere:- Kay Daývey, Tyrone; Joyce Milis.. Bowmanville; Marilyn Quantrili, Or- ono and Lorraine Rosevear, Tyrone. Mar-ilyn Quantrili, was presentedL with hier County Honour pin and cer- tifîcate for having completed six 4-RL H-omiemaking Club projects, Orono - EIectrie' PHONE 129-1 CONTRACTORS FOIR FARM and IIOLSE WIRING Fr"- Estiniates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira, 'o ail make-, of Elctrical Equîpumei4- and Appliances tch ae i Mtera, Water Neaterl-,, ELECTRIC anid ACETYLENE ~jL3 ~ Cylinder Blocks r i' and Heads Welded Specializing in ALUIMINUM A ,%ND ZIINC BA-'SE 3METAL ORNiTAM'ENTAL IIAILINGS FIRE SCREENS etc. -Al Work Guaranteed JJM CAMERON Phonle ORONO 1 ring 5ý Next Wed. and Thur. "To Paris With Love"e Starring- Alec Guinness "A Bullet For Joey"J Whh Fdw . This Saturday OnlIy 1 -~4i1lrShow WihFront Natchez" WihDale Rob1ertson, and Debra Paget Moid ay, Tuesda [GMI Conedy with Mu 11Ir and Wednesday is lb 29e kg 35C lb

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