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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Sep 1955, p. 5

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OFF Wednesday, Sept. 28 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. Weather permnitting, othierwisç 1?hursday, Septeniber 29th, sanie tue AFFECTING ORONO and DISTRICT ORONO ýHYDRO. E. Dent, Manager BRANDRAM-HENDERSON Ltd. aWelcomes The Orono Tinshop To The B-H Family aOpening Saturday, Sept. 24tho QThe B-H Representative WjiI Be AtQ Q The Store To Answer Your Paintig ProblemsQ Vigor 011.a Go Thre first fai meeting of St. Sav-%f,,- m Dnl our's W.A. was held in the Sunday Mc!Gee -iind David. Sehool r-oomi on Tuesday afternon Ed Samiuel and baby riaightee Septemnber- 20, and ail.though the at- arse i, w weis ihrLacives tendance was down a littie owing toinTot. illness amiong- the memnberýs, it Was M.adMs ac]rw n w pleasant to get back to work after sons Fred I\ 1,Wler orno the summer- vacation. We Sincer-ely v isited on Sundaýy mwithMr and Mrs. hope tirat those absent memnberýs Nill Donald Staples. be numbered -with us at tihe next Misýs Grýace Hayw11ardl, Bowm anriville meeting. After the opeilns hyinn, spent the weekend wýithMr and Mrs. playea 01l Mrs. Mori-is, the Member's R aye West. p)ray- ýer-, an aprayer f or-tihe Sick wvas S eated in uns, followed by r. MGoaTor-onto, spelit Scripture rleading taken fiom h_,the -weekend witlr herý mothe1r, Mrs. - M. and Mr1s. WVN. 1. Inci, Westoni, Members will be pleased to le&rn ,,Miss Audrey Billings, Oshiawýa spent of thre adoption ofth~e iotion thmat the I n eiec ith vr. and Ms.Carl namine of urt late, lo'ved, pr-esiJdent, I illings. Mliss Ai-mour,, be sent to Toi-onto to be inser-ieed in the TVoronto Memorial Bookz of the W.A. Jylirs. .EcU LU1idLLIm JyaLfie -- j. v >- r ry visited over the weekend with Mrs. o. bi-s zand ibrn Jnat Included in the business discussed Mr. Carlos Tainblyn spent a few,& wvere plans for members to attend the days last week at New, Liskeard where Daeymeeti-ng being held at St. he wais judgîe at thre Black and White iohn i Chuch, Bowmanvýii\ille, 011 show iii that district. Thursday, September 22, and plans ,,r ourlannuajLjt Bazaar to be held on Rev. John Kitchen journieyed ',o Thursday, October 27. Watch frNwYûrk this week to meet his wife 4ater announicemenits concerniing thisand son Olaif whio are r-eturingil- interesting 4aternioon. f rm Normay after spending severalI moniths with relatives. TJIre meeting. losed wAith hymrn 336, This Sunday morning marks the and closing prayer, after \whîch wasend o f jbayvjlgt ,Sav\ingTmei t enjjoyed a cup o-f tea kindfly servd n ost of tire Province. The change in Mis. Morris. ýOrono will take place at mii(inght,l Satrdy hen itintepý,ieces will be ~~p'" urncd Ibaick one- hour in a miov-e to iv 11l'tt Sadadtie Ltd.l Reduce the price on Fuel 011 and Stove Oïl Stove Ou jq cents per gai. Fuel Oit 16' cents per gal. For Delivery Phone ORONO 53r7 or- OSHIAWA 5-1109 Young About Towners e * e Take A SKIRT, A SWEATER And Produce A COSTUME!' Principals in the pretty plot of f asitionthe young about-towners who take --the ieading role ini the casual scene- The clever young peupfle who take a cue f ro~m basic skirt and sweater cIassic\... mix their tweeds and flannels with a pretty sweater choose colors as vibrant as autum'n itself. Add their own accessor- ies bo change skirt and sweater to a costume! GLENAYR SWEATERS Is lami-bswoûol with pearly button on Cardigan. MultJi-proofed in ail shades, lon.g or short sileeve, Pulllovers, also Turtie Neclç. PRICED .,ý $6,95 - $8.95 SKIRTS In wool flannels, tweeds and wool plaids. Straig-ht or f',11 styles, ail dif- ferent colors to choose front. PRICED.......$6.95 to $14-95 Thee' MreTo A Rat This Fal An extensive collection of beautif ul hats of fered at exceeptional savings. These are high fashion styes brlnging you the new look in millinery at an unusually 10w price. Sec the deep piled fur velours, the lovel1y colIours in tune with f ail and have the pleasure of wearing a. hat with distinctive fiattery. Price $5.9â-$10~.95. Jland-washable crease-resistant shape retaining Dresses that have becoine al theI rage because they're fashioned iii a wonidedufil combiatof wool and rayon or acetate and rayon that's durable, wan-n and soft in princess lime slim goring f ronm thaë nidriff, arraw-sIîm to lengthen the sotrwitd dressy coat style or long torso for yrning uioderns. iPriced froni $14.95-$l22.56. Evenings Friday & Saturdiw wednesday Open Alil tay 4s1 Store Open Ail Day Monday h Chiurcir services on Suniday will be held on Standard time, Tire Oronio Cub Pack swung into its Fall season on Monday evening when youngsters fîromi the Village and district rallied ait the 01,ono0Com1- munity Building. Thre Oshawa Preshytery Woman.ii's Association have chartered a bus to attend Conference W.A. at Qi-o Lac Camn, onl-iday, September 26. B us leaving Orono shortly after 8 odcock. Any who have not reservedi aseat and wislr to go, please do so bycontacting AMm. Milton Tasriblyn Mr. DJonald McLaren of St. Johns, fNew Brunswick, is spending- a mionth vsiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S.lVMcLaren. SilyElaine Moffat, Bowmnaa- -le, Who will be married September 24th tô Lionel Tennant of Orono, was guiest at a niiscellanleous shower re- cently at the homne of Mrs. Ken Nich- ois, Second Street. Mrs. E. Hansen acted as cýo-hostess. An arcir of pink and white streai-. ers decorated the room in which the shower \vas held. Those serving were Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. B. Kennedy, Mrs. R. Patfield and Mlis. E. Fry. A deliciouas ,Iunch was served. Winners of Field Crop Competi-1 t'on - Ensilage Corn - Sponsored by 1)urhami Central Agricultuiral Soci- ety are as follows: G. B. Rickard, R. Stevens, .jPo. Rickard, F. Stephens, H. Brooks, C. Tamiblyn, L. Hooey, W. Allun, S. AI- lEn, E. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Armstrong visi- ,d a few days with their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- strong, Timmnins. Alex. Drumxrnond was home for the week,-end acconipanied by a fieind, Mr. Doug. ilubley of Br-idge Water, Nova Scotia,. Both have g-one to Tor- lege course. Conraultinsto Iir.George, Dunilop on winning- a cash, prize ofi $172.5 for, the Jumb3o Zoo puzzle in aTorontoý paper-. Slire cie e chbeque thlis week. Spencer Corsetiere i -.Registered 1931- T Mrs. je E. RichardsIl ORONO PHONER 127 Buy New.., GROCERY FEATURPp 100A& K WEEK-END SPECIAI G. E. Electrie Bulbs, 25, -40 and 60 watt Peas, Purýe GoiId, 15 ounce tins. ... 1Dalton's Pitted ]Dates, cello wr-ap, lb. pkgs. Robinhood Cake Mix Deal, one white andi chocolate foci, only........ Shirts' Boy's Co ttoni Flannel, saniforiz-ed, neckyrk assorted colors, size 8 to 14 Priced at'ý.................. OROMO 5cJýO Open Friday an~d Satan conven AT THE Q THTEATRE S THURS. - FRI. - SA] Saturday OAduits 50C St ad, QJAMES 3TEM lSfrategieA Colorby 'l V.ooed by SAMUL i BRISEl I O, y SThuirsday-7 and 9:10 p).m. oSat ïurda y-Fea t trez Evening Prices-Aduits 16 wi at j6 e ti

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