ORONO. ONT., THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 1955. Subscriptiori $1.50 per yeair lierAt MRS ID M.LANG tr-!owng suiSet i For Fife, Cai Ftre Brigade answered hom e of Mr. George Village. On arrivig at was found that no fire e:, d e eiirned to the The -alarm was sounr George Wilson. Mrs. Wil ss is Sth e aliy one of tme cfi the large enrofim the new 7 ystemi in thei-r own roc ex.ercises. e- lov-e an,- b in1son, 1' The paîbearers were: :3 g dos Lrond!EW Donald. Aje-xander and' Ayýlward DurinBg Fire P C ré iHarold Woodnl Alan W food. lar\iin MrS. 1-. Walsýh, accompanied bTy Mr. nernent was nmade lu the far W both HighnSchoo eraid and Mrs. -Mervyn Bat and Son X B'il, Toronto attended Garden Hilli'Mauisoiel-m. SChool s-tùden.ts I en of Churdi 5th Anniersary on Sunday' There were four cebldrnc Ednai edt d pitlw an1 d were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mae, Mrs. M. E. Nion Ieceased, b vcted n con- Walker and family. Mlontario; Belle .Wm t U1w, ea dlown We tareleased to report that Mr. Milton , lia , nmrs.evaat the school ano O tu from lIion!i 0l Esoteil M sy m, Little, Kendal n uslf were n 0 the Toronto General Hospîtal O trinssSalyC ao,~-~ fiffty-five secon ml. onTuesdayrnuch improved lunhealh. -Onaois os Stnle, igh Schoç111 h'ýome -ifter spendingý a week in St. There are Ci grandchildrnan toruse thesetw< e cd, ahrns great grandchîldren. wreinstalled this ý tnet' Ipublic Schlool Bof pu,,fOro;io Athletic Associatio ena iewe' dlAs tthe prirnary itte To l .J A n Schooiidid net lie- Sw 1 e ti g fire gonr in the s( st tweive years spon- the Younlgçsmers ait the 0U-0no .ized sport i the Viii- during the tnonth of Juiy. As( Isters and mierits the i ng the sumàmer the Asso( aduits to- enable it to bpnordto hair.dball teams work with the future were entered i the Lakeshore area. Basebail league. years-- er it ni for Park dur- ' e of the Association, as such organizatioins, de- e response of the public in active part. Be presen t ýas was Forwarded to fteroonseeionthe im -' 1 or ( ftn e be held lu th( Supeit tie also maide Chý Henr ere ne snt of, ait1(infor. i1956 M Lre by thie ourse At C Ganiey hoth udd e~ OU E~ oliiont ij 10 receutly t( partmeflt turu back for mainte Bowies Wr r~î'~e al'Ou in the ie approachec h-ur to sol fire 'depart On a CIO that the h setting suj gave thet ,wascon firE served. )ndc. LintLon Illte spruce. iud Poil uss disei -mers, t cfin riSLUI 111 ni on of H-enidrya commliittýe to lire a canM be obtî nuiliucouvei atiou of Ai Novem-ber Dorr el