ss and Junior Dressey orhyin f ahrics, coto erfndy Hl styllng. . ..... ../$7.95 te $24.50 veedis and Skirts ma 1high style ceh smart mix- S$4.50 to $9.50 Fait sizei nylon' al 4. ail colors te .~$3.00 wool or 50 p.c. $1.00 Wo$1.75 rmstrong es Store Open Ail Day Monday - - ---- - -wwm -mm - - --Um--m me q t, Wwoe oik T pI4îe Iît ok~jr Foe ý Iunpg oc ~îXo ]Tt worýti m - - Rondt V OhSeres pays 31/4% or n If 16nd bouse. And what a comfortable feel- ing to know Vou have 1,he funds for an emergency or opp rtunity. More than -atmillion -Cà nada 6aig Bond investors have that comfortable whole feeling. .-4-55-W2 ;-iamUM Mdr. et li ai shorit sta-y ï Miss Edithi Dun' 1. Xr. and Mrs. JE Ml». ad Mrs. ~ ubrof 1I rlley, Oý-1! Mî. '111 ie wveek- in, New\- M.dM rsY.u TnanRandy,' ind Crig nd lMr. and Ms.Jas. M.ididle-ton ie i th Mvr. ad Mrs. Le u adran o rin lTor-onto Mr% anid Ms.Jas. -Mîtlet-onspent saturday even)ing \ ith Mr. and Mrs. Mr. George tWddletotn Sr. visited wit M. d Mrýs. Jas,.. Middletol, on Wedniesday last. Dr. 7[osu bangl, Ciaoand- v and -Mrs. Perrin of Kirby were re- cenit str with LMrs. Fred Bia combe. Syptyis extended to Mrs. Rolit. Stewart a( Miss Nelle Coiville iný the loss of their sister, Miss Cather-1 ine Colville. Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewood of Dundalk were guests of Mrs. Fr ed ,Brisnacomnbe, Sunday last. It was -with sorrow we heard of the passing on Saturday in Chicago) of Mrs. Alex Lang, formerly of Kirby. Recentl visitôrs with Mrs. T. J. Carscadden and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell, Cami-pbell- croft; Mr. Arthur Thomnpson, Kendal; Rev. R. Nichols and MiEss Carol Nich- o1s, Mr. and Mr.s. Stevens and son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robin- son, Newtonville; 'Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, Mr. a~nd Mrs. Roy Berry and Dawn Marla whose frequent visits have beeni very miuch appreci- zted. On Fr-ida-y, Ylo.eei¾ber ý2th, 1955 there wilIl e a D:,ince und Draw in the Oddfellow's Hall with Pa(ul Minicola's Ochetra o(f Peterbù, oiigh Moaster of i Ceremonies. The Drawv wiIlb o twenty-five (25) turkeys (dressed>. Saine will tie deliveied to Wirners~ thej week of December the l9th in time for Christmaý,s dinner. Books of tickets are going on sale at 5 for $1.-00 or 25e per ticket. A good way to procure that Xmnas Dinner. Ail net proceeds are for our Building Fund. As our îndebtednesýs is very great we %vil appreciaýte anly assistance to mnake this event successful. The 'Oddfellow's ~Hall Trustees are sponoring this ap- peal. ORONO ORP'HANS (Continued from page 1) mnagement~ of the Port erry Arena und the Orphans. The rink vill hold 1400 spectators and is pi-actilcaly -t1heý saeisanefroml- Oronlo as woas the, previous home ice at Port Hlope. A meeting of the Lakeshore Hockey Association was held Tuesday even-j ,ing in Cobourg when Orono entere the league along with Bowmanvi le, Port Hoe, CobougÏ,l Lindsay and Lakefield. Both Orono ad Lukld were compellied to remain in "A" class so as to be able to ljoin the Lake-, shore group. This leaves the leagv set-up ide t-cal to, that of/ last y ïir. I wishl t expqress- my sincel.thanllks to Dr!. M ni n i red mh sntadsa i l ow rs dbUring thanlks to y ,neGhtosAx(ho hav etcý., property -fWm Ruddell," Lot 32, on.8. ia-e Township »#ill be !sold by public nLt-oni, one mit north of Leskard on Sâturday, Oct., 29th ut 1 Farm 'sol . Ternis csh.ý Jack Reid, Auctioneer.' Durham ii 1]Fa me1 s Zrd an ai Stock- er Sale of 930 hE d of Drham and Hereford Cattle viii lbe Aeki ut the Durha C'ounty S le ena, Orono, on Thursday. Noveýýý 3rd. Sale to open ut 2:,o0 p.m. No reserve. Jack Reid,Actoer Tur eypper Sered by he Men At 5.30 P.11. Cide 5 Adis$1.25 Cide 5 (os (I MNER bon Washer talone >wn ta iron witis this wonderful pace Saver, we col t because re away - sbown here besicle everything in thse bask<et in halE tiddi-es dreses, etc. .iR< for Iess YOU can sit CI Beatty roner. it is sa easy ta sti thse washer. Ironi thse time - shirts,ý Regular Pr e Washer $~199. Regular Pri4 Ironer 99. Here's a new Beatt Wasber, wift tise "New Loosk" Full s,irt s.. mlin esign. Has thse regshsr 'coniIly sizeIù , andi fa- mous 6-minute clothes action. WAashes clothes cleanier and in Iess time than any- other wosher anywisere. Wringer baos quiclc release, with' bandy endl reset. Econa - mizer pseebariism, bas onIy 4 movinq parts. NO MONEY DOWN Rolph Hardware Orono Phone 143 tfBoys Ail Nylon Work Socks, Grey with -white heel and Toe. Sizes 8 to 10. Pair.. ........... 75e 1 Men's Al Nylon Dress Socks, English, Fine Rib. Size il only. Speýcial Pair 55c; 3 pair for $ 1.59 ý'Blouses, New Shipment, -Ladies Co'Lt'on-, Sanforized Assorted styles. Size 14 to 20. Each....... $2.98 Diaper- Bags, Plastic, drawvstring. Color Red, YeIlow\ý il or Blue, Price Each........... .........Ç 69e Dresses, Infant, assorted Style and color. Sizýe 1i-nd 2 years. Price each ..............$1,98 Windbreakers, Boys Satin, lined w~ith, annelette. Sizes 8 to 14 years. Price each....... Weatherstri 'ng Recleau hair felt. kýg. 15 feet 18e 2 pkgs .. .~. 35e House S1lpe s,HoadaM ,LaeChlrn Pried.................$,9 o2.79 GROCERY FEATURE WEEK SP -ýEGIALS FOR TILESE Juice. Ci'owvvli 1001 A heai JlE I 1- olue, llavývý red, -win ......... . - ......... ---- .- - - - -- - --7--- [Gr