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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1955, p. 6

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fi "Dear Annie Iirst. Seven y'ears ag1o -when I was 15, 1I married a mian 10 years aider, mny parents tricd ta dissuade me, but 1 thauglif 1 know cvcryfhing,,. Now we hiave a littie girl, and if is chiefly for lier sake that I ask your counsel . . . 11cr father bias been diriniking for years (whicl1i I did not know wlien w%,e mari- rîed) and lic is -ettingwrs then lie bas phby sicafly mis- treafed mie soa tafI arn ireally afraid. "Sa far 1I havebenable fa prevent lier seeing or hearing him at sucli times, but 1 dan't kn w wefber I can kcop fliat up. Sfrange-ly en)ougli, lie is de- vofe o taier and she ta himi, 11efres somiefimes naw, and whca lihe is homo lie drinks ai- m-osf ositnf I 1efeuls pea- pie I amn a spendltbrif t, and fliat I date mca in bis absence! H1e gîves mnie so lifLte imoniey (hardy enougb ta get ioeng on) thaýt I arn almoa1t destitute of ciothe's ai-d miust cunit evcry die. The oly vplances 1 goarcfa- hurcl 1an'ci ancl ioa avewf myv ltffle girl. "I wudbv l u <a't hear ta separate flic cbîld frainMhlm.even fbôul eipecf hie wi-ilget os s i r aider. Yef h[ow can 1IC"lle ber dis- cor wliat sort of father sýho 11as? 1Inmust dio sonmething sýoon,1 and10 I wil do anything yousy 1G re c ia n - des;ined a-nd il thissrie pown br-ougi-it ýfrom fash- t< the recent 1fasýh ion Fes- A SLI-HOPE *Your marrilige sýtili couil lea good miarriage if your *husband bebiaved as a bus- *band should. H1e must bce con- *scious that lie is ýaiIing in lis *job. To attack a faitliful wif e * is manstrous; ta spread taies * about lier is the acf of a cad; *ta squander rnaney lie cýannof *afford is utterly, selfisli. * The picture of bis future is *not heartening, and 1, sec only on achope -_- your busband's f ovýe for bis littie 'girl. *There ia.y lie the answei * you bope ta find. 1He iust * now~ that hie cannot conceal * is x'veakness from bier forf *long -- and thon lie wîi li hve *ta face the horror and the *sliane she will feel. You wil] convince hinfliat uniess lie lotrnsforms himself into a de- *cent, rigltIf-ivuîng persan yau *will take hier fromi him, for *you refus--e ta aliow bis ifu *ence ta darken lier Iifce. *The time for Ihlm ta reform *is today - not next mnonfli nor next year. if lhe lauglis off' *your flirat, youiiAUhave ta *go flrogl wfh it. il your busb-and would ad- Smit bis fiursand try ta ie- * aehirself, I know you oudcalI on al your pa- Stien"e ïand0faitli ta heip Ilim, *Pe-rhiap-s if o oolt. *is up ta"i) n IN LOVE WITH LOVE' "er A!nne HIirst: Yu il my arefawili sy1Iar n fo young fa be, in love, but rai I arn.My fa i akes fun af mený and says if ant as, ut I knwit will. Tlie young man isý 21, and doesn't know1Icare foirhnbimI'n afldwe couldn'f lic friends iflhe found oui. DORIS" early tens gt a ruslion a *er. Iti nothuig ta b)easmc *tary Sffecf. Subcosc'iou s",y v ou wii rolid orcfint a *the? kýind of girl you fhink lhe *osler girs yau wiol just con- * inue ta be ourovn best seil. *You aýre so wise ta give no sign of -your eoin;if lie *sensoýd your af!ciole would avoic you By sinig restraint, you can kecp your secret and reiain thefMe pal lie likes Iof sec now and flclen. Wlien *your faiiy fease's you, don't i etorf; ignore it, and fIhey will *case.(Go ouf itli your girl L-ficnds often and learni some- '~thing tremn liem al. Thi- isý oý' an lwy agrow imore inter- *etnand dvlpinto flic *î fne, norma'-l young woman * i thtnice lads w-ýiii want1, ta *date. Il~ is ikl o wiii ofgrow * tis phase, but yau cani ai- *ways holàd tis young man as *your idcai, one by wbicb ta mnsure ofier boys youll be *dafingson Miany a emais las Cllanged hbis life fo" tie sake of a cHld he love, wh 's il other appeals faldta rmove ý1îm. Annse M'rst - Awa ta pu! 's easy ta pull ýph C. O'Mchci SETS UP RIJTZY FPERON EXILE Mria\-c Goran Weiss, glamiorous, tenrnis-playing friend of Juan Peron is seeking a luxUrious villa in Zuriclh, wel, for the deposedi Argentine djictatozr. She is backed by his "exile-" fortune. Thne 35-yeair-old brunette is airmedc with Prnspcwer ofcattorney. Peron is repoýrt.d fto have a sum estim--ated ait between $6,000,000 and $20,000,000 irn variaus ba-nks in Switzerlandç. Ms Weiss 15 pictured in Buenos Aires, wheýrli shie competed in the PnAeiaiGames tennis mactchesý. lias hoed thuurads etcfrcupes to a happ'ie-111eail ier s dom and eprec sat yo',r sevc.Write berý at Boýx 1, O2ufiatef) h t.,NMwTor- Back f goodaid sadr day mrig nofntl inigltiaîl jniow cami iesç,alil 0fao cariy-. Bt culinf avt bath wycan w"e? The last day aofI fat ùfme waýs also flic day of aur Caouaty Fair -and we did manae faget ta itfefr a couple of bours. Not langer becauise flhe plumborvs liere fltiat orinlg fixing flie furnace. I wnder hliow many people liad an experienco sirn- ilar fa aur awn.Paci aial aur smoke pipes 'rottcd. Fiffeen lengfhus and four ebwas aur11 pipes go ,i igli1t flirougli f li bose Ve bave since beard af quite a tewý peopie in this dlis- fnef w' lio liad furnlace pipe trouble. Wiy sbould fliat be? Waus hiiiffiliriify Iis surn- mer, or wsif bcau1"se nost a[ fli cecal iast ycar was il-tre-CC- cd ta prevent dLust'9 We are iný- ciincd ta think if wastfeiCoIl wbich produced some sorf of cliemical reaction an flic pipes. Be fliaf as if may we under- stand flic use of aIl las been disconfinued. The explanafion? Custameser rcobe fi-,fafilic oily odlourl.f at prnae hi holm. But fa get back fa the ou-ir Fiday afternoon fliere wasa drvenchinig ram nd fici h"'prois" did naOf sound fao go-od for flic mairrowv. But flic weathermaauý was kind. The day was com- forfably wýarm and sun-ny, There \va s-a %wonderful attonýdance aaid sonefhîng, somiewliere, go- ing on ail flic lime. Local fairs are no langer 'slow,' flic way flieyý uscd tu bolieIn tact if is likie a srnall C.N.E,! You can' fake if ail in. Stop ta wafch flic caffle being juidged and you miss a trotting rae. Or look aiflic dray liorses in flie ring and you lose ouf ini seeiag flic squiare dance campetifioný, And la, the dîisplay halls you can't see thse work for the peuple. S ucli a loit of good exhibif ýewing, knittîng, qifs and s oni, representing huindreds oi close work by 3cores of people., Aneacfli unior Farmersand Romenakrs . civerand o)riginal7 displays. 1Yes, if was ail very god-butdo you know what irpressed me must? Jusf the frifcamont ofworlk and planning tat hadpreceded flic day OaI the. fair. Haw man x1~ho Cio do"nomo)re flian1 Pay terway lin realise bow bard fi ireoswork lta m-ake thecir nowa particular fair a-tSuc- cessC Asucesfu fair- locsni'f just'hppn.If is tfli csuirýof wecks anýýd wceks of caýreful thulfac ligand in- tensve ctiityjusf b)efore and during flic tfalr. Anad al a labour of love. The samie appliis ta flic organafios flaf set "up)rcfreshi- mnent boolis as a mieanis of brnigin a lîtie rnanicy for flicirWl. W.A., or whafoer organizafinthey halippen fa re- preseint. Warkoinig incrpe quafer is'teasy-nor is flic cafrîb. hic xiii hocflic bCest sle -hlot.dogs or pop',, W ba1t flic public dernands C- pends on flic day--and no ance aun planflC wcafer. Sa I say hafs off fa flicdirectors, flie x,ýhibif ors, the caferers and fa to maelie loncal fair a succoss. And ftis, appiies tfaIl ai aîs, naf, fa n ancfair in parfticular. But of course flic exhis and variaus events are not flic anly attractins There are also flic people you meef. Time af fer fimie you ler"cl for god- niess sakýe, I1liavent'f scen youI in years" And do J nw an bginning fa believo if is a very small warld. I met anc Of aur Distric-t W.1. officers af tfli ahi lo inforcd nme flic last tirn she saw, me was af Mnralhurrying across flic runay a oard a plane for, Preswick. Sa y-ou sec if doesn'tj" maffer bow fr you are trami homne you can neyer bc sture fbore isni't sarneo0ne around wvha f~nowswlio yu are. I'm felling yau, foLks, you have ta waf cli your stop) these days in this lit- fie old wýonild of ours! Wcil, flicre is quife a bit of e-xcifemenit Pamong tfli ar'mers arouad bere these days. Thec Dc-parfm-ienf of igwas îse- putediy cliecking on if lasf sur- vey for Higliway 4M, whicli cuts flirougli aur far. lien biîs Lcheck-upil is cami-plefed if is said valuafors wil e mak- ing flic rounds. Sa now flie local Federation ot Agriculture is hol1ding a se-ries af Smnal mneetings amoong flic landow\ncrsý concerned fa establish somoýesort of profectivec policy-. Pariner is atfcndia n ul neing this Lai mea1dnmbwas are gef D)avi(ï Robb is the ieaver of Pettybaw. AUlda long he sits at his Oid-fashicrned handi-loonri, which, like tise fruit of hîiý toil and the dear oid grab0d himslf, eIôns taa bda ptha is past and goene. H1e might have work enougli to keep an apprentice ýbuisy, but where would he find a lad suffli- ciently behind the timies to learn a humble trade now banished to the limibo of sup.erseded, al- mnost forcgotten things? His home is but a poor place, but the rough room in. whîch lie works is big enauglhIto hold a deal of sweef content. Ilt is cheery enougli, too, ta atfracf the Pettybaw weaswhstl in on wet days and sit on the floor: playing with tL'etrus or with bits of colored rvlns Saneieswen they h ave1 pracved themnselves wise and prudent littie vîirgins, they are even aliowed ta tLoucli the lhanks of pinik and Yellow,ý and blu-e Yarni that lie in rîbwhe -onfusion oin the long deal table. Ail this timne the "edc"go up and dlowni, up and doiwn, with tLheir ceaseless claffer, and jDavid throws the shut ct back an-d forth as he vweave-ts hNs aid- f'ashiionied win1seyvs.... The loom stanids by van easf- ern window, nd the rare Petfy bwsunishinie filters fhrougt_, he branches of a troc-, sin-'-es- upon the d cusfy winowpaes, and throws a loi rounrd Davîdi's bcad tathe vwell deserves and litie sspcs. 1in my fore- gýround sit Mveg and Jeèman ad Elsetbplaingwith thrumns and wearing flic fruit of David,'s loorn in îtheir ginghan froKs Daiid imseif sîts on fhis wood- en bencbl bebind the maze of cords that forrn thIle ,"olooibr The-s o sfsevnty iner powder bis hair and beard, Anýd as for bis s.mile I have not thie art ita paint that! Itbld in soIlution l'so mny SWee fhough111humnble virtues of pa- týinc e, temperance, seif-denial,. hionest eindeavor, that nyý brut,,ht falters in the atfempt ta fix the rad1iant whole upon thle canvas. Fash-ýion)is corne and go, modAern' and trades, mnanuai ski1l g ives wa t he cunning ofinachine, but aid' David Rob, afer more thian fifty'v yeýar.s of foit, stili sits a't is h and-lorn and weaves bisnes for the! Pettybiaw;ý ting a littie action from t'he Malin- tenance Division of the Ieaf mient of Higiw-ays an a wash- out on the corner of aur pro- Perty. If bad peiosybeeni "rpied" with loose stane-. No-w apemnt job is in pro- gress-a cernenit retaining. wall dirccting the course of the creelk away frorn aur Property. We are well satisflcd with the job. Action was finally 1taken after wý.e had sent onie 1etter t a rm- ilt'on and aniother ta Queený's Park cali'ng attention to the matter. Somietime's a littile Co- aiperation betw,,eenj the public a1nd flic De'partmen]t lieips bt David bas small baok Iearnt- ing, s lie fells ime; and ide he had need iot ell me, f or sliould neyer have discovered Ut myself -- one misses it so liitti wlien the larger thjings are ail presentl!,., Notwitlistanding bis unfýaili-. arity wxith lalignebbit words, David lias absorbed a deal of wisdomi in his quiet Iife; tbough so far as 1 can see, bis on,ïly books have been the green trea- outside his window, a glimpseý of thse distant ocean, and tlie toil of his hands. But I sometimes quesion i as many scholars are flot mnad,ý a s marred in this wise, for --to the seeing eye -- the w,ýaviîng leaf and the far sea, the daily task, one's own heart-beats, and one's nieighbor's - these teacis us jin good ime ta interprel Nature's secrets, and man's, a»â God's as weli. - Fronm "ýPeneý,- lape's Prog-res,." by Kate- Doug- las Wilgg'il. S~ £44~ Wl~ Makethis attracivecaverufor any size TV setI's pmefyi rap paftern-a smnarf coffibinafion a! filet crochet and regul1ar cobf Pattera 600: C rochetTV square 25 iniclies in No. 30 nm- ccrizedc oItt n; mllrin INa. 50; lagrin cale n af tingcaftanl. SendTWN -FV CNT ini coins (stam-,ps canatle c cepted) for tinspatea afox 1, 123 Ei-gitceeath st-. NwTar- anto, Ont. Pr-iaf plainiy Pl TERIN NMEI orN and ADDRESS. LOOK for srnrf if desl aur Laura Wbeei-cerNedcrt Cafalog.. Crochet, kifigem- broidery, iavely fhngsfawear. Doli-s,, quifs, aïpran, nioveities fesy uant mke Send 25 cents for yaui* copy ot flils book NOW! 'You wHiiiw ta, orIder c r C dcsin n i. FAITHFUL LUTHERAN - Rounding out 64 yeans of perfect Sun- day scijool attendance, Amneliai Grim, lefi, wa-- honaoureýd f-t Promotion Day services in the Grace Lutheran Churc;-,h of Fak lin. Labrida Hctnby, assýistant Sundciy School sprnlrdni aiffixing fheý special pin awajrded ta hier, Mss Gm atiendanice has been braken only onýc, for ca tnp )to hl ter r'snaiveI. Geirman-y in 1907. Since t ihen îhe has3 a record of 2 1,75 SndaÉY5 in Sun-day school.

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