Tt SPRSxLM 61 Sport - gliigei'in g on lr i 0155 wfi l ie Je ~ -off wînI oies ite gr-ýcat t 3n lioancon 1ralevLIgh, 1 oilIey A îtcw 'ýCr lowc tlhat ie be ried to caýsh a chequeLý et tfhe tunmn.he - as try'neJd desv Several pros coff-rE'd te chtp in-,te makle lup the b$aObul Fleck thanked ihem lanisas e'dManage ro L,!0getaln tht the mnoney. And we'd tS-.y he mnae veirv well lie qiet 3-year-oild unlknown from DaJvenport, towa wvas ujnheralded and runlsung inh the early roundj(s 0f the Open. [He wa.s jilst another golfer. Evýeni when hb-s third round 75 ~gave him a total of Z210, Fleck Cidnýi)'t figure as a 4serions cotender. Sft was onily on thle 151,h bole of t the na round tliat word gof oui fo FleckI that ne could fie Ben- Hogani's pace-settîng scor.e of 287 wt two pars and a couple oi birdlies on- the tough finishinig holes, A Par and thriee bir-dies for a'i Fieck biwe is courage and troc nerve on iithe 6al hale wîhen he chdrpped a seven foot, putt for a brJeand a nie wtbh oganr. de proved iimnself areal chapion -I(7wh.ýe-n ne went OUI the Follwirig day ai ,,, hot a 61,iVtehat ogan in the play-off byv threce strokes Flek was an (irnknomwn ,' le» ithe tue~e startýed but he won the titie by playiIIg reat golf when if ocunteti [lis victory is the kinti that pr-ovid'es a thirill eveil (o the most jaded inh sports. [t is the sort of tremendlous acco ipliçshment thiat only happns i dreamns. Your coptments and sggestionrs for tis cotumn wii e wlae by Elmer Frguson, c/,o Coiv'ert Hte, 431 S,,, Toeno. Ca[vt't D1S 1 L L1 S L1M1- by 1tp-rankieg ex.,pertLs that if war cernes within the nexf. two yeariS fhey mu"stý be prepared for thle destruction 0f ai least, five of-tei a an iie,~d -fhere miay wvell lbe fiffeen millioni Dr, Lapp, An-eican. nuclear exetbs affirrned thaï nm pilets could make the Nike bat- teries impotent by droppingc thein nruclean bomnbs upwind, a long way from; the cities aid the Nke Ibatteriesý, acd !ef tbe radiactiitydrif t ove-n tue ci-L- Fýrm the Pi esident r:lown- wa-r ds, eve,,ryoce holding es- ponsible office in the present Admninistration takes the preb- lems ýof Ieferce very vseriousi. A wrnnwho -bas erdeaflettedl a-1 key job in civil dlefence sapid te me': l'Yeu, peopfle ie Britairn have ha'd expbnriecce Of twoc major, wars, jusf as we in Amrer- ica hav.,ýe, but thene is one vital difference. Wec fouglit thou- ~and.s 0f miles ïeway frem Ourr horneland, blut on bothi occasions yOU lein rîtaýin were in the front ljice. You sedup teif, btut fnankiy1ý we don't kcew bew oun peop,,le vwill stand up f0 night and d ay b o p-bar linrit withi The Nilke guided rmissile is ike a mechaical ldo.Ifs mïaýin, object is te guard Amreni- cen citiesa ginst enerny jet ,Ilanes carrying H- on A-bombs, Lilçe a bulldog, the 'Nike i-ever lets go. Fired against a hostile 'place, the Nite imakes for if ueerring- ly, ifs target acting ike a mag- nef te if. NO îafter bow th-e aircraft may twist and furn. the Nike will gef if arnd blow ift t pieces. And iniîfalling ta. earth, any A-bomb carried will nef explode ifliuif s fuse. The defence plan., referred fe in rmy lest article-, îs f0ring American cifies ai-idimportant instalations with Nie batter- Vital flifferexIIce The Defesice EnyWamnînmg Line, fthe huge radar sereen now being built in the vicin)ity o)f the Norfh Pole. wiIl give the United States a twe-bour wamn- iig of thie approach of ene-mny aïrcraff. The D)E.W. Lice will 'gie.reinforceti by eanumber of mean-made isantis 'anchore-d" to strafegie points. Enerny air- craft flying avr Arneican fter- rifonies wiil be attackýed by Nise bpetteries. But Arnericans have be-en foid mnvei~ some ar'e S; 01 for$ bye locli's wooden puppet, "Finoc- chio,ý is being refashioned in bronze by sculptor Eiia Greco, shown in Rome finishing the chailk model. The modernistic statue shows the puppet look- ing up at the Bue-Haiirpd Fairy, his protector in 1the story known by children of mct'hy countries. A heron, tcppirig the work, symbolizes' Pinccchio's change irto a reai boy. Funds for the statue which will st-nd in the Gardens of Collodi in the au- thor's hôme tawn of Pescia, ltaly, were donated by children fromn ail over the world. unsform tiï,ad four young nien rounid h.Perhaps this has something to do with the Red Navy? 1 tried to lend an ear "Gos,ý-h, ail Fishhookýs!" 1 heard. "I sa-id to hlmn, 'Cap'n,' 1 said, 'you can't talik to me t1hata- 1 concludie th1is person,-al ap- praisal wuhile the war clouds ap- pe-ar, hiappily, to lx- rofing asvay 1 arn 1ilv ,t0doaWarc o', the grine,ýssof whaIii F1 Ia-ve seen and heard, but 1 arn quite con-' fidient that iU ar oes corne to America the enemiy will recei've ;tn eqaly grim reception. TrryUîg To 0StLe al1 29,000 mgn andwomen 10f .theC a.rmed lforces- and iviliancs are cecrevif h hi ln wic bas ramificetionsidal over thr- world, stretching, as li -yas nef. into the vey fwc or vil- lage heevuare-reedinths article. Thie namne ofthe Place wliene everything appertaining te Amecricanr arm-eti fonces is plan- îicd is called the Pentageni. M4any millions have heard or read about if, but very few peo- plione employed there bavei ever been ellowed inside this hoiy' ef holies--th-e nerveUcenl- ire of Amierica'- defenice rg izat ion. The Pentagen is a fv-iei fîe-stonied buildling, standing, on the River Potomnac, a few miles fremn the city of Wasýhington). If's the largý_est government building len the wvonld. There is fhe MHail Entrance and f he River Entrance. Ivent in by the River Eentranice. On an average day there are betwý"Ceen eigýht and rnine thcusand cars parked here. If Washingtec) wei e attacked. the Plan is tf0 move these cars ouf of the seventy acres of parking inte an intricate road nef leading Io highways. Driv- ers would fil] their eairs ,vithi passenigers, including those wbe 1normially fraye] by bus. and stant getting ouf of the Wash- ingfoni area. This part ef the programme was nef trieti ouf in the Junie test wheii President Ei-senlewe.r andtis s. tiff toIs ta the his some ne from Washingt on.' If is- planned te mnove somie goverrient departmenits as fan away as 300 mles-if war cornes. I arn fold that onie affennoon lest winter when there was a light if sowfail, the Penitag-on) staff. whose heurs are uisua(ly stag-gerecl, ail started for berne at oece. Some car drivers found ithemsel!ves sf111 tying te get out of Peetegon parking lots an heur affen they started up their mrotors Sorne required another two heurs te neachi home only eigbt miles away. Af the entrances to the build- ingl stand the police secunity men wihrevolvers on their bhips, soi-e civilians, morýt probably' J. Edgar Hoover's G-mic, iand a number cf lounging Negro car- callers. I openied he ceclr-wood doors uinchaýllen1ged and found m iyselt inj a lonig but very cerew kind cf eete-roomn. More cedar wood doors and thien 1 reacb-ed e large cool hall wýhich rmcddme of aswank nursing home. A beau- feous blonde saf behinid agls courter 0on which stoode arg -bowl of exquisite f1owers c'Ca, I help yeuý * "'s-be inileci S weeC-tly, H7..lw utterlYunaie ail thiîs is, 1 felt. 1 sltifed a de- sýire f0 ask; if l mîghit see e patient in WVard X', ac-d me,1 fioned thicameof thie cian wý [h whorn1 I-1,1(1 an appoiînnf! The blonde cnutda ifhn banided ime a chart oet ibe build.- ieg w ý,ith the mbrof thie floor. the rnfhtste seylo- catïion. the'nmbrof the corri- d'or, -ild the numb"0ýr of the bay. aIl marked ih a red percil. Each floon esacolour, Einst 1Iloor tani, scndfoOngreenl, third floen red, furhfloor gr-ey, lthfloor b1lue. Anid 1, who hve ne bump ,of lcaionetail, a- rnîved safely and ulotaltniy destination, as 1I did onsui " quent visijts teothrde -art- But Vwhen oeS arrive et ene's desination, \-bat aP oie w7hat a ciatter! Voices, 'phene belîs, tyý.pewriters, teieprntters, loudspeakeürs (l-I mean both- hu- 1macis and machines) ail going et once! I almocst gave î'n tryicg to hear what waïs beicg said to' me because if was like a thirty- three ring circus, andi allLunder one roof, as if were. Looking more ciosely (l saw ithere was a lot of confabbinig going on. A pretty girl in naval Joe Swegles. "'It's outrageous!" But Knayout-talked bis qualms. "How wifey knowv youi're telling the trith?" Sweg- les persý-istedf, "Flow will they know yvou're the actual thief?" Jim Fenealyv had worked that but, foo. A page of aý newspaper was tom jaqggcedly in two. One haif was f0 be left i the tomb, The other haif, fitfing iît exKactly, Jim piannP4J tfo keep as his proof. The coup was neatiy 'tîmed for election niight.Lincoln lay buried deep ln the deserted wToods, two miles from Springfjield where boisterous voters pairaded. Smiling ccnfidently, Big Jim sawecd throughi the padlock on the iron dloor and stole jeto the. musty vul.The vwooden offie wae prised haif out whnSwe.g- les pausýed in t he deoorway\ artd struck a maItch teý light his cigar.ý The next insýtant a sudden rush of me-n swÀ,ept past hlm. The solitary lantern went ouf. Rev,ýolver s-hots rang ouf - un- til the detectivýes whio had been waiting in the wvoodIs ln their s;tockingled feet irealized they wUere ain cî-hosat eacb et her. The osprtoshad escaped but Abraham Lin)colin a saved. If was ten dayýs before the gang- seswere rounrded uip. .ai save ge s,-who ad ti nt informer. Keneaýly lhad oelokda rninor detîl - flic portrait of Lincoln tfooed eon iSwegles' Wrist. Evn roks av tei politicsi! Kenealyv wa-s righit in IzqsertjrIz- lie couid steal Abanraa Lincoln witihout puni. shrnent. But h e wvent te jil Ifor consPiring fo steal a cffnworth $75. Canned Bluesermieýs Licesed canerslest year pcd139,078 ozencontainers of blueifberies, more than twice amyas in 19ý53. DPVEST 1 ECZEA SALV 1, Nieiety years ag0o0A brah amn Lincolnaçstepped into the box of a Waý',shi)gloi-itheatmn and imet an assa-ssrn's bullet. Whieri citi- zens gather in an Illinois cerne- f-ry' vte pay tribute te bis memio- ry 'the-ir- every move is being wtedby dletectives. Below the f loor of the great rnasolumthe bodiy cf Amnen- casgotnational bere rests un- 'asiy. The amazing fact is that if bais bren mroved ne fewen than seve-,teen limies te preveeot ifs bigstoleýn by crooks and held tennon One ann coup almeost suc- ceede-d. ig Jsrn Kenealy beaded the cieverest ga-ng cf ceancr- feiters in the States. ,'BuIt when the police inconvenliently jailE'd Bec BeydI, bis master engraver, Jim JdeuLcdte steal the body cf Lincoln ndo then offer te swap if for 1-Bo $eydsrlas and 250,019 What's rmore, the Sta"te of Il- licols had ne law mekIaýýg if a crime tosta a cerpse. If promîsied te be, easy te ai the o y vault, sýtuff the body of America's nation,"l here ie a sa !k ind bideifanrg the sandunesAs seen as Liccoln xvas issoditht'nation %would lic in an umor.Then mw., the ftime tein e edba~an "I do't likze if," said ýis Crecy. 5ALLY'S SAI-LiS CLASSIFIED nAB*V CWiCKS WHY take achianlec o any lied ot chickens wheni you can bc assuneod that yau will gét better livabity ilediee chieks. better i'iv7abtjity ini the latinsï bouse, aud better egg productionl an lasa eed, when you puirchase any aI aur three sp-eciai egg breeda. thatarVe the resuilt ci the iest acientýifie breed- ing methlods. You will be Pleased te kn-ow vthat the Mrirt c f the-se chlcks is very Uitile m'ore than the cheap"e5t chieka yýou can bui'. Write for ful details. Also broîler cliteka Turkey polIts aider ouilleis 14 weeks tÎtOiS Catlogua. TCWRDDTE CIU -ATCH1ERTFF Lt'D Canadam's largest ;andOlOdest etblh eSi hatcherips on some breeda sS ta1ýi1neverv wveek in t0me vear erg pranîillm lpaîd Floi tut idatails Iwrite Box- 13c. 123 ggtet tre 'e Tao'ovi Oniario ORSALL I\ NV Recap snow Tires. 600 Ox 16 $j0.q5o 670x1j5 s1195; 710x]15, 1.' 760xl5 $14.-95 tasc31, tled am rc tires90x1$ 20-00 ascii. S>,-C"' > Colilec, Brampoton O.K. Robbrer a] ara. 3169 Main St- N.. Brarnitn. ,Ont CFrTlFIED RASPEERRIES For faîl pîa-nting the suýreaýt Iway e succesa. Viking- Lathle11i Madawa,- and ouas, Eenvale ardntmine OVERS17ZES! Dreas shirts wh itte and p 1 a i n caorsuaes to2i, Trousers. ove', ais.wtdbakara.udewa up ta site$0.Apenelfoi rftal mec. Raftunda gutaranteed. WrU ite or oces, Lildor 378 saitHube11Wt'Motreal 10. OEcomipaýny reciuIras two vouesp men toecormmence salas training Vo tadVooui can taff No exni encea nes'4sarv bul apoiilcants sho1ldà ha l17 21 vears oi age. singla. and primulnilv concermed with sauring a caireer. vith ulmtdfuture C arl. manemna sala v 535 par week Write Rex 13 7 12li', anhStet a CA&TTLE SALE Plie Onitanio Red Poli Catie Clubo Conignment Sala aI raegevi1le Faim G'rounds Tbusa October 27 1.20 r),m T.B sil BnasTEstad 10Ci uila 2,1 9emalnes A 'ROY COUTR ec remvTrpeirr Cmbaîla Oc- tante 1R. R.3 MED:CAkL G1DRESOIIUTION - EVERY SUFFERER 0-, PHEWM'ATIC PAISOR NEIJRITIS tSHOULO TRY DIXONS REMEDY. M.U>ROS DRUG CSTORE 335 EqiOitoa $1.25 Exp!ess Pr.epazd BA,1NISIHetnetudr esea rahs andwepn ske jubs post's EczemlaSav îlnliup p oilt vati. itcf1ijLuaselsdf( u ing eczema aclcerngor mle anSi footecezemi U epn edl taü the stamniess odiej m îin regardiess of bov tthono h,, iess tley iseemD Sent post Feree an Receii u n c PRICE S2.50 PER JAR POST'SRE OI 8 Quen SI. . onio o MEN eAND eWOMEýN if yOLI knOW so ale t oa opportunitYý, Anynn o taill pl0,, Truiti,Bo 9PNvuc Mo. USA WElove ourmila:d .evs ever $1,060O monjthIy ble orur ural mil box," saay owners 01f imeUil 11he ýsni sî- order business. Details n1ow tu star!. Edwiuads, 216 Nr011c1) aema1 CPIOsSWOR1D PuzzleFns rssou nmadle easy wl!th a Coswr epc orly $t.00. Olsol' CnswrdGud sandwith Ssk Caad for oi tatesi Free catalua ce aies1,1 ri1fles et. L farge,isot-, u SportioneGood ?(i r ý uw Ont. BE A HIIR3E LOIN CANADAS LEADIN4G s5(MOL Great Opruî' Leara arresn Pieasaint dtgnilied rlsiolor Writ i Cai ýfl 3511 Blot Si nonto 7> Rideau St. Ottaw,,a ïDENTIFT andpesnlzeerhn. Touür nameiii nS ddrs un c'îecka. s;tationery books e t c. S a ves time. avoitis errors. Finesi 'liee lina e fR- SONALIZED RBE STAMP oostpaid frt F9. ialer's SeilisOae 2Kiniey Sask MIAKE iloiev 'ule1dv elsSan lrd Greeting Cards. Chîistnmas ;i Everydlay. stattonery Giff itemi-s oe. Exellent commission, Write 195 Perth Street. Rokv)eOntario LADIES buy vouir nylon stockingýs and uinderwear, dir-ect fom the malser > at wbolesale prices aidiake extra mnonev in vour sp)are itue tkie rd1ersfrom vour frlends. N~o exocrience nei'esaarv. We carry the stocý,k for vout Write for oartfculars RdentvereCOr. peration. 4 444 S;t. atei tieet West. Montreal FETYHERSTONHA; !(',P & Consnyl Pat,,ent Attornieva. Establlhped 1 il10 600 Unlversltv A~ve Tomarto Patntst al counitries AN Oii'lEB tae verin,1ventur List o1 inventions and fqUilinomaio nt free TbeRac a le liýgstrpîi Pbýt- CET Well! stay well! Be stroljg live long, ba happv. Ovarcomne ail disease. Iorainfree. A resFranlcasL Thomalasu, 1Bnx 455-I, iYivrsttv Station, Tucsoia, Arizona. 1.0rUIAL efer ssen itv e mef~îx personal reqmrtrei ani Laf est cata. logcesIneluded Thi %e lêAgeneFY. ~Box !24, Terinl ',%" 1'oraýnto<nnt. STAMP Collectors! 175 differentt forelgn staar $1. 300 duiferent foreign stamnps $2. Bonder SatpCo-. Ellel- ville, New York. EUROPE 1956 MA,&KE YOUR RESçEPvÂTiON 140W Vacation Arratngem'ents Bermuda - CoIifornia Jamaica - Mictmi - Nsa Mexico - Hawaii AIR AND STEAMSHIMI RESEIlVATtONS RUSSAND BUS fOURS I4eteI Rese-rvaions AnYwhere 0, K. JOHNSON & CO. LTD- 697 Bay SI. Mfi4# N N N N N ~'-a~ N N N N N N N N 'N N N 'N N 'N N N N N N N N N 4., N -s N N N --s N N ~1 1 -