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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Oct 1955, p. 7

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lUE s pOR T 4 ~efU~P~ 9e#~9~a4o~ à eamns, gdto becomne the 1ilet oi the Chicago lack lawks oi the Ntoa egethere was the uisual r-inn ticslon ver hi cnirct Irvn as lo g luineSS \wîlb JIî Norri, u~inGmpJ oweT ol th-e Hawks Ater ie bsic £laywis gred u.V(,Ihre ewite in1tO the (eOntraïct, Uorýe bv oe.Vai iOUS bonus cIatwes This IS qUite tiie UýLia] thm1g s4aks d been. lai[n the Leag-ue iriOuIgb Ilý54 and 195. 1d ntrtvowner .Jim Norris i;!-y ageed tb a bo-nus conidional on the team flinishinE, Ili the nlay of, -fourth l lce or better. -Now" sald iiri, lIis ing aý,ed upon. "put in another -For wliat*?" eniquîrýed o(wnr Nrrsufgri the last bonus had been sott]ed -"For Hawk entrint, o the Stanlev Cup fial aid Irvin quietly. Norris srggcwrote in the clause, aýnd was rea-dv to, han-d the contract over to lirvin lhe gray-ttaired coachb eld d'p bis hand. "Onie more ciauise" he said. "A bontis if we win the Stanley Cup." Norrîs signed tloi the bonus 'U be ver.y happy to pDaY [bi,"1wsaid. "anid ýaIJ the other bonuses to)o."' Returning to Chicago, 1rvin, ai 63 yeais of age, teaves Ca-nadiens after coaching that. team since 1940, a-nd evelop ing such players as Richard, Lach, Bouchard, Ge'ofrion. Bouchard, BiH Durnan, Gerry lVcNeil, Oàup THarvev. Iickie Moore, Tommy Johnson, Jacqies Plante, Jean Beliveilu, and many other greats. Canadiens have been Linder his leader. ý,hip year after 'year R potent factor in the Ntoa League, wvinning th > tn1ey Cup three- times, the Leag,,ue title four imnes in a row Irvintg is leavinig the Stanley Cup llnialists te take over the tail-end club. "You get in a rut remaining in one place.", waps bis comnment ias he becanie the 19th Hak .ach since bhe team moved into thse maim, league in 1926 Your commenis and stggestionis for ihis col umn wili 6e welcered by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 437 Yonpc S,'-, Torcante. t DIRSTIRGLES SOIE Late Planted EuIbs Dressed To KilI Theý fall bride -may find il bard 10 furnisb a "dream" homYe on a dcowný-tb-earth i budget. Howtevei,, there are ways of stretching money for furnish- ings. Oo'èway is 10 buytuirpaint- ed furmiture and finish il aI home. Finiishing furniture is flot d:f- fîcuIIt - JUSt a matt& f fusirg the righit produet and following directions 10 the letter. A good basic rule is this: ilever apply a finish to a surfac~e that isf't dlean and dry. Sar, with fine sandpapcfr an-d dusIt off wvi 1hf a turpentine-danmpeiwçl clotlm beforýe yout touclm that pailît brush! Natural wood !olof s play ant important vole in muodern deco- rating schemes. The attractive grain of gqod- wood can be er- hanced 2nd, at the Fame tiamie, protected by a cllear vTarn.ish-. C e r ta i n open-grained woodis stich as oak, walnut or mahogany wil] need a wood filier before varnishînig while close-g-rained woods like kine- or maple are al ready for the finishing job. New wood usually needs at leaist 'Iwo coats of varniish, and each coat mnust be thoroughly dry before you start the next. It's a good idea 10 sand lightly between the coats, to0.' A special satin varnish, ap- plied as the final! conta wi7fll ive the furniture ait ovely sheen. HoIwever, if youi're of'thç e- bowgrese"school try rubbing dowa the ordinary varnish with powdered pumice and water. Polish with a coat of "Sýilicone" polish or hard wvax and yvou'l1 gel a "mel'low" look that's strict- ly professionaL. Ir, somne woods, th-e natural1 celor is rio! as attractive as il mýigh)t bc. If th'at's the case. give àl a coat of ,wood stain before youi varnîsh. There are many sta-in colors on the market. The ros- huted maple finish, for instance, is oe which is afpa oe1 many Jecorating,_schenmes and can be applied tb various t ypeýs of wood with rewarding resuits. A finalI coat of 1(,etr -vaýnish applied over ia tain ives- a So he found, .d in For of Cascoefrranço, ii lage in Italy, was HiewÀas kind, and highly rega ugliness was, as cross 1 could net hid himself in a Vincenzo, nowý recently by a c( Entering a. grotto Soine miles froei discovered hm mieal. They took hiu village wh r, r ber words he ho nearly haîf a(c couinted bis storý "In the compai appearance liasr 1 wanted te mï children. The g when' they look( olne, lay , 1 fel - eyes. her sli decided 1 founc cave anad th'e gaie lie tl'appect. For his f'ew necessities he traded fruit and garem i wth roving 1gipsies. The presence of Pa "cavem-an," was known in the area, but none of the few people wvho dared penetrate deep in tIhe wood ever saw hum. The war passed hinm by. The village h- now taken him) back, given him j cellar tolive in, and has prmse o feed and clothe hlm for lthe res7t od his tlife. So oldi Vincenzo sits in the sun with his enormous fîapping ears, his grotesquely long nose. hiis tiny eye:,s and straýgglings whisk- ers. and grins7 "T'm a bit ton nid r love nWso I can forget y ui fa 'hp teIs lIme pa)sserS- by. Monte Carlo %vas thez scene of a strange occurrence one night nmny years ago. An elderly geiJnt-lan took a seat in the* easino aï-d ventured fifty francs on Numnber 17. The nunib4zr came uu-p The old mari pointed at Number -17 again and miade no move 10 rake in arîy of his winnings. Again the 11111e suj- ver bal camin10rest ai Number 17! The croupier 1ooked ques- tioninglVy at thme old mari,uwho ,at with his hcad clown on one armn and his inger pointed at Numnber 17 on the board, Fîve more conisecutive limes the wheei bit Number 17. The old man 's pile of chips was enior- mous,~ The crowd stood silent with admiration for his nerve The crýoupier ha-d a burried con- sultation with lthe directots.. and aninouned that thle bank had bee» broken and lthe rou-lette giewas at an end But the winner of lthe fortune neyer sýtirr'ed. He was dead., Furtherm-ore, a docbor lestifled in court ha ha.d been dead ever sinice the second spin. A dead man broke the bank ai àMonte Ca. rlo.C QUI-EN MARY MAUURETANIA QUEEN ELIZABETH ivERNIA PARTHIA SAMARIA QUEN MARY BRITANNIC SAXONIA ASCANIA QUEIN EU;ZABEiHI MEDIA QUEEN MARY IVERNIA SAMARIA SAXONIA QUI1N ELIZABETH PARTHIA BRTANNIC QUEEN MARY SCYTHIA MEDIA ASCANIA QUÉENE SZABETH FRANCONI4A IVERNIA QUIEt'>MARYi Fri, OCT. FO., Nov. Wed. NOV. Fri. NOV. Fvi. NOV. CHICU HATCHERIES LTD. ONTARIO aiCIHFG COOl -Werl. OCT. 19 -iT-es.OCT. 25 -Wed. OCT. 26 - Fr, OC.29 Sot..OCT..228 -Wed. NOV. 2 - Irar. NOV. 3 Th-cr. NOV. 10 - ri. NOV. il NOTVr. NO. 1 Wed. NOV. 25 F, 1.-CV- 2 Fr], NO. 15 -Th-, .DEC. i F 0. KE. 2- - ti. tcc. 9 -Fr. DEC. 9 - ti. DEC. 9 -TSars. DEC. 1 5 -Fr]. OIC. 16 OIV ESTOCK Fime Onitarlo Red PoJilCatile Cu Coznsignruient Sale et Orangeville pvair Grounds *Fthrsday Octobar 27 L30 .m. T.B. and Bangls Testeti. 10 Hulas, 2 eals.A. ROy CÇ<ULYER Sec- ratary TEreasurer. CamDhielvile On- GOOS ADVICE! 5VERY SIJFFERER OF RéiEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURMTS SHOUI.L TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottowe. 11.25 Express Prepoid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BA-N1SII 1ime terineni ew diveczenia rashýes ,andi weepia skiîn troubles. Postas cema salve eîl Cot îdisse. p oint you. Itchias scallnig andi hum'- ihIg eczema 4f1ee rguoýrsa onnptes anti füooteczema %ail) rEsPond readlii te lte staijnless odorlasa olalment. regjirdlesaa jfhow st1utîbom'n eT oile- legs..#tbev Pseemr sent ïps Free on Receme nt rk.ýt 01teLgan BOOKS B0OOKS on ail breeds of birds, pgos bantams, poultry. pheasants. water- fowi, cats, dega, rabbit, farim animaIs, aquaria, huntin, h lorticulture. etc. C-t logue frce, Morgans, London Caln. a da. DEALERS VWANTED DEALERS wvant-ed te sel) cblcks andf turkey poults for one oi Canada, odest estabIiisled Canaian ýrAprroved Haitcberies. Gond commission pald, Seïld for fuil details. Boxý Number 111 123 Eight,,eenthi Street Newi Tornate." Ontario. FOR SALE 1 947 REO sehocl Bus, 43 passengler, leathe-, upbolstering, chassis. engine and tires in exceptionaily good Con- dition. Reasonaflly priceçl. VALL~EY COACE ULNES. OEiILLIA, ONT. AlEN' S and Womnen's finest Caifskin leather linhi belts. Sizes te forty black, brown. *$2.00 eacii, S for $5.U0 Gladstone Sales 168 Allen Stmeet, New York 2, tNeW Yorkl. NUW, ReCap Snlow rires. 600 x 16 $1o.95: STOxS *1.95;710x15. SlV..5; 76Ox15 ¶14.95 ,euch. Upeetlamytruchi, tires 900x16. $20.00 each. Ship C001). Collect Brampoton O.K<. Rubbeî Weld. er.35 Malin St. N.- Brampton Ont, CERTIFIBLI RASPISERRIES Foirfail piantlng lihe surest %way te suce'sa.viki? alem aaak and otlmer.% Edenv7ale Crdn Mie ing, eOn t, OVERSIZES! br2iýs sIIrtSs W ht e and p a i n coiour,, , ass e2;. fîtisers. over, alla wndbreakers. undelrwear up te sîz', tio. -Apare! for taIl men. Refunds guaranteed Write For prices. LiMero 6378 Saint lubert Montres] 10. KE~WANTBOD OUR e ompaiy requii'es twe voetiag MCa teommniaence sales training te aidd te o 0urOntarioe staff. No txperl. ence ncsar.but applicanta shosild be 17 21 vears et age. single, and Sprinmarily concerned with securiag P. career ,uit, unlimited fuýture, C om niencina salart' *2 par week. Write Box 1"7 123 EiltatmStreet New Toronrto. IIOLLYWOOD and other Californha Employincnt! Sltllled anrd unskilieti, men, worneni: Transportation ad vanced. No emnploymnent fee. WVrt Franklin Reîsearch, Route No. 1, Topanga, Ca!ifornia (Suburlan Lot, Angeles). PRIVATE Piano lessons by Mail, any-ý age. $2.00 eacb lesson. mrusie included. No. obilgation, Order firt lesson. statlng age. Burreil Piano Studio. Leeshurxg, Florida. BEFORE buytývng be sure and write foi Our laesi Free caýta)Og 0on auns. rifles. etc LarIe aýsrn'eDt ScopeD Sportine 9aod 50Bnh St. Ottawa. Ont BE A HAIRDRESSER SOIN CANADAS LEADING SCNOOL Great oipprtunritvý Learn HaslrdIrtsslfrm Plaatdlgnified Pofession goed wae housancis of succesaful Marvel graduiatýes Amcrica's Greatest Svstem 11hlu5strateocl atalogue tFree Wite or Cal MARVEL E*-AUIDRESSING SCllOOLS 358 Blûeer St. W. Tconto Branches. 44 King St., Iamilton 72 Rideau St. Ottawsa IDENTIF-Y 3sndpers.tmallze eve-rvt~Mn£. Your name and Afdress on cek-e. statlonery bookis etc. Save, tIme. avoids errors. Finesit hree Uine PEIP- SONALIZED RUEBER STAMP Do. tpaid for *9.Fowler's ncl]le rawer 2 IUlev Sashi M«ARE Ymonev quicklv se.IlfingStand. ird reetïng Cards. Ch;iîtnIaS sned Fevýya.;ttonerv Gift items etc. Excellent commissions'. Wite: )195 Perth Street. Brochiville Onitario 1,ETfHERSTONH-AUG*I & Comnpany. Patent Attorneys. Es;tabiish!ed 190,. 6,00Ulest Ave. Trontejt Patente a11 ceuunres AN %mOFFER ntoe efry IvnerUIot mventlons anifulltnors go ent fiee. The Raîmsay Co. RgseeiP8st. ent Atrea 273 Rn St. Ottaia' PERSONAL $10 RI>.pffer. 'wctyfiive deluxe persenal requlremente. Lates) cala-. togue lncýiudîed. The 4Medïco gey Bo!124. "Permýial "A" roronto Ont,. Wed. tlf~. 1.4 Fn. 0K. 16 No one con serve you better CUNARD LIME Ch,ýrboug, Soatho1o CaSh, Nevr,Sahepa Choerbouarg, Southanptcn Cre-z,ak, Jerpoot HC, rar, South,pt., Ch.Liv'roal p Lierpa Cherbaurtg, Southempitn ti-epool Cher b.r£So,, eago Havre Satha ori Chr'n, 5ahornptc CaSS, Uverpea] Navre,, Soudhampto. Ctr, Roy & WelIhncjon lis., Ttrcne n,,Tq Mie2.Ul4S N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 's' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s" N N '1 N -s N s N N N l'as N. s. s N N N N N N N N N "a N s N -s '"-s N s N N N. N N N N s '~1 "1 N N N N N N TO EUROPE 'aFALL and CRRUSTMAAS SAILINGS TO BRITISH PORTS: At Thrift-Seqson Rates 10 FRENCH PORTS First Clous, from $192 ROUND TRîP FOR AS ITTLE AS First Clous from $I99-.50 Tourist Class from $140 0 Tourist Clo-s from $ Il45 VESSEL F frouiMOI4TREAI Frna QIEBEC jfrog NEW YORK j1 F'..,IHALIFAX K.__________ ýýz

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