r and will commence s] ,fo'clock,. -. t is the intention of tion to inerease the pr tisý bingllo anld as a diý hiave everyi-one present cdock thie firstl game is ai sum of fvedollars. 'T * especial games in ad - wnyregLar games. Port FHope, "oe ,l w d,"O ur Fran,1 in bis communîity, Mmr. Mc- .s an Eider of the Orono Un- ch for fifteeni yeams and was mýnbem o! the B!oard o! Stew- oel to lbeinlg'an Eider. -Mi. w\as a miember o! thle Omono Lodge, No. j3Z5 and its aster in 1945,. Proceeds from be usýed f'or the and.i summiiter spol- the cildreni. pso, owma -0- ai store br Association Sec {Roipis Hrn1ý 0f New Oftices _______e'- vil le, See ar quamtely meeting O'She(a o! on MonayNoveml- of Bighitol Iowing thý-e lst dav o! Q.C. o! Por ittings o! the Sup- vey Bren)til and carried a snu Amieican Beauty bridesmaidswo with mautching I also earried sniLI Thc P~ois East (U> 'S squamle waS il f began. d Dig downi '~have to", -wei had. "we can rnothem matchin Lulîla woregren IhaOppy and shoes ington, Top 0-