VATCWSI'LEDADWIE SAV AT CORNP H'S RED AND WRITE FROZEN FOODS AYLMER FANCY Ju ek SiJIIRIFF'S INSTANT Pbuddings rsotd 2f r 2 3 î COOKED WRIPPED Potatoos 10 oz 270 l 2 oz 2for 29e f00u~0~0~'S0f0f0n.09f0ea0e0004 I~i i<i f f 1~1 i~i i~i i~i DAINTY WHITE RICE 6 o.pkg. 2for 29cý CROWN ORANGE PEKOE T ea Bagvs 100's 90 - - -oef*~e0 - 0000Ô0'< 000000000W e4,0e00000'0"~""n"~~ ~ - Bjlack Watch Bi - <Ie-m- Veat FrIlt xh b Buj Steak onos lb bÇc z SWIFT'S PBEMIIJM L NHO WS jM eatl Font Rils lb C395c -'à RSTMET DÀ ~RDESN ISieSareib lb45 sAVE COR6plN iH'STi lp i V l- ORIIRED D1i MViId Cheese 8 oz wedges 33c Mé>iuim fhmese 8 o z wedzes 35c w--- ------ - X te do Te ddy Save $3,97 ilowO $3Aut,98% - w t-i t~g I~I i i i~,3 I~i y' j~I t-ZI j~I I i ~ jO~ 1Z1 :1j j~t j! i ! y i~I 'O! i~i ~~0 ir~! j~j iveee greeci tO huy thiese. Fur ,a littie relnaaiûn the miemibers sang 'ft isoýt any trouble jus,. to smi-' A. ltterwasreail in regardj to tche short cour Se "Canning Otroa f'its and vegetables." The January daewas lot suitabe for us and the ncuehasbeen cancelled for thp t;me ceingsntusa nexx AtejA fumn 'Àih !flbeacceptale. The o frthie meetiný,g was "Wheuc the,,,t oo snotod r h pok Suplceadthe recsulting p)our marktc re 1th.e caue. hero', und citydwele 'I re the farers' 9 custoers nd mre vsitînIg 1back a forth was ,aggSted so thýÏIlat a btter ondIer studin:g twould recui1t. The et, ofthe frme -isof thýe um e vents were given by ueh rmembec and proved very iterestUg. The, mIeetinig closed by thie singing o "Gd ave our gracious QueLen".Th next m(eeting will be held in the even'Iing of ebr 6th,ý and M'rs.. iM. uonhaýs ]i ndly invited t'aa membersto her hoe for thlis met ilig, wihwl take thIle f ormi of a Chrisýtmas Pal-L rty an Christillas gifts,ý %Wl le exchanged. Refreshmenti were served and everyone sat 1rouu&- the table and enjoyed a ýsocialt tinie-N MUrs. J. Stapletoni and. Mrs. F. Sto)kee- weLe thie hostesses. lst and Mlre. Adexander and Rob'- bie and Mr. Bert Hlolland visited >Uvrý, i mn Ho in &wmnvnille Mlemorial. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Faits, 24r les mother, fvIrs. Thos. Falis on San- Seven froni Kendal attended. tha% '"Youth for Christ" meeting in Bow-. m~anville Town Hall on Sati4r4ar- night. Several hyins were su4 ., souiid picture of one of BiLlGra, ham's -meetings wvas shown on th&w sereen and Rev. Bell gave a splýindUý taflk. Mr. and MIrs. Gleni Kirby of To- onto visited her brother, Mn .Rae, Sleep for the weekend1, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke of Tor- onto spent the weekenid at thLfr sumnmer houle bore. Mr. and Mrs. Wm-. Boyd and Mise, Mary Taylor of Toronto visited Mr, aud rs B Alexander on Saturday. Mvr. Allais Foster's barn was src by lîghtning on Monday night dur- ing the big storm, but nio seriusa damiage was done. cOR O o PH;-ONE 127 Inisuranlce service Every claBs of Insur- ance is' represented in our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we a offer: Automnobile, Life, Acrident a-id Sickiess, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary, Hos-pitalization, Livestock. Bo-lier, Wind, Polio, Hail, Fidelity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE IR16 FIRST NFORTGAGE LOAN'S' RELESTATh Rb1i CLOsVER LÉhF FANCY SUPREME SWEET IMIXED $*Iid White Meat TfwmUNA vAM&Pickles 16 oz. 7oz33c1z2f or39c N .5 N N N N N N N s N N N "-s '1 -s N -'i N N N N N N N N N s N N N .5' N N N N N 'N N 'N N N N N. N s N N N 'N N s N N. N N N 'N N N N N 's 's N N N N N. N N N N N s N 'N N N N N N 'N N N N 's s N N S N N N N N N 5" 's 54 s N N s N N N 5, N N i' N N N 55 N N N N N N 45