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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Nov 1955, p. 6

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appasi ny go( and au teir laundry!La~ter whenIcr 1lied two babies oaI my ownr, I r c-ally lemad hea trouble was. 'Insteed ai being lo,"cd, 1 got islaand (I'm sure) ~te herd.Tstead of being takien Out ow, and then for a, littIe change, I was made toIstay et hom-e thank goadnress, we lied a emaIl garden) an-d vweeks en (Ado ie ta do ailth I I ver Li y. 2ard 1 *every t1 I ,vas er mmid; cirèi are Sa jeal- bat 1t11(' ne -er n;Re ng"ai ,"0d band conceaiea. ais selîrîsnnc-iss *and jealausy; fewad o *were as helpless as thaugh hLe *ac coammitted to ]il.À, * Withotta capo to do bat- *e t! n yomu ehaîf, onfly biis * eath set ou free, * No-w you cen help your chu *dren farget, the fihee *years they ke wictheir, *fethiei lved, and tefuture *lie, unclouded before you aIL. * our determination ta stay *single is naitural -- for a time. 1 cl dohope, though, tatsoire * ppreciative younIg manlMill J iscover you oane day and (dem *onstrate how good and beau- ~ ttu~marragecen Lbe. TAKE FIANCE BACK? "Dear Anne H-irst: . arn almost 18, and wvas engaged ta a boy for over a year. Once he went -with aniother girl, -s0 I gave hlmi bakhis ring. He hesýn't re- peated that i c ...Now h 'e begs mne ta date hmaga2n. I dIO lave hlm so htIr1t Ican't cat or, sleep "M pretshave nye ýp- proved of hlm whaily and nowI theywan e te Uge in.I I cen persuade them ta, change thieir minds, shah I1 teke 'hlmr b a Ck?",It is twa onh sinice I saw hlm. * Dp ourIprents abject ta ith boy because he once dated *aniother girlJ? Or because be *tbink you were bath teoyun Iot be engaged? I suspect it is * he latter reasan. I'mi afraid *Jagree with Miothier and (jDad. * ettîng eneeat 16 ta realfly MIN fol;y u wre bath ta *Young ta realize wVhat it * meant. i aem surprised -your Sf anilyelwd it - or- did you *accept hir ithout their ,ap- *provel? m I think youshauMl tal hs * oveCr fr ankLdy-With your othe m ad fether. ýFind, out whet tbey tihink af hlmî, and why. Per- *heps you cen came ta omne *comipromise. *If nat, then go on ta cahflege s, as-o, pened and prepere * yarself for a bu1siness career. *Thet would give your parents *greater confidenece inyr a-Leurity, and elterawhe *,o1 ya oudnd yourselîA hep- *pierv in every Way. W!ïen trouble cornes, emler- b)er y-ou mre nof alone. Ane istwill stand by tn lîelP you fhogand lier syrnpatlxy ïaud kdily onexl fawlt yeni. Write lier at Box 1, M23Eilhteentih St., New Toront o, Ont ...... propier for a ll lier thaf he 876 w - This gay "il apron -is a wonderfuil aide when compay comes-klýeeps you lookîng neat and pretty! E asy to mak-e of scraps! Pattrn 76:Gay "Caver Girl"! Embroidery and applique trans'fers, easy dihrectioonsfor making th' is cutîe aproni, 16 ;inches long. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannolt be .ac- cepted) for týiis pattern ta Box I, 123 Eighlteenth St,, New To- r-onto, Ont., Adldress. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your INAME and ADDRESS. LOOK for smert, gifft ideas in aurv Lau:ra Wheeler 1N7eedl.ecreft Catalog, Crochet, kniittiing, em- broidery, lovely things ta wear. fls, iran-ans, qu-lits, aprans, navelties-easy, fun to -m-ake!, Send 25 cents for your copy of this book INO-W! You il l want to arder every neow design in it, Inents be sent of a mnarriage which lias beenl kept secret for several iweeks or mniontbs? A. Since a secret marriage is not a preser-ibeýd affair, thiere is no definite timre for maling an- naunicem-ents.lit is entirely op- tional. 0. How can a new bride in a stra--nge city,ý best go about mak- ing new frlends? A. By joi'ni'ng a chuLrch group, tche local garden chlb, or soime simfiler orgaisat-ioni which ini- ter-ests ber, she will very lýI1kly moyot woDiaen, with tasties con- genial t,0 her own. Q. Are- the letters, popuJarly written at fIxe bottoms of in- vitations, al suppojsedl to be capialie4,as, R.S.V,.? A. No; onily t7he first letter Is capitalizcd, as, '"R. s.v.. ..Q. 1,1 a young- mani sendls a ,girl a corsage tey wear to somue patrieuar affair, bPtttfxe flowers do net barmonize with fIxle one suitable gown she must wear, wliat shoifld she do.? A. Weàr them any7Way, or carry them-. ItR aldcertainly be very 1rude ta leave thern at home. 9, When a wif e is writing a note of hnkis she suliposed 'e sign her husband's as ,well as her own? A, No; she should sign lier own namne only, But in the note she ma-y say, "Bob and 1 bcth appreciate your h-ospita-lity,"ý or whatever the thanks are- for. Q, Is it really Improper te butter an entire sfice of bread b3efore beginning toe at at the dinner table? A, Yes, it is. The proper, and only acceptcd, form is ta break off one imaiuthful,. at a timi-e and butter it. Q. Wliexx pouring wine from thxe bottie, sbould the bottle be grasped L'y thee necký fthe lable, or where? A. Hold the boittle b the labeled par t. SREFUNDEC0 Bi t --aueu il waVis ia tubefi wsSU' dlo his pare-nts vîsit him for feer aIma1 n hinm honesick ý;I fretful and thus retard his re- covery. Once or twice Dec et the Hospital; sie saw Devec but bie didn't sec ber. H(,e was sitting ,ýUp in bis cot pleyingý quite happilyI, Sa afcoursýe Daughter was 1haLppy taa, The attacêk came on quýite -suddelýnly, Mwithout any , previaus cold or congeýstionà and apparentl.y was a, very severe ty,,pe of croup, lower dw than the ardlinary variety, Sa aur Dave celebrated his second birthdayv in a lias-. pital bcd. And glad wve are there wxas e ýhaspital fcr hlm ta go ta. Like so many other parents and graindparcits wecnnat be tou thankful for the ,,xjitence of thec Sick Cildren's Hiospital in Toronto and for thewadîu wor-k that is donc there,. Sa fer as Cie weatherwa concernedl, lest weeký was wvon- derful nd wc etîl took advantagae of it. 1 managýed ta get an aversize wvashing out, on my new clothesline ., . tlight 1 hed better make use of it in a burry othiw\,ise a fe2w well-. ebosen remarks miýgh t have been tro nmy wy vou7 know - "said yoeu wented a clothesline and now you don't Wseit sort of thing«. Tlitirsday was too nc a day ta, be ironîing so 1 paid a long over-duie,isit ta somne friends ini uriwh,çonn. 01fcounrse, T R-eally, it is astanishing whet can be donc with scissýors , pa- per and artistic ability. As, aný extra tauch ta0 heshiow ,,there weýre smiall paper shiopping bagsý wýitfr the name of the Gouild attrcti ectched an the 5bag. Otini myvhomeward way thraugh the town I saw a gaod demoin- stration af what cansitutes a traffic hasard. Here it is: One small tawn in the proucess af rapid expansion; parked cr on bath sides of the m aino street,s;Ia main hIlighlw a y throu', or close ta, the mai street. Add ta that a Brewer's Retail Store on a side street anld, oh brother, yau've eal ,got a lovely situation, Coiming thro ugh thle towý,n 1 turned dawn ain unfamiliar sidie street anid found myl ýscîf in a traffi jam autside the Brewer's Store - cars perked and double-parked the fuil lengthi of the street, and rouind the corner. It took me t en minutes ta geCt throu I g h, That tenon ues my weil myreputation as 1 suppose mos peaple who drive elong that street have on] ly anc xlpurosýe in view! Mi dniîghIltIn tr u deýcr WPJa s RBai l fFir -e ýe a mda, as tst onei inane3 painting it, cantained. The owner ofaI e watc-h whlich hed long refused ta go found bis timrepiece tickïing away afterý lie picked himnsclf Lup, unin4ju- ed, after "being hurled ta the grouind by a boit ')r lightnin(g, Yes, Jlight fn inrg cen play, Preanks. But, on an avernige, anly bout e>2score 'ar peopfle dit- Duing the past twa yeaps fiveyearoldSusan AMorgan, oi Ponchatoula, Lauisiana, lias cap. en no lers than 20,00 bananas. By the time skie is tenu ifse goes on et this rate, she wil have consumed 70,000. Owing to5 e rare kinci of stomlach conditio,I doctors 'vil! nat et pre'sent ýCe herj have any other focrm oaI nourishmcnt. Susaa's fether is a street cleaner and does not earn enaough, ta Le able to efford this ex'penk'- sive cdiet for bis hld oru nately thie U.S. Goverament la sterped" in ta give finianciel bI Fram nnext maonth, Mr. Eïkeï Byron Marga will be paid a regular nmnthlly allowancc V! eighf dlolars iuntil Susanl's 1l5th birthdlay> gwhen wîvth doctors' ap- proval, she miay abandon bana - na-s for a normal, less expens!Yva and not ýso monotonous diet. 1

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