Per- year Speaker At Evening Auxiliary The Evenirng Auxiliary of theý W.M.S. held their Nov-etiberi.iieet- ng in the SundcaY School Auditorium-i w'ith forty in attendance, The President, Eileen 1Bil1ings comi- menced the meeting by reading a poem ni 1Peace entitled "Putting God ia the Nationi's Lif e". The Lord's Erayer -was repeated in unisoni. Verna Hooey.. assistanit Çhristijan Citizenship) and 4'emperanoe Coni- . enor, thtn took. charge (if the mreet4j J Couiities Health unit Sets Regola [ions For Whytes The Northumberlandï Health Uit in a letter to of Bow-inanville, who- care fiiie -ourigsters have set of restrictions unider tb Counties. has been dhe pictures Mrs, ved mnost infôrmi- m"i.o