1956i .etary. and ýoken by MVr.1 SALES And SER VICE GARVETH MOTORS Phone 3251 called on A wee Nmv Our ëonîplete service guarantees driving pleasure rcastie, Ontar* year round -Moce,. styj1e S*ppers, co1or sole - $2. -$4.95 'cflarrr brief "Lord With Shorte group the WÇ A. Cr( Pyjamas sizes Pullovers. y~ mix, also cable stitch. The qualîty" pure imported Auistraliân-r a, grey, beige, wine. - $10.00 entic Tartan Shirts, ail dif- SSîzeS. M. L.Price -$6.95 thirteen ladies p Miss Marlene Grahamn spent t'i id Ms.Vancew Os miwa. Mr. ad Mis. 'Miss -Audrey spent the weelk Alri . Carl-BMliný Mr. and Mvrs. joRONO TUNSHOPi L is no respector of persons. An EXTINGYISIER, 1 mi-he, save your flouse, Barn Car or Garage We can supply -c-ne to suit I your ne-eds f R.E.nc LOGANY Prdp.- ja Scarboro. Mr. anld MIS Socks Oshawaýsp)enit L. Powers. diooseMradiÊ. spniga few City. Atar or Shirlev DunIc - of lher frieniTh day, Ilirs. Store Open All Day Monday il-0o Jlighway No. 35 tax inc Christmas- Gifts For 1Thýe ~Whole Famîily nis, Lacdies~ rayon, izes medium, large Ladies 2 piece rayon J.G. Glo~ te'd colors. and er did. L Mir. an hundre gonqui ute of price s J. G. Jacks ýed her i This Week4E GROOERY m W, Umm zwanwr qi