na Sea last the "kip"' hance with iatm-cian of columsr wilt be wekcomed 431 Yonge vTrno t-IMIJ ED ~is ýut bhug- Fr1. cidleri the Who wit- tragedy, VCn ir17f in thre sfip, grabbect a tue bet anid jumrped dwuinto thie frothing wake. O'flallorari saw the wmn hanging on to the hifebelt, be- gin to swim tlowards thie child, now m-ore. thani 200 yaids' bein-d the ship), then the child sanik and, outt of his ini with hor- ror and grief, the man sat downy and buried his face in his handsz. The ship's engines stopped and minutes later P. motor-powj- ered lifeboat waS lwrdbut the womn anrd chIld were1a behi-nd niow, in a sea weeno one can survive for more than a few minutes becauise of !he mani-eating sharks. OJ'Halloràn refused to goý with the boat, U-e did flot want to -witness the recovery ot his so's body, instead he wecnt tobi cabîin andi lay down with Irîs eyes elosed, Twro hours later aà steward knocked at thie door "YOu)r sonp and i' Mc are in the doctor's surgery, sir," he ad For a moment the inipact of the information did not piene- trate the mna's s-orrow-b'luntedi iminci, ïten hle leapt up, threwý. the steward aside and rushed tri the ship's , hospital where he found b-is son and the stýewar- desýs being treated for sok Ipne of this year Kathleen Makearrived in Mlake Wisconsin, Io spend a three- montbh holiday with the wiclow- ed O'H1alloraii and Terry B ut she won't be leaviig again, for TVerry's ahr told reporters that every boy -shOL>dld hve a' ý,rother, and where couild he find a better m-noher than, a girl wlio placed ber own lif i jeop.ardy hi ordefto take a mlint-n chance oni being able to save one of bier small c-harges? ) EUROPE TER SAILING$ Rates TO FRENCII PORTS- - Gr,ý -c k, -Livep 25- iroo i .d - Çbh Lieroq Fi - hrbEgSotcpo -1are oti,6rpO DEC. ~ Set. FEB. Sun. FEs. So. FEB. ~a. FEB. TA a fi r Ce 6, = Standing in the w,,itunes-box i a Frencn' police court tbe other diay, a still beautiful, middl- agýed i wife whose ,husband had àdeserted bier, said sadly: "I should have known t'hat lie wý,old not make a good husband, for he neyer wrote me a love- letter. E-ven- before we mnarried, bis letters to nie werc duli and dis-passionratt"." Letters have always had <1 fascinatio- for \woman -- spec- iaIly love - letters. But most youthful sweeth-iaTts of to-day just can't be botkered to sit d o w n and peu passionate phrases, sages - timne. ceives1 it over buallerinas aren'i just trying fo get They're ta-king a Ioad off their t the Children's Aid Society's Jones )ebra',Tamagocni, 4; Canda.ce Culkin, iove-letters - yes, evenr in t heseý hectic days. Tc, her lover whio had been. called up for thie Army, a senti-1 mierf b4 ninefee-n year-old scrib- bled a one-page f etter -- but thtwsno les,-s than forty-three CLA~ tbldest love- at the Brit- pi:incess, and me isrie brick. Mountain sicknecss exýactls a pitiles, toi! of human life in the Alps. Even experienced guidles, like Silvia Ped,,rotti, of Italy, have.-been scrfied to it. Seized by 'sudderi finns wtxile escorting a party up Ber ina peak last surmer, hec cru-mpled up without, even cr and pitched forward to dJeatih ir.lle ravine below., But novice climbers are, an- Alpine guide points ou-Lt, most prone to. this illn-eýss,. t com-,cs on-j very suddenly. fre mu2scles turn to pulp, the body fels ut- terly d uigt ratigi biar-d, tile victim's mouth, and Pose may trickle wvith- blood. More' dangerous, -however, i he ~verheImng seepiess hat Cali cause a manito "sleep walk" over a peaýk or precipice, Netrly fifty imnmature climbll- ers haï~e bee-n killed 3i the ltalian Alps this ya chiefly from -nthis cause. 1ED ADVERT ISING__ Lt of l.yîing PEOPLE ARE ÎALKING ABOUT T141 iu producoýla' GOOD RESULTS FROM TAKtMNG in buying DIXON'S REMEDY FOR RNEUMATIC 335E 1w f Logai ~nap ;rdent Eliza To the at*orai girl he baci fa:l at first silit h( Consisting of 39 pages - 410,0- mas-terpiece of 1 1- fiv;e tmas erage novel - for ber beauly Women cani ,l herd, mach- s,$20.0û00. Mîrs, le. average or * nçiuufriea fln- Muonarch autoi. s. Be su re 'and CoC. Box 852, Drive With Care JOIN C LE1R S 4T«AnlO N N N -N -N N N. N N N NI N N N N * N N N N N N N. N NI N NI NI NI N