'thait -1,11 of ous -wvhy' asked B arniýey, I wnt to compete in onds during competiticn ot the osiîion. At right, Dorrell Stco Drofessicnal division in 1 min vispnWhy Soilne caused delay "Wise When Disraeli -was Primie Miniister, a certain ToyPack- bencher,..who was Yiotoijo-sly ver bos e, could niever get any- bodly to listen to him inside thé, bueor out of it he ne wishied to speak h e never cauit the Speak!er's eye, Wheni he apprQachled min isters they always seemed to have urgvIent appointments. Andwhlen he was alU keyed u-p tode(veran i-- passionred oration in Ç6'mmxnt- tee, the Chairmnan always used to sd-rc im smh Thisý event-Lally got on the poor man's nerv\es; so, unable to contain, himself an13y longler, and determinied to make a complaint to his Leader, Ihe began b odog Dïzz'ys footsteps. One day he suLcceded in cornepring the P. "m at myv its' enid,'he cried. 'Same'L thing, said the ohr 'Indeed?' returned 'Gilbert a,,cidly, 'Then ,.if I1 say I aýd mËr t- your riuddy euritenance ( w 1ji' 1 do>, iit means I like yôlue bioody cheek (which 1 don't). The same gentlema,ýn was taken to t ask, by a friend foir uisingl the word 'coyful' in onleo hiïs operas. 'How can anyone be full of cy'Gilbert wvas asked. I don't know,' he rpid 'but for that matter how can anyone ie fuli of bash'?' Iee, -possibl,, the -most cutting one of al: When Kaiser Wllhelm Il went b oefor. adèaudience with- the Pope, he took witIýh hlma hutgeý Stafifï (it 'glitte-red', oe course) containin-i Herbert Bis- I - N N N N N y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N LIMWJTE D The ve. is, of Cou in stantanc French h5 prit de le wittv <crï you. 1 b0 be Aili