ttaw By John *~> -' w 2FOR 31c ,gsted the WSuell ted howling as soon as they 1ped off the planei-,s and trains, tern M.P.'s bhave already star-ted ounter action to show that iot ýy western "s-ix-mi-onths" farmiers 'beeni taking a beating. Ontarie mers too have 'not been 'doing as I1 as other parts of the economiy. One Embarrasses Mountiie Phe opening day went without in- [ent, except for some emibarrass- nt to o),-e Mountie wvhose horse cindtas j in and Ihis car- provided-a worth-hile and entertahn- ing çiscourse; of courýse, giving thea government raise for ecgizj the wome of the c!outry by prc- posing the equal pay legisiation. Btig -GuIns in Actioni Thursday was talken uip Ni h thn3 big, guns of ail paTties presentipug policy viewý,s with the Oppositiona groups naturally condemning tego- ernment for everything they coul& think of, follo-wing tbeiraruen with 1no confiaence nmotions wvhich~ will be -voted on eventually, Tbma Prime Minister replied on behalf ofý the -overnment. Social Credit leader- Solon Low's place in the debate waai taken by hi.s deputy, Rev. flanseil, ai Mr. Low suffered a heart attack i December and is not expected to re- turnl for two or three months. An- ýe on some fracture of JUICE 48 OZ OLD U~TH y ]b tub 33c Bi 11DSlended Juice 48 oz 31c 01 OD SOUTH 2 for 29c '!Orange Juice 48 oz 37c 's m ild so Massey as usual. the Primne sty's rep- de started ýwing the ,han usual the Gomn- to their new nmem- ýoa.ý took :Ladieà 200ZLTIN 2FOR Up-to-date On 1Runiors Actually, Parliament's first week is the time when the members cle=j out their old files and reo-rganîize~ their offices; take care of any lin- medinte problemas which always cm in jxst before we leave for Ottawa. r-e-acquaint themýselv-es with the other mlenibers just like the first of schooi. and get caughit up on the latest ru- mors that buzz through the corridor-x and cafeteria. Other than the party- leýaders, plus enough private n'ien- bers to) continue the debate through. Friday, there are nlot too im iany speeches in either the Gommons or, Senate. The second week will see the~ Commuans settie down to the busies-ý at band with p'arty cancuses completet 15 oz tin 200OZ 2 2 your choice of 35c lines 15,OZ 20c 28 oz. tin 2 FOR 37c AYLMER TOMIATO SPEC OATSUP Il oz AYLMER CHOICE SPEC. PROCESS PEAS vy c1ass, of 2,0 FRESH EMPEROR ,e lori RIPIE EASY TO PEEL Sunkist Orangesé S01111 HEADS TENDER, FLAVOURFUL, Cabbage CRISP TENDER INEW CROP Celery 2 large stc- Mores Address for the fir-st tir Lily rnernhpr.Mrs. & p :~* ~ TIN niso were provincial Autamd PUONE'