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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jan 1956, p. 5

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- Slippîn-_ tisli initaniks ïmearns iauling pmrentés, 3ai.axiwd Nrs. iP. Ltaywazr4, vJÎ U I l UL i l % V many Ttimies thleir -%weight in wateio Jr. is withMr an very pounid costs noney. 'ie n Ms lrL) ean ndDrln fish also need far more oxygen, and is with h1er gadaeil,,i Bow- Q rono d. llo lsRal this , ýýnstking along aerptîrng e- inanville. i ORa d quipmnent. Low water temperatures MisS MadÏan 1 lIcKelvey, Toronto F OR n 8 p.m. sharp muLst be naaintained. The anaesthetic has been v-isiting with Mrsý Fred method svsor, shipping space, BBacme.j 8vONAwmCa, Ja i ~wei.-ht and labour. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R"owland, Tor- Ja .06onto vijsited ý,-ith their parents last SALES And SERVICE 20 GANTES FOR 50 Cents Ninety-nine per cent of the people Mr landMs dGah.~drm ,hr-h-~ll SeilGms o Japani are literate.. This j-, theMran sEGahiadfin Shhighest 1iteraey rate of any co2 ily spent Sunday with 1Mr. and Mrs. higestlitrac rae o an contry Lloyd Gaynor and daugliter, Fexie- Orcmlt evc urnesya on Pro<ceeds for Minor Sports in the world, Last Our copaeteterviceguaranoes yallrou' 1669884 copies of the Scriptures were Mr. and M . . . -. Rickaby, Bowý-' driving pleasure _________________________________________________ in Japan by Bible Societies. nnil a uda iltspe with lM i nd iMrs. Carl Billin-s., -iMiss Audrey Billinga Oshawa,-AR E H M T R spent Sunday at hier honme hem.r t JoRika~s, or~t erevisitors, Phone 3251 Newcastle, Ontari j lIs. A .Dunodatne th uRl or he- sister, TMr..T.. DRESSES -- ood styles and raa- BLOU SES - Chilre ni's in cree an d Dyce ov Ithac!a N.Y., in, Mounti For-_ _ teriais, sizes Il to 221/2. nln ie3t 0yar.Sl 14 ubrof -!e',]froni the Villagel O R i lU O T M NU us CI Reg. $11.95 - $24.95 altt ndett Canadian Ghiub on WV-edines1___________________________ RlcYiv eputy Mnse of Mines On al fr . $1.5 ndSPORT SIIIRTS - Men's plaid in Wstegulest se .Mrs. C. w Plumibing Fixtures SKIRS - Plan sade andpladspink and grey, green and black, lig, Mrs. HavryBey and Mrls. Size 1220.. Rg~ $7.5 to ~yellow and black, grey and black. ee oc ad dinner with Mrs* IALesrisRear C.Ricýkah1y at M1vrs. Jl. W, Jfewell's the Sal prce..................$.95Size medium and large. Reg sieeeig paenice... ... 6.5$6.95 for........... ..$5.50 MissJnGanlenduej N s n da their esojrts, DI.. R. Siifth and Dr. P. B0owenP attended thle W r i etn n BLOUSS -- yloncrepeancI ot. ~Graduation Dance at the Ring Ed-.Ij tansize12 -14.$alepnic ,. 129 SLIPPERS -- For men, womten and wi Hotel on Piday eveing or i oniinn children in f elt, leaz her and satin, ls ek isGavleadMs S L A C K P l a n e l w o l h r dv a ro u s s ty le s , b r o k e n s iz e s . N eb cne e m n g t e g ra djua e s j and ga~ineOn sale for only 7c nd$.9 mr,. and L~rs . iB. H ley of - PitadVrnsee adcorduroy, colors of blue, grey..79.ad19 Peter'borouandMr. ami rs. Geoege. navy, brown and blac,gk size 10-20 Armiour of Hampton and Miss Ber-j Reg. $9.9 to $14.95 for .... $8-.95tha Ainour, R.N. of Oshiawa weasPE LO A rp ~Reg.$9.~ to~$4~95for ~$895 GOLOSH5ES -- Children's black vel.- recent visitors w*th M r P.E.LOGA , Po p vet with fur trim, size 10 to 3. ClaitiP.I"el1sl O9'i SWEATERS 100 p.c. pure Butanty Regular $3.95 for ..............98 Ter Pssd N e t the Menor- we4~pliuImt r it Agoa ~ epital, i,4Nle ie $atur.. wooý laînknitor wth AgoradaY, January 14th, 1Mabe be.nhp 1_- trim. Reg. $4.95 to $7.95. TOWELS e o thHuek, Cari TO EL - ucsîze 161/2x,301/ Brwnand mther of George A: 1 On sale for.......... $2.95 to $ rown in lier sixtyigti Sweaters, Boy~s cotton, long sleeves, 10 to 14. Ea 79e 1vas formerly a re.sident. of SLIPS -- COunter44Ied, rayon and ~~~Orono before moving te o (wzian Ie oes tipdettn iê 5i.b ?ii SLIPS Cou1er5 dl5 Fineayqn andville. Te funeral service as held eTolsstidctonsz 1i.by2i. nyl u. ~ d t~ ~ 3*~H A N UK ERCH IEFS o-- F diynJa uay 7thual-ite ach fo r. .. . ...10c. 3 for . ....... 7. ty, lorl deîgn. Onsal ea. Se men atCotton Sheets, durable quality, size 81i. by 100) in. HANDICS -- Leather ,suede and platic coorsof ree~ bown A ew emats f WllpperatMISS LAURA BURGESS finished size. Each pair in cello envelope, Pr. $5.98 black anid navy. Your choîce $2.95 Ilf priceA nTusa vnige atwe Tra.ining Panties, double gusset, size 2, to 6. ____________________________________________________ Mr. O.owan, Mrs. Roýber-t AllUn, Pair for......... .15c. 5 pair .........69c. -Miis. Hloward Myfles a-i Mrs. Victor, Mainning held a iclneis shower at te hme t Ms. . Cwai in Panties, waterproof fab rie, fused vinyl plastic, Eveigs l Store Open ooro is ar ugee rd- wonder dry, easy to wah, on, stay soft ad Friday & Satuii'dé-]r 10%gAI atobwh Weuedy l Da o-e w owas taken opletely by flexible, size s mnal, m ed u mn and large. Pair 79C. 1 Open Ail Day M q e.i Myles ueliered Laura to a ~chi placed in the archway of thel 1ýDish Qloths, your elhoice, asýsortdclrim withi a gaily decorated basket full to over-flowinig with inaniy usefuli lrg aciird.nt coor ___________________ eaxtiful gifts. Miending WTool, extra lrea o-mltof c11 -- Ater &e gifts were unwrapped, to choose f4rom). .......... .................1e ৠLaur, il, a feu' well chosen w<ords, OA f th licius lunch was se.-eed and Swveaters, Ladies' Short Sleeve, Batwin-g w001 a pleasant e-vening enjoye by ail,.esy ie mlmdu or large. V i Go R MISMAJRT IE Regular price $2.98 redluced to ..........$1.98 Betwen Oonoand ewcstleon Rghwy No 35BRIDE-TO-BE, GIVE-N HOW"ER Special Woodburyv"s Vanshing Cream and Cod.. Misse Lova Leis adoEandCraN.warge rlefoi ........ ........ 33c Goode held a rniscellaneoas shower - Free tlesworee-ofbeen naf Goode onFri- AMI Given away with the purchase, of six gallons or more of l Between- twentiv and~ thirty ~o e y ~ e i~ a fiing was enjoyed by all present, 0 ,,. £ , perf.... aSI i. A delicious lunch was erved by the Vigor Standard Gas finje 3pl'g -tax * hostesses and very inucli ajpreited. Shirriff's Fruit Pudding, already to heat and serve. ......................11!/2 oz. tins 29e VgrHigl Test 41'~ per gallon- tax icué hryVle onte,2,z isfr3c *~~o Vio - - ; dIadI rone Pastoral Cer alyTmte,2 >.tn ..2fr3c Ihrg Ieinz Baby Foods 3 tins 25i. STOVE OU-for your convenience s feverend ismall quantities avaliable John Kitciien Lon' -Oange Pekoe Tea .....'/2 lb. pkg. 59c. AattheStatiou Logivi' uglFodMi014e

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