PONT WAI1 - EVERY SUFFERER 0P RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MIJNROIS DRUG STORE e35 Elgin Ottnwcï $1.25 Expes prtepaid POSTIS ECZEMAA SALVE Price L0~afl causedf by a vil.-Ls. lVbeni to suspect it: Mild cold symptomns anad slight fever folilowed about 24 hours later by a pimï-ply ,rash. Chicken pox blistersusal appear firsL oii the paTate (your doctor cari see themn), thien s-pread to ftace, chest and trunk. Saine cide have only a few isolateckblisters. WVhat you cau edo: Cail youpr doctor e Keep cic warm, in 'bed, and on lighit diez 9 Ornit hathing cýhiId and keep naiL orpmree v preven r scrateching. What your doctor oaia do- Prescribe mnedication ta Slay e - own home, St, Luke LOIN' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N s N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N s N N arts, whliel ýin ii te tg Sof the ail- Ily threaten) 'W ean rec- SCI400L SUHOOLS a [Io two0 romr the causedl bacteria Pax