1 would like Vo take this oýppor-tun.- Ciarke Touwin-ship Schoal Area y of thaiikiii, my relatives, friends, aýre calling for- tenders Vo supply wood LEGAL id ïieighbours Cor gifts, flowers~ and for 3 ar-ea schoois.I rds sent me during miy recent iii-1 20"Y body ýwood; lirch anid Maple; ess. Also to Dr. M11,cenz ie, iiurses ' Kindling. ILwec i ~~~~~~d~~~~ stf fBwmnil emra Ppl]Y to the Secretary-Treasure .iiSf~»A lospital .Fbur 5h arse ~i~iio Marion West.Mis. Fred Bowen. IT C ÂRD OF TIANKS Ihon1es: 1 wýish Vo thiank Dr. Sylvester andOfceM -68 ImMA353 ~. K S~eon. urse and sVaff ,of .eîir peilki idness and care to1 UU fIPAl n e durilig iny illnes,,s. Also a special P 'L J AJJII JLtIN D , aniks Lo a111my eativus and frieîids uiSsI il d IlO sent flowers gifts and carda. - Thaniik you. aubli Jean Wood rIo 33 Teniperanice St, J3owiuan4l Phone MA - 3-292 DiEATH SL 'NDY-At Toronto Western lias- a], on Sunday, Jauiary 22nd, 19561tBU arwC. Bandy, Newton.ville, inhis JALUY EII>F% th year, beloved husband of Claral IaL i itenden and dear fathe-r of Harry I Orofn'"s Licensed id foster daughter, Gwen, Mr. RENT or TRADE -ndY rested at the Morris Funeral AciieradVt~~ apel, Bovwmanville. Servce waý,A(toýoeradV.a dd in Newtçrnville United (}hurchAn hepnW maur pcilzl 1'r ad 1Wediea;day, January 25th at 2An iepese a er 3 calzad CIock. Temporary inierment tLang through which to me~t thel Furneiurc sateas emo'rial Ohapel Vault, Oronio, a-P Crutm u em publie-