Y REPORT mal Facis Avaiiable aio on mut hv beoe tat fourth and final tally. Nearing tîb, !ing i a certain uine of w\ýork an d' end, -Morley Lake socked bhomeah wher on canacqire hisinfoma-second counter to finlish thlega wher on ea acuire ths ifoima-with the score at ten to four lain favouL;I tion, The common salaries are ailsOof 0"ro1o. saeThis info-mation i auth,,tic because it is prepared by sýpecialists The Or'ono' une-up was: GaJnr in eaciGamsby; Defence, Milton RPaine-~ in eachfield.Pau] Rutherford, Laverne atn Located in the hall, the Guidance DO, Heehan, Audy Sutch; Frad, 'Centre will be accessible at ail times Eric Canleton, Kenl Gray 'u c Mackin, Ted Lame, Monley Lake, Dar,- foi-. the students to see and study he id Stieefke,ýk, Sandy Ritelhie,Eeet T es that thîs will be Mn aiding the young mai High School to Oro their hifes work. .Yicto ,ry Ends T *oz ja 1. o. ýbtI23c Q-z. fis- -o- NEXT MONDA Ak Prehistoric Monster Attacks Coastal Area! TN-$ 35c 3 FOR, p.m. wvas fast and fu eriod wý,ith seve, t ling Žto fistici . 6:30