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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Feb 1956, p. 6

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"Dear Ann.e Hirst: I've go)ing Steady With a boy1 away now at colla-ge, and a bit disturbed. I liaven"- iiut with anyone else sir ,eft and liewite i e either, and I believe hini ail1 of my friends say I wake up, that no tl-yaar-oý in college is going b lie f, t0 somneone who isn't therE "I arn 16, and I am iCon the way things are. .He good Christian (1 hope1 and we are very happy w12 are together. Witt you give mne your advîce? *A WEEKLY RE, MISGUIDED FRIENDS? * It is a common 01praclicý * oug uu.attacbed young int envy others whose roi *is blooming; ;the~y caninoi * anyone aise to be happ: *e. herjealousýysomaitimEU *spires theni to instil donuï Me thnope they can bre. sc tefriendsbiip. 'Whether *frieudIs are, so uînoveýd1 *o nlsay, but 1I urge yot *count thair opinions taid *on te your faîth lin le la, is away. 'The important associý *in life are founded on il *f aith; the business of world is corlducted on in lu-le iutegrity of oue's '~ner. Friendships that 1 * ife<tlime depand ou tlhe 'trust, the sure knowledgc * tey will neyer luýt orie1 * How nmuch mï-ore, then,s * two who hope to marry *day believe with AIl *hearts iu each otses!lbm that aéther can changc a *matures and fiuds à *Saitsfyinig comlpanlion, b t * many rmore il'igfahu *their com ovowsanC *oytheir ful reward. * T4ipayoung nmariappal * as beau just as faithl *you. Trust hlmi as you al * have, and close your w) * Mmoe wbo would arouse of fhis loyalty, SbJold I *gret is promis;e, yoiu *kriow; unil-tej, dol et I Buny B [ElH41STj bceen Ilhlmn by entertaining any fears. who is * Rernember that faitli begets Iairn Pih as doubt enigende-rs, t been * doubt. Youi are happy a s ,ce he * things are, and so is he. hasn't * If thie day shouldi corne But * wheri you find your belief mis-, shoufld placed, you will have the com- Id boy *fort0 nwn that you !aithftul kept your part of the bran e.Uo dreadfui it wý,oul1d be il tentd * ou listenied to these so-calledï isa *friends only to find you had Iarn) *misjudge<l hlm-! -leu we Hoid oni to your faith. MAany pleae *ani absent sweetheart lias re- *sisted temptation becauise he ,ADER 1 kneýw his girl trusted hLmi. eDE, A DESE wTE IFWIFE people "Dear Anine Hirst: 1 have mranice separate from rny husband be- ty ard cauise ha h-as been going out yad with another womnan. 1I loe hlmi U1 so 5 mucli it would break my heairt ibts, in to lose hiîm, aind I arn so friglit- ak11 uJ3 ened uandconfuised 1 don't know,ý yo1,r whlere to ur Ecaýn- "We haveî, a litie >girl, andl ex- a i- peet a baby in a fe'w months. Don i ol ou think n.y husband Mi11 comne dwo back hom. is family are so atpsashamied -f-lmn', and have tried iuuî to persuade îm to r-eturu; lie he seema nmovdOf Course 1have plead'ed desperateiy witb hl, lIif but he is cold to me-. divorce nw or walti1ng' e q4ýi ' *1 MARIýE" do~vTi. ou hav-e ay amly înear- ;hbid 'lytallkt sOver with th-em; n12 ifnet, discuss wtNýith your ther usband's people. 'They ar-e s ~e. *sympathleti-iud cari bDe of 5 ee *comort Beond thus, there,, mo e sees litieyoucari do. h' In his.,present imood your ~husband wC ývilIpay no more t e- than h fe has to hisfail. u as the titmCnarsfor, his 'sec- re~t~y ond child to b borhamav U as come 'to)his snssand eaC z ilu'ayvS *atatho muh ou ee ort h'i. ffyou car wi autl dIôc'tu * longQer t10 sie ivre re- * hpeyou w11. ou jhave n wîllal,,- g Whtbo s gi0-t1kep lovin a. irl bosefaili; inhl know l. AuneRiraI s £lieA help you et te mo' on of Hait -Size Fashions Her e's you-ng smra rît styiing for tLhe shorter5 f uller figure 1 The sweetheart neck, weskit- affect of the boclice, gracefu-l 6- gor'e skirt are so new, so flatter- ing !Proporîioned t10 fit- 1-o imtaking aitration problemis 1 Choose a crisp cutton stripe or gay phrint. Patteun 47D2 : Haif Sizes 14, 1615, 1811 201/S 221à, 24½. Size 1610/ takes. 4 yards W9inch fabric. This patterrn eas-y to use, simrple to sew,- is te'sted for fit. H1as comýnpiete i[l[ustrate'd in- structions. Sed' THIRTY -FIVE CENTS (350) in coins (stmps cannot ha acceptad) for Ibis pattemu. Priit plaily SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NMBER. Sed order 10 oxon p123 Eigteenih SI, Mar Tovonto, ose M as- 1 înrng iu thousands be lefI. power is th-at home, and electr c elId in a h for the comnrorts ano n Ieces"Ities of lifa. And m1ore parlîcularly whenI he wiî i-o-d and iu- adequate PFor instance one tamr- ily I know of, rmove- dcîo auold farir bouse a feu year-s ago. They prvoui ivedi in the City s0 0f courïsetH-enr cuutr'y homne had U2 e eîrirey r- modelleýd. Sinca teri hey bave ilalled 'talmjost e î(eetrial gadget ountCe mrket .. tronn u eletr 4rying Pain10an a utLomna t ie disbwasher, At Chrîstmaîïs time bbey bd <a num- ber. 0f bouse gu -t, swîhail the appliaces, extra cooung and many ligbs urrirng, they speult mout of ol evenîg bow- ing fuises landrpacn thm How they finallY slre tbe problem I don!t knowv. luea"sinig thp ïn"n-p er ot afp- pliauces Swithotinspctin't the wyrig islika po.urmg loto a pitcher that is alraady bul - and a lot moredîeros.Oid hlouseswrener irdt bake the load tatis xece oîf tcham nw m i Ar-t foulid that outito heWrsorrowlx afler moving to 4Unther house puaSfprig.They Soan calld 1ri an electiian 10 lorok over the situain Wbat lje dscovered i the way of faulty home- wiring was a cime. 0f couise evarything isMIail ght now but ilt was nf ýr1y nuuloedfi expinse. Whliçh reinds e te' David went to hospital agatelasI T'hur"Sday and ca e- hoiuý on %rday -- minus has tonsilsoandl a deno i ds At firsýt hasceemei-d so w-ell but now h :e is rucnnug a temper'aljureý. We hope itis onliy temporar antathIbs Coni- cludas tris visils t")i:, tcht îospjtal foi, a utIle wie.Huyi a- igher Iurn ktoo and is lutili Dogs' Hospital forobservationi and' trealmieut for pairtl pra lyzed hindquartern, 1asked Daughtar iff oney's hospitai-. zatin came uner bha Blua Cr oss'. yo)ucan îimcagune e -C.r ailswe(r. Well, wethoghîwahad heard almosî ceaythlng lu the Say of advice y ofrmers, but ïas -t w'eek Profegs o ý ýýr D. R. Campbell. head 4of the 0.A.C. camie out witli som-ething quite n ewV. In brief bec saitf there ware too mnany farmers and t hose in low ticorne groups should move to the city and seek more profitable jobs in inu- dustry. As if young farmers, need encouragèmeut in that di-. rection! Projnising young fai- lows, shiow-,ing every indication of becomning m-odem-r and pro- gress,ýive farmners, Ihave already, beauý lured away by indlusts shiorter hours and tbigher wages As f'or hired help a good man is hard to,-)getl.Inutact Ibis problemn alone deters m a ry farmecrs f rom- operating their farmis to capacity -- and in that way they help incease the numbar of low-inmcme Famer 5 We have a great m-anu ,'ludustrial lants ib tis distrit and jobs are already bahing llld by men and boy s from *uearby farm&. A young lad, who has already quit farming for a factory~ work wvould undoubtadly listen t. Professor CampbeÏb's remarks" with glae. I can imiagine Lhir turning Io bis fthgrilh crmark -- "There D~ "_ o sae 1 arn on the r t~k That cblap says therc. are ta.P m-nany farimers. And lhe should knw" A young fel1low wouidn't stop to analyze the sttemïent and sift out the quaIi- fying ramnarks. Il is al very cojufusïrg. A great hue and cry about farmt l-andi being taken over by thei St. Lawrence Seawvay, Dapart- ment of Hîgbway« s, subdivisions and indlustrial plants - atid then Prof essor CampbellI says lu a public staternent thera arfe too mauy farmns. Wbal are we to think? withMode Faf-AcingDRY Yeaist! "CorRStrch Makes Smooiher PMe Fillinga!" 21 cup granulated sugar i/,Cespoon 'sait fo SCu"pJ"irc' draiesf rai nes 3 cuapS canned cherrieS rle , tbi,-Spons butter 3FN~BE'SON'S o CANADA Corn Storcli, o nd cherrY pej. bsaurepo00 PLA E ~er ediffihe ut adCook, silrrng o , ultt ,yt)uîre thiýckeflS 0nd boul ADi) drohlend cherr-ms 'rd lemon jie eiv PRom haR trY l iss -1e ç.nch pie pan wlth V ti FPqstrl nus iid 1 ;nrh thkk. PII.L ihchrr - btreî dot witii butter. Mi- wtffi chrry Olfl psrYmae;telSuIfor ýtO aetae.n Psr;nik i P L A C 0 y r c e rr e S ; ~ ' a lia n d flu t. ed g e . PI.ACE pit ioV I 'ê owrr, psti ~AK i~ bo ~e t450F.j 10 mninste%; edao mbeat a K E m o ter a î t 3 (0 F .) 0' d b a k i he u r , ,t v , o r unti "çutes(r350. For free folder of other dHelic;ous recipes, write to: Jan* Ashiey, Homie Service Departmnent, THE CANADA STARCII COMPANY LMITED, ?ý0. Box 1 29, Montreal, P.Q.

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