We extend our sympathy to Mrs. N.Kennedy -who lias been caiied to ~Napanee to attend the funeral of ber aister-iný-iaw. She ieaves a famuly of sýeveral suisil children. It wiil indeedl be a sad Valentine day for this fani- Viri. and lIrs. Don Stevens and' daugliter M.,arlon Jean of Newton- brook and Mlr. Lesves of Tcýoon- Io spent Suniday -with Mr. and Mrs. Al Steven)s and family. Mrs. Gary Smith underweiit an op- -ration ini Toronto General Hlospital g,:00- recentIy and we understand is flot very w eii. We hope to hear more en- couragîng news soon. The Kendai men who are eni- ployed at the Generai Mýlotor-s, Osh- awa, were pieased to hear of the set- tIenient of the reen~t long strike, as also were their wives. We were sorry to hear that Mrs. L. Thorne is not wel.l at present and 'hope to heair shý, is feeling better. Mr.Alva Swarbrick isn't feeling very we(ii either, havin)g lost lier voice and wev( hope she wl soon feel in- proved. The Kendai Womien's Institute met DN'S at the homne of Mrs. G, Cathcart aset that the children wlio were given the Thursday evening, February 9th wikh millç were ahead in arithrnetie and the president, Mrs. N. Kennedy i the Periythig else. Mothers should give chair. The roll cali -was "Naine one tiienmelves the same care as tiiey way of improving our health orte terchdrnitwa stated. health of others." The miotto for this MIo't imothers are careful to walxh meeting was "Hfealth, our greaîtestI their children's health anid are con- heritage, is not treasured till we. be- cernedc( that they take part in good, gin t o see it slip fromt our firgers." wholesome activities, yet niegleet A letter was read fromn the Salada tinse in these matters. They Tea~~~~~~~ Go ncneto wt h ad- ake the grýeatest interest lu fine 2iu- dis-itCitiin forntheirchildrentheut are care c r-aft nd cultu al proje ts andi ii oies ,about teir e owdrn. ?bu t ha ers are cussýed, but ro decisiort was arived s iouthr wnMtesae at ais towhether our istiute wu'd petty iipoi,'tanit persons to t'heir etrthese competitionis. A lterflle. ad o 1 fmlyssk as ,voll as theirl own, should take bet- was alsqo read front the Attorne General ii regad to mo or saet t r ye of thiem-selves. Mr-s. Dan- -eýev,] n rlgrd o iolr aý'ýt chuLk dmossa e deorating Ï,and aud thie InStitLutes wviere asked to s,- coloui-g Easter Eggs by the means tiveiy support fthe Governmnent Traf- ofwaad lordiuiad h fie afey P6grm. Ms. . Cth-effect ,vas ver7y pretty. Mrs-. E. Cour-. cart gave a splendid -talk on IHeilthi oux and YMrs. Dncheuk wecre the host-I amýi asked "Wihat d1 oLIouthink is thie esses and provided a very tasty mot mprtntsujet n urseollunch duriiiing the social haîf hour. cuiculu? " If YOur ch'ild is ii, he- The metiglosed with thiesign isa urento hislfad ohe 1.o "God save the Qýueen." WhnMr% Cathicart deliver.ed the b"eef M h eroM Lo[i alymie nin, Duingtescilprod r.G. to~~~~ h alyrsdec n ahat stated Éthat the Kendal whnMrs. Bsiley was il], Mr. Bailey Wmns Ascain wud hl said -1 tell you Gar-land, if you termeig o rdy eeig haven't hesith, you haveni't any- jMarch91ud, whenMisIo ofs- thin." astweekwasNatonalawa fomerteacher at McLean's lleaiIlh -week and Kate Aikens sani, Sehool, would -be the guest speaker. she picked up somie chiidren on the_______ 1way to school and thieyweehttc awvay iiin te hak seat when one big P siste r said "Oh Biily, did you iean youir bteth?" -Billy ýwasn't stuck',lie said "This is't dlean youn teetli weekI, this is drink ,nriilk we. The question was asked "Wliy don't f arn children drink mi-ilk?" One farner said lie lad 'the miuîkinan leave hlm bis niilk eacli day. It cost $30 a ninth. Hie ad a liard time persusd- ing the Income Tax Inspecton that bis mnilk bill was $400 -witli a stable full of cows. 'Why not pasteunize your own niilk? Simply put a clothl over the strainer and peur the milk into the double bolier sud leae l front of the steve until it wnînkles. im I [ Canada is the oniy major country in jr o j the world without a school niilk pro- .4 AGEgrami. Eicperiments i Montreal with] ot-wo classroomis of the sanie ability i lents invited[ arlth-metic where one was given free mUus Only omilk ail the year and the other daiss- rooni wasn't given any niilk proved~ Oef fHenri ]Veittzg Chatorni Laurier Ilote! A Co.adian Natt.al R lawya oq hkr nxez ad14igey~1yI o1 S if ever you have dined ut Qttia's farcons Chatea Laurier, you'Il agree ..ý. Chef Freitag knows whereof lie cooks! In aIl bis tempting dishes, lie uses ouly butter. No substitute could possibly give the delicate flavour, the sinootli, golden riclineîsa of fresh creamery butter. Taste Chef Fretags own ~'recipe fer BUTTER MEUNIERE a Sauce for sauteed fish. Steaks or chops When fleli or nieat is rendy ta ser\ve, squeeze the juice aor a quaïrLereýd lemon over it. Sprinkle witb fresh chopped parsley or ~ves. luaIrying pen -e - r n2 o' ces ci butte- ero.Pur i IflOol ~thing mach mUer. IRY Fi Foi Qor butt~ ~DA, 409 h -, -. -~ty te-ted e auxeou e ery rnOt~ of The comibined meeting of thre W.A. and W.jMmýS. was lield. on Wednesday aft-ernooni, Februairy 8th. Yhe devot- immal period was conducted by Mrs. Gus Wilson' begia.ning iý$t1r hymËri 488 and followed by prayer.,. Mrs. Wmi. Rutherford" ifead the seripture St. John 3, ven§es 13-21. Mrs. Lawrence Harris gave thre devotfonal papen based on the serip- turle. MrsDSarlèy Chapmnan read a poini "Whose Bless-ing." A vocal duet was rendered by Mns. H. Lowery sud Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Mrs. Wannani then took charge of thre business period, minutes, reports etc. Mrs. Win. Aluin, president of W. 'N. S. took charge of the rest of the meeting. It was decided to observe the Women's World Day of Prayer on Friday afternoon, February 17tli. Airs. Rayniond Cha.pman ga've an îuteresting talk on the chapter of tlie study book coverng thre outrance of imigrants iute our country sud por- traying what the churci in Canada is doing for uew Canadiaus as tliey ar- rive here. A very hiappy evening was enjoyed nthe school ounF'iday dgbt 'when1 the ladies of the W.A. held a valeia- tine social ceusisting of piano soles, vocal solos, saxaphone solos, pictures and eontests. Que of the most eujoy.. able pictures was. the famous Musical Ride of the Caniadiari«n ounted Police lin colour. The ladies served sandwiches, cof- fee and vaileutine cookies. 1 -a- Sale Driving Week Wt Big RaIIy.-At (rono tFrom P The word "Statistics" is difficuit couid find no feasibie method of pu- for many people to pronounce cor- tn hscmaaieysalaon rectly. Many top notch speakers of buter on telanadia market at. stumible over it. But, this week, many oftte nteCnda ire of us have come to thecnlsinh saine price of around 40e .vithouti of s avecoie o he onlusoný\recking the entîre pricestuue. that it would be a good thing if bothIntend -ýolhae mitk the word and the Bureau which co~n- th nad, coit uld have o se the pile statistics were sbolished. undoubtedflywudhv hvedm A Mess o Figuresaged an essentiaf spart of ouria, i »Thlis is being written Friday ev-en- cultural eeolnmy. Onie such aýtteïnp' îing after a day of speeches on Aigr- wicli wvas made didn't turn ont sa- cultural estimates, which this ye-ar isfactorily. Clieap butter wa.s offered,1 amount to about $77 million. Ail day. to) institutins, but as it didn't in-, practicaily eveiry speaker, iniciud ing creýase the amounit usedi, thegoeu the -Minister of Agriculture. r. ment mwiîî probably abandonl(t11 e b adnelas bouniced figuetbe cèe an stati stiebck and for'th ncross the Chaniber of thie flouse of Com,- More To0 U. S. A. ]"'is unitil *our heiýads and the note- 1nietiy had occasion to readi, bksof the Hnsad rporters a ýre 1one speech whch ili be deiivere1ec overioaded1. The confu>tsin.g facý tsasIter. It was fiiied wit 'h some mor 1 ht the staltistics werel, used- to show\ statistîcs, but theýse proed ost lu- o n the otherhand ,,"tfarniers were teresting and iot btoe Tnlun .,-he in desperate cniin but wheni pre- provided thleaner to tho0se fr. sente(d a littie differetntily, demlon- erswh stress the nieedfCor hgir strated that farming gènieraliy, ex- taýriffs onUntdSaeagiuurf cept for wýester-n wetfariers, was produets comling inlto canada incon in betteýr fnïnjîshaple in 1K5 petition w\ith ojur owni. Govering 5v thlan lu 19541.- eral products, they shoxved ,onclýusz- Literally Correct ivly that sucli a move wouid he dis-- Haiving just finiishedredn the astrous if thie U.S.A. retaliated byF Ruiral Co-operator, which blasted 'Mr.raig its agricultural tariffa. Gardiner for a recent Wnie state- ag-ainst us. ()ver the lastthe yearsz ment that "Farmiers were not as liard -the period covered by the figýures- up as somne people would try to have our experts to the U.S. of beef, po,,k,- us believe" I listened with consîder- dairy cattle and even apples hRVeL- able interest as the farrni experts of outdistanced by fair simîilar imlprtîý the several parties led off lu the de- fron there. bate. Before the day of statisties was over, miany of us came to the con- Filibuster Fizzled clusion that Mr. Gardiner's choice, of Last week and agaihi on ody we deait wlith mneasures of assistances,ý words was unfortunate, enahling city te the western wheat farmers.Un- papers not appreciative of farn pro- dutdy hyaebvn ifcly blenis to misinterpret lis statemient dutdy he r>sig ifcly to mean that farniers were. ,v>lîng due te large crop.s over the past se-- without being hurt. 1'a~ken literally, eral years, but there was littie exc- lie was correct because I feel certain cuse for the display put A by si that Durham farncrs andi farluers of their supporters, mnainly in the Cr, genraly, hul sufenng ro 1.îw greup. They appeared to be onth- prices, would hesitate to admit they vhergernafibstertch ng to c. were in as desperate condition as athe govninnt te cange is egs maily opposition speakers stated. ainpeiiggaate ak Only 11,2c. A Pound boans of up to $1500 at 5% iaterest.. DÙnlg te geera debtewhîhTley wanited advance payments with- will continue for severai days before out itrs nfrnso'dgam the individual estimate items are con- Whieu the MNinister of Trade andCen sidered, Mr. Gardiner dealt extensiv-Plmerce sggested lie would be willing ely with the butter support programi. te witlidraw the boan legis1atioeraý Contrary to whiat someelnon farmning until later in the session, if tliey- people would have yvou believe, thia iutwn tt psteysotd butter support at 58c a pouud lias be uigth urhunti 11 cost the Canadian taxipayers ver.y buster fizzled comrpletely. little when compared with the amiounit Fed Up With Wheat of good it lias doue in maîutaining Franly, niest eastern, mnaritimý*- the dairy industry. Since 1949 when sud far western mnemiber§ were quTtes tihe programi was started, it bas eost fed up ,,,ith western wh-leat and about less than '/se a poaud or a total of ready to revoit. Undoubtedly, tliý- $6 mrillion, wvestern wlieat farner isnmmcli bet- Behind The Clirtain ter off financiaily than his èasterrm Recently, consumer groups and the counterpart, especially wlien Iris six- urbi ,in press registered considerable meonths operation as against our 1ý critieismi against the governient for is ensidered. If efforts at obstruet.- disposing of several million pounds ing legisiation. designed to help then-ru of butter belhind the Iron Curtain ut financislly continues during- the se- a price far, below the 58e paid for it. cond Lnd third readings of the bille. Naturafly, the thouglit of eommunists it would be unfortunate. The nanting2 oating our butter at our expense as sud raving metliods 'uso-d eertainl,.- taxpaýyers caused somte resentmnent. hepveni't improved the wefstern wh-aît- But the fact is that the goerme t frmers public relations liere. Ile OntaroFederation of Agr- culture's IhnŽ Safe Driving Week February 20-25 Ias been designated byý Attorney-Generai Kelso Roberte c es part, of the province's safet cm p)aign "Oyeration Live.» fin Durham Clnya g 1rally SU be heid tAve nght o f February 20hat the Oddfellow' HAll in (r- ono Commnenting on Rural Saffe Driv- ing Weekç, Attorneyý-Geneial Roberts "ahof the County Federation,0<G ofAgricuflture ar eco-peratng and 4ilb holding mee-tings duingl" that we-ek at whlichi representaiv\es of the Ontaro Provincial Police wili be present and wil participate. This Sponi ýon-stiLttes the type of co-operation in thie,>safety drive wiceh is so essýen- tial if thie probilemn is to be solved oni "The people of the province of Ontario muiist endorse and supporýt aite time ',this 5contining drive, toassure succese in road safety" ihe attorney-,general said. iAth o us bas anersna "sete the oreu im aprtnt b intereýst in seeing it succeed -- any One of us mnay suifer irreparable persoaal injuries or evea death by our daily actions coïifornv:ng to the failing to give that support andin1 req1uirements forsafety on the hg - ways?" sil Sil GO Ganktimues8:00 p.m. mKes for 50c, Share-TeWat isored by the2 OrooAthletic Association. Prsnts TJIE THREE ACT COMEDY Dthe ?he. ca-4t of local talent te-- vde quwth $# twq us of side-sl$tg en1trtinmentt in the~ [NTIMÈ AT 8:15 P.M. - FRIDAY -8A. RA ary i-4l OGRAM) - - - 75e per perso>n ?RESÉ1RVED SEATS W. Rolph. M.i H. Staples and S. 0. Martin. ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 0 oo =o: c c = 0ý=0ý=0 0< ,c= <= , ,:- = - We A re Now E-qui.pped To Oronc Fish Ano Hunft Club wili hold a flrga-nize IHunt >ariarent HillJ j g -A -------------