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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1956, p. 5

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Wee'ky Reprt wa senaind the piay)Ing was Lancket hm cNewyshenhe otand ci Mrýs. G. B. Trelfs iieottid.-rcCneo ïaaayadba hePr oeLoa e ssenigafwwek nFoia.r ani1~'lwnmn goa1ie for rono's seord nd1 final1l ~tTrinity College boys ,, ost of the ýput our teami on ',liescoreboard wjeicut t1,3 minutes. The Orono Orphaný,-s will play on 'Li e. he goa t ndf g f r o't t ams he ok d o e n~a 10 riinu es Te .the loal ice in Orno this Friidla y MJ .ii ad M rs. IvuanFarrow an d r . ,i m e ý lie g o d 11e d i'ig o r ot t e m s ie ok e ( m , iý T ( B u t th e T in ity C o lle g e b oy s a d d - e e n n w h e n th e y m e e t th e C ia k e Ila z e l R o b in so n l a v e to d a y , T h u rs- ed thercouinting with two1m1re Towcnship Al-Stars. The gamne bas (day, by lmo(tOr for Foia h rn amno lbwl Mgo)als at15 and 17 minutes. This end- been arr anged ithrougil icM.end manage- hiblyi oid a mxdtournamýenjton Thu-ýrs_. edth soin frth gmebt hemnofte Orono mteu A hcAns adth n adMs.M J abln ilI day eveing, Februaiy _23rd cmec làAv pla-y didi siacken one bit'before the OooAaerAh.ei soitoreturn home this week from Caiifor-1, edtefrteg-ý u hneto'teOooOpasadteing t7:30 it the Munjicjipal Build-. final whistie. The final score was 8Preesrothngtwile ud nia after spendin)g several mnonthsh.BdmionndPn-on ob y~ ~t in fvu of the Tvrnity College for- Amateur sport ii Lne Vilmage. there. .Bditnal i-Pnt f Air Cadets. Ticket sale for the big show on RINK rdyadStrdy eray2t Don't forget the Pot-Luck Supper' Refr-eshmients will be served. Evý- After the gamie the boys ae- - 5hi o pnatteOfc tteOono, United Church to-night, cepted "In invitation for a 5wim in of the Orono MWeekly Times. 0f unirsday. 'e~oesol lnt ted Trinity 'Cliege pool. For this they course these tickets are for the Gir- F 4 Yd' Fé b r U ,try 1 7 wer e truly grateful as they w' , re al eus Follies being presertted on ice by .... tired ou". The bysare aiso greul the ,rono Fgr ktngCu.Ay to Mr. E. Il. Samiuel who drove a One wlishing tickets miay obtain rame A TIftli.&T'Iload of us down,. at the office. -~ vsk LL~S1AR Rutherord. Gol Mgr.,Snell and family, Toronto,' O Ran J;Lt. R. J. Taggart, Coach, -Mr. '- . ae sitngbe.mterLMAMe See thie Oro'o Orph ýas ini action 'at th~e Oronoiinký 1fence, Pauli- Rutherford, Bil Madji, .Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell andSLE An SRVC against thé,Ail-Stals picked f romn Oron94New- Ml~ any ~en atn nyfmlOhwvs.e nSna casie nd Tonshp, utch, Don Mý,eebani; Fras Paulj with Mr. -and Mrs. Ww_, Mitchell. AJJMI;sION 50' cents snd 2.3eent. LakrEî antn enGaMr. Jim iGamsby-has accepted ______ ai te.krTdLnMre oiini h fieo eealOronp esevcg'arne y rrud Lae ad itche.Motions1, l( ofceoshawa. uaanes e-rrot __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ M rs. M lfred S erwin a nd L w u / n pleasure renc visted r. and Mrs. Jack - Ifs lime Jo Buy To Save Muoey We stili have a few Ladies' and Misses' Dresses greatly redueed in price. Valutes -up $23.50 ON SALE FROM........$5.95 te $12.95 SKIRTS --Go tlsa~aeriais. Size 12- 20. Your choice on rack........ 1..........)9 SLACKS -- Flannel, gabairdine, corduroy, andl wool plaid. Colours of bluée, grey, black, tant and navy. Sizes 10 te 20. SALE PRICE.....$8.95 HOUSECOATS -- TaiÏored style in ail wool flan- ne].- Cjntrasting pipisn- on collar anïd. der hJe, royal and re4. Size 12 - i eg. $14195 SALEPRICE................ $9.50 1Ës ond Blaukets -- A hlend of nylon and rayon, -1o s of rose, blue, yellow and green. Size 66x80. Rular $5.95 for ................$5.00 Earl Blankets of rayon and nylon, wonderfully /washable and wearableCo1ours of-rose, blue and green. Size 72x84. eg~. $7.501 for ....... .$65 f Woolcot Blan'kets -A. hlend of -wool and cotton, combining xtreme warmth with strength and long wear. Coi Irs blue and rose, Priced each ... 4,95 -uànelette Blankets by Ki.ngeot, good quality white with pink or blue borders. Size 7x9O icJPriced per pair ...............5.89 Ibex Flannelette Blankiets, white with piukor bIne borders, single bed size 6Ox90, Pair .., $â.530 Store Opern AIl Day Monday ~IGORO01 Between Orono and Newcastle on Hlighway N.Iý3 -m Free Glassware W n away we the purehase of six gaflons or nirê of tsryon nd augterin Tren-tonj over M s. 5.R.GadelMs.Mto D)unbnrl, Port Hop1e, Mr. and Mrýjs. MitnEiliott, Bowmaviile nd Mr M'id Mr's. Alfred Eilîott andl Douglaj,ýt Torýonto, were recent visitors with th e ir a u nt, M r.S . F . B i b c m e Mn. and Ms,. Carl Billings and Miss Audrey Billings spen't the week- end in-,We-ston w-,ith Mr. and M'rs. W. J. Inch. Mn. and Mrs. H. Masters 3of. Bow- manvilie spere~ Sunday with Mrjj. and Mr.FoyLl Nicholson and faanily. We extend our sympathiy t-, Mr. Gladys Gamsby and Jamuly on the death of be-r mother, Mrs. W. A. Moor-e, Coilbornie. f'M~r. anid Mr3. Ed. Grahami and fam- îly spent Sunday with Mrs. Oliver Gibbs and Sharoii, Duinharton,.. Mils Ma')ry Somnervilie is a Patient in Bownille 'Memorial Hospital haii ad an, operation for. append- icitis. Mrs. Glenn Allin is taking herl pace int the Canadian Bank of Cm merce, Mr M , HE. Mlsýýon and I arat- weflLowery attendied a nj jg>i 'T!oronlto the first part of the 'week pertaining to Rural Muniicipalities. M1r. and Mrs. Hieber Souch, Mr. anid Mr-s. Carl Billings Ms.Iarry iBailey attended a birthday party for MrIs. T-L W. Jewell in mnvleon yWed- îîeda ~vnig t the lhome of Mrus. Mnr. nn 'Ms. Leland Keate isit- ed Mr. and Mrs. W. E Davk\ey taLst week., VAilLI. NINE M IAD (Continued frein page 1 namne was mud. YOLK REMIOVED To be doubly certain oie avoiding SPinisterhbood, a youn.g lady couid re- more the yolk of a liard-boiled egg a'nd fi the hollow with sait, down- ifig the entire mess, shell as well, be- fore St. Valentine's Day da-wned. These miessy superstitions gradu- Iail -gew out of style with the advenit lof St. Valentine's Day stationery dur- ing the eanily l9th century, at least 50 years before pinting of the first Christmasca. In 1825,the post-office at London, EÉla d reoted un iincase of 200,I 00 letns on St. Valentiae's Day',f and by 1840 the rmails had enrupted in j heairts, fancy feathers, and delicate, Vcoinsentimient is now volitof0 date, and some of our' presenit day jValentines tend t owar'd comedy, but thle festjial-Of Sweethear-ts seemjjs ,0 be floating al1ong onj a nice pink Cloud anid ini no0dang-er >of a relap)se inito the., degenra'Roman feast of 1700 yeýars ago. UNITED CH, JRC1H Oiroua Pastoral Charge Revejrend John Kitceel Minister SUNDAY, FEIBRUARY it< ORONO Suinday School at £-:45 Service at 1.1 Y MOTORS P ne3251 Newcastle,Ota ORONO TINSHOp Plum bing Fixtures Accessorjes and Repairs 'Warm Air Heating and, Air Conditioning i B-H Paint and Varnishes, etc. R.E. LOGAN, Prol,. n e 1 1 î ~o r ~ < " Ladies' Mercerized Cotton Hose, Nylon rein- forced heels and toes, sizes 9 tlo I . r. ..6e Ladyil3Betb Sh-ýeer stretch, full-fashioned Hfose sizes ý,/ and C. -Pair................. Baby Pants, plastic (Air-lite) size sm-all, m1edium], lar 'e and extra large. Pair........... 25C. Wr iing Table , id1 finish, n ýe size, ~gl nt s-eet pads .. . . . . . . . .2 e Combs, fam-ily package contains 12 cornbs ...25C. Pla4tic Pot Cleaners, easy to-clean ... 2 for 25c. S A V E IMOn"eeN EY" ON THESE GROCERy ITEM3S Velveeta Cyeese ................ b. g.25C. MeLare s! Tasty Spread....... .0oZ. bo0ýLt, e 2.5c. Heinz Baby Fojo ,- 6 kinds to c ebm Lrr, ins 25e Aylrn r JWraw-berry Jam-, . .... large 24 oz. 'jar 35l KIik, Pork Luncheon Meat........1-2 oz.,in 37c. Stokely's Honey Pod Peas, .16 oz. tins, fancy quality ....... .............6 tins $1.00v Dew Kist Tomatoes Choice Quality, 20 oz. tins 2 for................... ..-...... .... 29C. Ogilvie Cake Mixes, Orange M'acaroo.n, Chocolate. Lime Lemonr, Gold.. Your eoice ................ 29c. New IntantQuake~r (ats ....... 3 lb. boxes 3'e. and Satarday evenings for your Open Friday couvenience _______________________ 't - --- --- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s, # N N N s N N N 4 N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N <N 'N N N N N EvenDgs Friday & Saturda Wednesday Open AUl Day at ML a qmm lq b e JL iL W u--o îjîwý-mer"eng &mb I Giveî j Open Frîday

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