Oii a ,reacher înen iast Septei-ber a new anti vibrant voice wvas hea-rt, anti word spread that The Lu-. theran Houir was back on tIc rails. Thie voice belongedt t Dr. Oswald Hoffmann, an unusual combiation of good-natured, relaxeti extrovert, sclolaî r.ad pasoaeman of the Lord, Dir. 1-Ioffma.,nn- is more than six feet taîl an-d 1h.eavy-set but le rmoves swîftiy and -easîly. iHis broad face and, high fore- head are remiiniscent of the late auth-or, Thomnas Wolfe. Also like Wolf e, lie possesses great phy- sical vigor whicb comes over the airwaves witl dramablo cf- fect. Yet le manages 10 avoiti histmlonics, andtihe attracts the 1cducated anvd sophisticated as weil as thé average listener. At 42, Dr. Hoffmiann has a highly successful record as director of public relations for the Mi*ssou-ri Synoti, a job le retainis. Thc son of a Nebraska rmin- ister, Dr. Hoffmann holtis de- grees in thc arts andi divifnity. and wvas ordaincd ln 1939. For seven years he taugît Latin andi Greek, gadually beecoing a key figure lu Missouri Syniod couniscîs, When The Lutheranf ricn situation becamre crucial, Dm, Hoffirnanu got îlfe cail. Since lis radio mninîstry be- gan, Dr. Hoffmnann lias hld spend imuch of bis time away from hin wife Marcia and their four clhiltren, Peter, Paui], John, anti Katherine Ann who was born three wceks before ne took over teprogramn. Dr. Hoffmann is fiercely de- termiined that the Synod shahý get the last -çfnns' of value fromn aý radio prograrr that costs t1,300,000 a year. And "valuie" 'ntiy a ie ovftrI less, it was laýck of ve-ailh and investm-ents, "g-uilt - edg,,edl" o r Othervîse. that almrost starvedi The rutheran Houri in its cradIe. Radiio limre was monstrously ex- pens7ivc, anti in '1931 the Pro- grin went off the air. But the Lutheraits had faith in the pr'ogramn and. by 11935 they had aie enough 1-roney to get it ba-ck ou the air. Almoist immiediately, it, be- camine clear that thcly hadi been riglit in thnkring the depression- ridden public was in the mood for a. hard-hitting riellîgious pro- grai. Four years later it went international, and t oday The Lutheran Hour is heard over 1,258 stations, ln 56l languages and in 65 countries. More t han 20,000,000 listen in each week, and the yeaàrly' letter count stands at well over haîýf a mil- lion.ý Man t0 the listeners are be.. hind the Imon Curtain., Recently, a speaker ventured the hope that listeners would say "Amen" to adearto of f aith in God. During the next few days, hun- dretis of postcards arrived f romn behinti the Curtain. Ail were unsigned, naturaýlly, and bore just onoý word: "Am-en,." Muchi of the program's suc- cess Mi is eariy years is attri- buted to Dr-, Maier, a f1,amrboy-. ant man of God who apparenly neyer really believed he coulti be heard on the air unless hie shouteti at the top of lis lungs. Nor wvas he one toý spare the sinners. lie neyer inlced words. In1, the broadcasting booth hie would strip to his un- dershirt for greater conifort, car- ing not for dignity where the wvor'k of God veas concemniet. At his death in 1950, even unbe.. lievers who had smarted under his wvords had corne to respect lin as a devoted and selfles servant of Christ. Te millionis, Dr. Maier was The Lutheman Hour. With his passing, the prograr seemned to lose mudcli of its impact, ai- though the various guest speakc- ers who foilowed wviere eut- Harry S, it wiliIbe Museum Ho w Can J Q. flow should sllverware be cleaned? A. Scouring- silverware offen scratches it. To dlean it with- out scouring, use an old alumin... um pan. Put watem, common sait, andi baking soda in thei pan. Use 1 tQ&spoor each of sait andi baking soda for eaceh quart of wvater. Place the pan over &a flame andticlat -until the tgrnish disappears -froi the silver. Then w-ash n hot, soapy water. Q. HtMw can I disifeet i room? A. Burn suiphur in il. Close, the doors and. windows anti stop up the keyholes. Ab£otit two( poumds of suiplur ïs required for a, room twelve by twenty feet. Hlo% can I make the garbage caa last longer? A. It il-l last long-er andi be much, easier 10 dlean if a Piecc of pitch is lapaced in a new ,,can anti allowed 10 melt enlough t0 cover the bottoin of the can., Q. 110w can 1I make a reauedy for datndruff? A. -By mlrxit1g one ounce 0f fleur if suiphur, dissolved in1 one quart of sof t water. Do flot Use unitil thorou7ghly fmixed and settled. Apply at night. Q. What kind of soap shotild be usedl for dishwashing? A. E with ciý stains w Boats, Cars, Dogs Featojred at Show Ca3nada's largest bDat show, ani international motor show, three dog shows andi a varîety of other featumes and attractions will al combine tb m.yake tle 1956 Canadian National Sports- mien's Show, scheduledti tQ e beld lu the Coliseum lun Toronto Marcl 911 b l17th, 111e oubstanti- inig spring-time exhibition of its kinti on this continent, with the proceeds bcing usoti te carry- on an extensive progranti of conser- -vallon of Canada's naturel voe.- souires. The boat and mÇarine. show CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Church Broadcast ,Heard By Mifflls catalogue. FILlery ber of t on hand rollîng ai enterbainr in4angpbotogmapha lun nation-wide photo- npetition will b Pon the pliotography f air In addition, Pa nums- tiful mrodels will be D rpose for phoctogra- is exhibit duirîng the of the Show. ily a thriling stage revue will be pro- le aena wvith a dos- acts încluding the trained Polar bear, seal, synclronrized tleeter-board ambliss, gtmained cdogs, log a variety of' other BARY ICK STARTED SPECIALS CANADIAN Approved. Barred Rocks, R-ed X Rocks, Wite Rocks. "New Hamlpahires. LihtSussexý. Red- or liaxpp X Sussex, Columbia Rlocks and R.1, Reds.Puet - 2 weeks eld 8,32.ü00 4 weeks olId 840.00: z6 weekýs cM $48,00 Per, 10Q. Mixed chieks, same ages. 810.00 lesa, per 100. White leg- horns. Red X Leghorns, Danisb Brevwn Leghorns anid Mîýnorca X Lephomn pul- lets - 2 weekis old $36.00; 4 weeks olid $44.00ý 6 weeks old $52-10O per 100. Guaraptieed 100", ilve deliver,; 81.00 down. .blance C.O.D. Order .earIV. ,Cent Fatcberv Cbatham Ontario. ARE you a corrmm-eial poultryman? A farm poultrymnin? It makes no icýf. ference %vhlch, Twedctle new scrief 400, 401, 402 uits your poultry operatioti profitnhly for these high Productioni layera - efficient egg producers - sturdy ehiicl;s with ex-cellent hen house livability - read profit makela Write for fuil) detaill about them. Also th-ree other special egg breeda, 3 apeela dual purpose breeda. Tops for broilers, firat generatIon indlian River C-ross, Arbor Acres Whlite Rocks, turkey poulta. Ctlge 'TWEDDILE C14ICK RA'TERIEC L TD. FERIGUS,ON RO BRAY broller cockerels ' available. Mixed ûbchlc<a Pullets. Also apecial atrains lîke Ames Flybrids, Babcock Leghorns, etc. A fewi startedpult. Zray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamiilton. 13e BABY CI4ICKS 13e. 'ýUANADIAN Approved. ProducI(tion brýeed Hamp X Sussex Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks New v ma.Reda, Sussex and White Rocks. Mixped 81z D er 100. Pullets $19 Per 100. White Leghorns, Red X,, Leglhorns Brown Lerboina and IMinorca % Lghra Mixed $13 per N0o. Pullets $27 per 100. Guaranteed 100%,,livo dellvery. 1 down. bailance C.O.D. Sun Valleýy Ratchiery, Catam ntario. STARTED CQX CANADIAN Apro(ved eavv reed Coýý. Day oiildr,,-; 2 welssid12e: 4 we.eks onId 20-. 1.egbmnCos Cx day1 old 81.0 pr 10 u nedide Ii$r 1.00 down, ba'lance C.O.I3 Mapfle. Ci t v acey Cahn Ontario, DOME5TIC HELP WANTED 1 angea VIXON'5$ REMEDY - FOR NEURITS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS, THOIJSANNS MUNIRO'S DRUG SOS 335 Elgin, O1ttwa $25Exprets'Prepçid IF YOU ARE SUF'FERING STOMACH D)ISTREss, CAR-BIS-CO. asitomnech corrective hias satisfied many useraN for over sixty years. Twelve ounce bottle gent prepald $2. Roy BROWNL.EE, Pliaraacist. t.TLomas. FOOT Powde.r! -Heip youir feet. United States Armed Forces surplus foot powdejr. Twýo ears' supply $1,00. T- Anderson, 22r West 150 Street, New York 39., New York. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH th'Ii,-tonnenât ai dry cze rahes andi weeping skin troubles. Post's rczemja Salve wIll noi disamp. point vou. itchhna. sea1ng. ard bhum- mng eCzemya, e7e intworri. pîmplee anci foot eczerma wif respond readjiy t tstaeles.oelorless ointmyent regardless of how stubbord or hoije. leýsa they seem-n Sent Poat Free un Recetoi cô, uc P1rICE $2.50 PER JAR POS1"S REMEDIES 889. Quen St, E., Corner ni Logan TORONTO OPPORTUNMTES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAOING SCNOOL, -Great upportuniv Learii asirdressinsL Pleasant i iiDvoofessîon Euud wae housands of seeau M4arve L raduaes ~.meica <ieatsi vsteîn IlUustrite! ýfaaopgrpee MAVtWrite or Cail 58Bloor St VW Taïrint a44Kin-,S. la m1iton 72 1ideau St, Ottawa WANT-EDI fGirls and Housewives. Ramý extra moneY at home. Send stam-ped, aâddressed envelope for information, To: Holten Mail Order Service, P.O. Box 2, Adrian, Ohio, START your car from inside your home! Have your rnotor warming uip while you have vour bi'èakfask B1uild. 1t yourself, for f ew dollars. Free de- tails. Address: Pope Control, Box 64,. Mleirose 76 Massachusetts, U.S.A. REAY Rference Bible Salesmien- Wanted,! Retais $G.!95, Coicordlance,. subject index, red letter, th-uib tI- dex. Send $4.95 for d1emonstrator. Bibles, Box one, Midland], Indians,. CETHIERSTONI-AUGH& C o m p a ny Patent Attorneys. Estabhlisbýed 18M0 ro0, Jnlverý;ity Ave. Toronto.Pae4 "il countlries. AN OFFEII tu every lnventor List of inventîln' and ifili information s;ent tree. Thae Ramsay Co.. Rezistered Pn(t. ent Attomneys. 2731 Bank St. Ottawa, PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL oArer, Tvwenty.five cielux,e pezrsoi1ai requiremrits. La3teat (enta- hogu ne , ieldci.The Mdc gny Box -24, Terminal "A", Toroitio'. Onit. NEBW GOOSE AND DUOR I"EATHERS. We Pav $1,10 pet on for eecse, 65e,' er Pouin(lfor dues. Weaiso buy horsehair con1bines $1,10 pcr )CoUnd. Sht1p ollec1,gWe also b c ud feathera.' goose eandd 1cký. ZENE.ý FEATHER COIIPANV 9ý7 awn Street To-rpnto). FOR ISRAELI HIALL 0F FAME - Former Pi fruman stands beside the unfinished bust of placed when comiplefedi in the Ben Yehuda in Jeruscilem. ln the U, S., The Luitheranýi Heur uisually originates from Station KFUO n te campus of Concordfia Seminary in St. Louis, The MuLtual iietwork and a number of independent stations carry it at varying hours every Sunday to every state of the Union. In Texas, 5~6 stations use the programi; North Carolin-a la runner-up with 36. A substantial portion of the miail from listeners -tomes to the League's St. Louis office whiere 75 fujli-imne employees are kept busy landiing it and other Lu- theranî Hour business. _Many of the letters seek personal advîée; and i these are cither answ,?ered ifroin the St. Louis~ office by Clergymen with counselling PX- perience or the writer is refer- red te a Synod pastLor in his area. The Missouri Synod i as net neglecteti the possi.bilitLies of TV either. Four yeýars ago, This Is ThIc Life, thie serialized story of the devoutly Lutheran Fisher Family, had its preicere. To- day tit aseen ,veek-Iy on more ithan 250 stations. Critics have calleti This Is The Life Pa religious soap-opra. But 10,000,000 people wvatch and lov-e th-,e Fislye1s as fhey imaage tW 1get involveti, dîrertiy or indi- rectly, with an airplanie crash, a fixeti asketball game, a case of amnesia, an automobile acci- dent, and. vartouis othker difficul- tics andidisasters. Incîdentally, f o1ý a strictly non-gamrbling group, the Synýod nverloolls no bets. One ef its members. Mrs. Car! Deitemeyer of Licolin, Nebraska, was namiet Mrs. America of 1956" Werried Luth,-erans were, of . course, in- formiedti tat a 'bathïmg suit ap- pearance was not i*nvolved. iii tbc Mrs, Amieica compehition. This Is The Lit elhas one great ad-vantage over The Lutheran H-ouir-it gets free timre as a TV "public seýrvice" program., Th'è Lutheranii Hour must pay, but to the Lutheran Clurch - Missouri Synod, it's worrth every cent it costs. Il would more than justify its expense, they say, if it brought onily one sou;l to Christ.--Fromr "Coronet mvy andissc and na 1the 1', ei <medi- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '1 4.' -i N N N N N AI