20 oz 2 Tins '7o0z Tin- CLARK'S IN CuILE SAUCE 1BZeans with Pork 2 for IGA ITALIAN STYLE, BOCCONINI, VIORE, RUITINI or Maca&XroniRl SHIRRIFF'S, ALL FL-AVOURS Instant Puddings REDEE'M YOUR loc COIU PON! PINK 1v el LiqeI*uid SHELLS 12oz pkg O.H.S. WEEKLY REPORT road Experience lu Education Fits Speaker For Position 0f Importance JW. Booth Commencement Cuest, March 7th Ille 0'.ify Stulienfln (i.l ee Cubu tie -'OJC 0(1Ai. fer Musical Variety IlLaio1) walen nie adclresses. the By Patsy Foster auuacuig ciass, stuQents, paienta 1, iriencis nr the 01oJ{g ciol Ngr prtuals, Scottish o~s the Anueluinmenceiment tu be ISea Shanties, a Germian Chorale pu idWeneda evening, Marcll À, at a sp)ecial arrangemnent of thie Nationaiý QDo p)..il the Orono Town Hall. Anthemn will be the offering, of te 'Mir. bootLli, a native 0 f Nortnumi- Glee Club dur'ing th(, Commenceent rland Cuinty is a ,,*',).uate Ofetranmn next Wednesdayevn ueeni's -University in Englishi. Until ing. )15 whlen theHIlihSehoul InSp3c-ý ,?'s Brîanch -claimied hlm, lhe was Unclj(er the ,capabliretoofMs ead of the Departnient of English Jean Neto A.T.C.M., more tban'ql id Vice Principal at Toronto's Law- it igr have been rhas ~phe Prk /'È e 1'le Istitu'te. for this vetsine eariy la Jinua iiou 1MMa tb fu o» of -siAi-ihoughl music is taughit this Y-ai' lents, the Departmnent asked hlm11 only ia Grade 9, a temlpornry ad.j11t-~ ) do Admiinistrative work ini 1952l1 ment la Physical Education claSses d finally to step into the pos-ition has permitted Qone period a week ,hieh' he lias now held for, threelwhen students from aIl grades 11-ay j share in this iiusical expere-ne. a man of both learan- ce and beL bestows a )on Orono in consen,]t- 27UeSt speaker a t tifs atfoýr both studentg su Reg S-i 'ff pkgs krW IIETERGENT (With your Dec 12 oz Tin The ComimencemenLt also features tumibling, dramia, cheer-leaders, guest speaker and the presentatiorsn of awards to the deserving studenta. Ail1 friends o)f education will be v-el- ORONO UNITED CHURCH Special Service size 19C each 29c 3lb bag 25c each 29c 10 lb bag 29c FLORIDA INEW CROP, JUIMIO Valencia ORANGES size 176's dozen 39C LB 79c [ND ON LB CELLO 43c SWIFT'S PBEMIU.M, FULLY SnAUSe-a GE (EINERS LB 33c COOK El BROWN 'N SERVE 'LB PKG 47c am .Lfi CK Y LINKia Contest Resuits 3 MEN SIL ES . . Grand1 and THOR R" 1956 F tMaurice Hehert, 206 West- ,10585 Cha4mbord, Mtintrel St., WnIlaceburg, Ont. Paul Simard, 117 vV. MacDougall, 1075 Godin Vve., Verdun. M CE~Et: id Rd., Scarboro, Ont. W. G. Scheni, 319 t. Narcisse Dery, Coaticook, Que. D. L. Montreal 9. Que. wantea Mrs. A. Fassold, i be Ave, ThE vais, Janet1 SLevis, J. J U7nder the auspices of the Orono Hockey Club, the Athietie Assoc- iation and the Church.0 Sunday, March 4 et il sa. GUEST SPEAKER MR. P. A. C. KETCHUM M.A., B. PAED. Hfeadmaster of Trinity College Scliool, Port H1ope ALL WELCOME O= O D O = O=OC=0 = 0 C_ O = OC OC 0 D 0 ýC -O= ATH E ROYAL g ROWMIANVILLE' - ONTARIO Q FRIDAY - SATTJRDA Y-- MIARCH 2 - A'3 Matinee Satu rday 2 pmni "Gui, That Won Q The West"Q g Starring o DENNIS MORGAN and PAUILA RAYMOND Q This frontier action thriller tells how the new Springfield rifle help- ed in he astgreat battle of the West. ed wi the ALSO "Caunmim&bial Attack" ;JOHNb:ES3ULLER (TV's Jungle Jim> n ) m KIMJIBA- h oal chimpanzee and the-savage Crocodile Mlen Frdy- and19:25 Saturdav -- :0ad9pn Tech --Cininacop --Star4'ing JANET LEI«H JACK LEMMOIN Tlie story ,,oftwniv BETTY GARRETQ Wojaýesisters from Ohlio looking for their. big break in the big city. They take a basemeat ap.artment in New York'sQ Gieentwich Village and afterinarîy struggles, find romance and h9p. g iness. A truly deliglitful musical comedy. Show Time -- 7 and 9 pm. Q Coniing!, MON. to WED.,M R.12, 13, 14 Both ioi and sar ared INh Aa em w Race. For adj Qaietikt caf1il any mlember of' Group 5, Trinity W.A.,. IGA CILOICE IJNGRADED PE ASO%," SAICO FANCY SOLID WHITE T una Flish 33c 23c iiý Qi i