Subseription $150O per yeai MOu Athletic Plan Fund Raising Projects For Sporti §Ifs. A. C. Beaty well known resident of Gardon whoFre she had resided for 60 , died on Saturday, February -18 Joseph's Hlospital, Peterborough c an ilînei-ss of fivo weeks. oe late Mrs. Beatty was ini heri year. The decoased was the for- Lydia Sophia Truil, daughter of late Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Truli ' %vas born in Clarke Township ]eskard where she atten.ded c School and later at Newcastle from ir and Port o, Bow )pe. Anyone ,wishing te support the 1 teamns are urged to be present to see theA the youngs ters in action. Admission rn Adults 25c, children 10'c. vin The Orono and New,,,castle N H L. Ifiunlds teami-s played a pre-totwnanmont gaine latec oti Saturday miorning at tbe local!fo i arenia and the local boys lead by Don- 1 have nie Lycett came out the victors. of Lý Miss Ann Stapleto ian At Orono Co: -t equal noweer Us pen r 11ooke1 and the 1 i i, )Y the figu~re skating club as long as the icet ed ,Iltd holds but that no caretaker will be 'to 6oo. on hanfi to make ire. It was pointefi out tqat the rink had operated this hority year for a total of fourteen weeks antd gi edat that this was one of the longest sea- t epre- sons of skçating for a nuinber of years. [t the The extended season has raised costs fromconsiderably and at present the As-A I1 e- sociation 18 running on a close budget. t is estimated .that wvhen ail ex- ponditures are paid and ail rec2eipts ail of received that there wvill exist a bal- f the ance of arouiid ten dollars. t Spro- The Association were welI satis- hi ering ified with the operation o)f the rink iný ouift, Fand were of the opinioni that plenty od ci -'n ice time had been supplied during of' fi to the winter months. b tnilnt I'Mr. Russeùli pointed out that they Pa had started the year ýwith a deficit of -some $80,0t), Further the ,,%ssociation t hiad purchasedne stoves for the i r-dressing rooms, repaired and replaced, ai stove pipes, and also sharod in bear- ai ting the cost of a publie address sy- p( à f stem -with the Orono Figure Skating if Club. r In connoction with the public ad- We-dress system it -was feît that t1he ,t the equipmont could ho rented out and Setw Sa rate for hoth evening and day ren- th vI . 1. JbJ4tV$*r ytte. airt Hope Union The inerease i the gtaff la in Swere Messrîï. 118e witb other centres and waa inec- ies Gardiner, S. 2essitated by the provinecial govern- iPercy B. Wil- iet stepped-uip policy of Yraintain- ing order on the hlighways, and to try and curb the -mounting accident toll, we tdtu they al Unde these educati tChance To Seek $250.00 toi Prize At Orphan's Banquet Pew n' faces when loweviv mad crossed off the ticket of course you get o see Warren Watt who t ueh a play to be ccessive niglits nt r the first of June. to be drawfl up Vo of a station. )ications will stations in Poc urling-ton. 0f Survival"' dress At Uhitq Sthe ýher eo nal si Alter And Drapes Presented To of their I wo are serving1 ut teachers and thri rieather Lua ge tereuaini tcouragement Vo1 members, dressed in white and eachhigh school disti carrying a flower, formed a Cross as are already putti Guard of Honour. A prayer by the Lise in an attempt Lodge Chaplain and a solo by Sister fective cotributi Gladys Brown opened the servic.e. wvhîch Nve live. With suitable ascription the Bible Somo people i- and flowers wr placed on the Altar. ucation iS a pasS The Sisters of the Lodge sang "Blest POUriIig of a lhqi bo the tie that bin.ds,"' thon the pro- wrýhereas in actua nouncemeat: "Dedicated Vo the Glory -tie Of the stude of God, to the Memyory of Sister Lulu achiovemont of Ilawke, Past Noble Grand, and to the- teacher mnay tea, use of Heather Rebekali Lodge No. nmust e-xert the t 324," by Bro. Rev. John Kitchen., con-1 To those ofy cIudeýd a very imcpressive service. 1graduates, 1 mu: A lov-ely lunch was served by mrean- less opportunithi bers off the Lodge. Guests present ln- fore 'when ea cludled mn-emu1bers of tho Lycett a-nd around do flot be 1Hawke famuIies, nand repreSentatiVO5 an"ryt'hinig wo, th j fRebekah odge nQhwBw-îgfor. 1manvifllo, Por- .THope and Port -Perry. Reiucýtanitly Wle Amoagtho rprsentatives preseritgood-bye toý Oro- were two Distric't officers and thelportunity is beec I District Deputy of býe Oddf elle w's foirward to meps content with ni Lodge bes in ife. .vîving for. J esus, tlie 1 i1 o out, threw scirta lightt-- when he told bis dài- 1Iin ta- God aslkîng 'thati out t me "o)n earth as ît is 1 while or whîch irely thonc the rule ýrn to live dlow men. JJcop Werel smartly Costumes. N appro val flear Foi Fort Hope bisher of the .a weekly nie, )OI - m Duri