Realie What H1.S. WEEKLY REPORTI Crowd Attend S. Commencement 'rpgranj, 42 Cer4ticates, Prize s Awarded Mean -1To Consistant savinga onm your weekly food bill means you can endoy more of the lux- unres of modern living. Start to-day te "IVE BETTER FOR LESS" 'by shopping with your frientdlyi Nei-lhbour - tour IGA Food Store. IGA CHOICE UNGRADED PEAS 2 -20 oz tin~s- 29c DAINTY BIZ4ND RICE .2 -1 lb pkgs" 27c N EXTRA SPECIAL IGA CHOICE )APP-LE JUICE3Tins Z25e IQUEENSWAY CH04CE Dessert Fvea Tins 7. GREEN GIANT Fancy Vacuumi-Packed Kernels Nib lqet s Crnj 2 Tn39c INTEHLAKE WHITE CROSS Toilet Tise2Roils I21c /BORDENS Plain or Pimnente "Clateau LChees;e 'Ib 25Âc GOOD LUCK Special 4c. Off S'e! Màrgarine lb pmkg 29ec CLO VER VALLEY Regrular 'leez 8oz2*74 211b kgs 35( with rich tarigy jii size 8O% FOR 29c DOZ 45c Y' FOR 19c OTS 2/8L NONE 3i1Oc A 9 ouince T.Iumibler of Shirriff's FRUIT JELLY and a 9 omce Tumibler of York PEANUÜT BUTTER both for 45c SALAD)OIL 1 lb tin 33c 24oz jar 25c 53C TENDER LEAN LOIN Rib Lameb Chops 3 MALS IN ONE - ROAST-CIlOPS-STEW Lamb ini the Basket lb MAPLE LEAF - ]Bolog'na sIice4, or by the piece 21c MAPLE LlE.P lSKINLES PURE Pork Sàusage i lb pkg 39c FROZEN FO"DS Heat and Serve a ks 10o@zPl 2W9 15 by Patsy Foster In spite of unfavQurable weatheri conditions and almiost impassahle' roads, a near capacity audience gnth-i ered in Orono'sTow ala ee ago Wednesday eveingil for the O Hl. S. Commnencenit. Thie Val!edictoriani, Anne Stapleton, gave a very interesting Valedictoiry1 addrýessý and a stimiulating Commience- ment address was given by MVr. C, W. B(ooth.1 Lunn appeared to bc One of the £av- curite par'ts of the prog'ramme ndýýn were thus enicored back unto th stage for another number». The Commnencemenit also atrd a GIee Club, -Boy's and Girl's Gyn Teams anid a one act Dramna. Children's Aid Places 113 thildremr DUring I1955, Memibers of the faculty, guests1",oecidn fthearoftc and memibers of the Durham Couity "Mr hlrnlf h aeo h Distrirt High Sehool Board were Children7s4 Aid Society than am seated on the stage during the pres- in duri-ng 1955-a rehersai of fh entation of certificates and awards usual or>del," >menbers of the Child..- which were as follows: Foi Highest ren's Aid Society of the United Cour,- Seholastie Standing in grade XII, ties of Northumberland and DGurhaxmjý Douglas Lycett; in grade XI, Keitih heard at the annual nieeting of tha,, Adamis; in grade X, Bernice Lunn; Society recently. and li grade IX Kathleen Geach. A. B. F(ne drco~tl h For Pr'of'iiec in English, MarIly meigta hl h oit Pluister; ini Music, Elizabeth Reid; iehgtat hletesceyne ceived 75 children into ils durý in French Doug Lycett; in Science, igteps er tfudpr~nn Mary AmiAmsrn';in Mathe- o tm1rayhoes'T 13 maties, Francis Quantrili; in Public r'nprr hmsfr13 Speaking, Marilyn Quantnili; and for He attributed the nsa patte;rm-- gnr proficiency in character, to the preventative work, done by Lxi.f genralstaff, the re-estailishmient of famil-1 leadershir, scholar-sh-ip and athletics, e Doug Lycett. For Proficiency in ath- les and successful efforts to fù'-. letics the aw-ard win-ners were as 1foster homes. folLws: eior boys, alRheor Mr. Finnie said that of the 113 chiI - Intrmndiae bysEric Carleton; dren who had been placed in foste Junior boys, Kenneth Gray;Seor6hafu gils emic un; nerede l nmes, 4 a ond permanent ad- girl, Brnie Lnn; ntemedateoption honies. And 15S of this numr-bý girls, Ann Woodyard;, Junior girls, ranged in age frein 2 years to 15, D, a three way lie with Gail Cooper, mi-ore difficult age group te place, hs- June Madili anld Carol Yeo. For pro- said. ficiency in Cadet Training, Williami Wensvoort; and ini Marksmanship, The society had in its cane25 Keith Adams. I childrnen on Januany 1, 1955 aund21 Secoitiry ehol GrduaionDip on Deceinber 31, 1955, a decrease c lomas were awarded to (Mary Ani3. Doug Lycett. Amiý.e Robert Collett, Madejinýe a Lane and Marie Lewis. Certificates were awar-d-, eu to INI Uamru, , Vre oilvup>l, i C' aroi Gaines, Carol Hancock, Nancy Hàidcock, Peter Laing, Be-rnice Lunn, IPau!NlMMackin, Mary Pluister, Eliz- aýbetli Reid, Paul Rutherford, WýAltr - Stapleton and Shirley Vagg. Amnong the entertaiment itemý-s the Cheer Leaders, Janet Str-eefkerk, S Gail Cooper, Kay Geach, Dorreen Copping, Nancy Lak<e and Bemnice Guest speaker at the mieeting a Magistrate IR. B. Baxter, judge of h Cfamiily courut, "Expenience, commron sense, and ï. little laiw thrown in," are the inigredi. 1- ents whiich go into a judicial decision,. hiesaid, describing his worlç in theý faimily court in conjunction with tuaýý Children's Aid Society. The Magistrate explai.ned the iF- for ent sLttttes into whýich the work,- o)f the Children's Aid enters, anl, (Coiintiued oni pag-e 5) THIS WEEK gAT THE RoYA'Lc g BOWMANVILLE - ONTARIO THURS. - FR1 - SAT -- MARÇI 15 - 16 -17 c "cotant TIh'ee A reform:d roisterer (Vaun ln)trs a nbtt nsthat his fistic prowess and maculine appeal are stil importantinltîsew Slite ini a seuthern town after the Civil War.7 A ramlinrg, utterly un- flpredictable conmedy-drama, enli+enel by well-staged actionseuns.( Thurs., Fri. 7 and 9:1.5 Sat. cont. 6:301 SOn Stage - Saturday Matinee- March 17, 1:45 pin Pupils frotn the Recreation-en tYe'sDancIng Sc6'cboôl:( Miss Irelle f Harvey, dancing teacher) will pr-sent a 4tal daIc, 4rshjig, and a baton twirling numiber. SAnyone who wishes to dance, sing, play a musical instrulment or otherwise entertaion stage, peuecontact the ,nnment for an I Saudition. ~f MON -~ TUES - WED -H AR9f 19-20 -21 "A buluienlUVeISSçd, sceed und phoiw99aho5d film worh fi heonottp LFEMAGAZINE 4e5hY GALAND JA, JAMES MASON Extra long show Feature at 7:15 and 10 pm. SKIN CREAM~ EM A size 29c;