j ge his last, 1whien knowA -thpTI 1 1 > 1look n time tb I hoicpe et a wo- lhey get, lei~VCE" ddesl shae leaves the husbend is tbc ýys lasI-minlute 1be more con- ttrain ithey im- doant knfow band! 1I o,ý can, but if ways, I'm "We seldi we do, lie tint-il the Ilis the utIle things thet mal- ter iu marriage, asl ieisiip No probjei is too snasîl or Annle Iirst ta ondeswrt hier confidentl v and relýty îon her I understandin. ,AddCrcss iherat Box 1, 1,3 Eghe t t, DNew 1?ojonto. n, Eggs inPlsU Imaýgineý buying your rs eggs il! recteng-5ular shIeýlîs 0'o, actuelly without shelis- gg which,in al poaiitwl casc less, and will keep-; fresh long>er. &ij tuhiaebb so-callIedned e ,, sg nowbein sold ,lu'12- ccl ,rtàli aïe eut 'taà -are xnure tG a aW>Ma'S *need ta "primp," and from *long experience ( and the imn- *pulse ta be kind>, tliey haiýe * earneçita put up witl i t pa- *tien4ly. Wliea youir husbaad, *for instance, is so tactless as *to admire others, you could *be fargiven if you remind *hlmn that those girls probably *took a ful lihour ta freshen u-p a nd dress for the occasion, as *youi did wlien lie was calling *for you.ý * It is the lutIle th-ing-,s that, *matter la marriage. Here is *onie small f ault, yet liow f ar- *reaching its consequences! *Wliy can't your husband se '1 bw simply lie can correct it, *anýd how you would love hlm *for it? He docesn't know wa *nle is missing. * Leave this piece where lie *wlil sec lb todlay, and perhaps *lie will realize how inconsi- *derate hie lias heen., DOG IN MANGER "Dear Anne Hirst: Two years ago 1 feula inlove wtia nice boy, and we hadi lots of fun ta- gether. Now he neyer asks mie ouit,-and if I want ta go toaa sh ow, lie pays my wayrbu doesn't teke ime. if 1I date an-i one else, thou.-gli, lie make 'q big scene, and lias em-barrassed me publiclY. "l have alwýays takea him back atradbee,!case1loved hlm s0 much,. But now I'm get- ing sick 0f biis going wvith other giland Yma at my wits' end. Shail I send him offý? ANN" * ~ ~ L I mgldyo ave camne ta *youir senses. A boy w'hase et- tentions blow hot -and cold *cau1not make any girl heppy *for long, Stoip seeing himr at * i;nomlte what Iis e- *cuses, tell hlmn this time yuu 1 AndiereLd whcn ,we, lu this corner o! theý globe, would start licaring about stormns an the sur-. face or the su-n. QuJte a wvhile ago 1 read -ia an English mage.- zine- thet aur litie planet was likely ta experience a series of atniospheric disturbaiaces be- cause of these solar starms. Well, judgiag by last week's -weathcr the teries secai to have starbed aIl riglit -- and we déon't care how soon they quit. Actu- al-ly, tlie- weaîlicr is fine just. now. I have just camne in after roaming around and the air was 1ovclly, crisp and cold, and birds were siaging as if they were confident the stormis were over and. goad weather on the way. Ice's haping the birds are riglit. Naý,bodywat a repetitýion- of last Friday's freezing relin. O! course 1 had ta gaoclown tawn tlhat day - ta a funeral, no less. For 'hat lîttle trip I called a taxi end gat a ride hom-e with a neighbouri. I wouldn't let aur nei 'glbour drive ne rup the lene because I wvas afraid lie miglit slidc into the ditch. Sa I gat au)t of bic car at the road, andi there 1Ivas, absolutely sc-ared to take , step. Farbhcr up therel was cruachy snaw ithersd o! the lane -- if I couild only get ta lb. But that wes 9a big 'if'. Anýd 'licn 1 saw Partner comling down th lane ta meet me, Was I ever glad. 1I miglit have been on the ice yet iflie hadn' ap peared on, lie scene. Before the ice storm there wýas quite a bit of activity ron here what wîfth -visitorsisr ance agents and real estate mien coming aiong trying ouIthtîeir, persuasive pawers witli Partner. And while tlie weatlier was good our barayard population was considerably redueed.Jon ny rrived one day and took lis four ifeXrs bac-k home. The niext day we sent a veal caîf ta m-arket, and lien we got an- other one ta tlake its place. The liens were layîng particularly well but because of tlie icy roads tlie egg man did flot col- lect theegs Can't say th'at I blame hlmn - after ail who would want bo talke a chance on slidIng off tlie road witli a truck-load of egggs? And tLhenl, as if the ice-storm wasn't enoughi ita deal witli aur cats and dogs got mbt trouble - Just to re- lieve the monotony, 1 suppose. It 1was this way: Black Joe picked a figlit wiÏtl a stray felîne up lni the barn and between tleiem tiey upiiset a small open can of crarik- case oil ail over tliemselves - olthat Par'tner uses to painýt the hen toasts. And then Joe came to the house for sympathy and first aid! Now I ask you - what could a persan do for a poor Uile pDussyvcat plastered with- cra-,nkcasýe oil? It couldn't be washýd of- Coal oil migiht liave helpe-d but wxhat would the coal Oil liave clone to the poor cat's skin? The best 1 could do wab to rub poor Joe with an old towel. And theni I lied tb put hlmn outside b-cau-se we couldn't stand thie smell of hlm- around. Nor could I have hin- Ieavîing an oil patcl behind h-im whier- ever lie sa!. Finally for the next few days Joe did what a ceala- wvays does-licked himself clean. In~ doing so lie also muade himself sick so tliati e couldn-'t eat. Nowýý, thank goodness, the oitlias disap.- peared -- but so lias a lot of Joe's fur. The ne.xt excitement ,vas caus- o-d by Busty wlio rani into Ilite liouse 'bringiag with liba an odoui. of s'kunk. Fortunately 1»4 wasa't very strong soetliat wftI fresh air, and by rolling arond in the snowv, Rusty got rid of thtl smell. While ail this activity wwra going on witli oui- various ai- mals we had a visitor from Tor- onto for a couple of days- visitor who lives in a well-aýp pointed apartaient wAhere caîi and dogs are unknown. We ma>3, agedi to protect hier from contam- ination. While she was with w» our television got a rest - ex- cept from Press conference and the late neýwscast wvhich sbe secimed to enjoy. As for our- selves we are stili exploring thd television tield. finding mucl, that is good and some that ii bad. Like the ittle ,gir] witb tht curi - 'eWlen it's gooç,i, t's verj very good, but when it's bad ifsý hori-id>, And 1 do mean 'horridj'. We tbougiht the "Automato;n' panel discussion with Dr, From-( ~was splendid. There was cer- îtainly 'plenty for the inid' u that discussion. "Country Cal- endar". . . we think it could do W'ith a Iittle~ less talk and s little more action. "Onnibusu> i~wondertul but some o! Vii hialf-hour dramas are posîtîvelj5 inane. However, television hai a terrifie audience so there liai to be variety -- always remui bering,, that onie 1man's nmeat aiiother man's poi~son, anid thal it is entireiy up to ou9cLisvei whether or flot we wa-tch aii1 -particular program. Stop Press News! Paitner ji.i., Iooked in to tel! me that sprint on1 the way ...Lijst saw sî crow fly ovtr! Now who ari we to trust-the crows who thi that spring is in thic air or ex- perts wlio tell us thiat storim on tlie sua are goingto have s bad -'ifluence on the earth3'i weather patterni for the next fe* months? It may $b lsfu thinking but l'Il put Ény f aith ih the ciçi black crow. After ailý he lias quite. a bit- of backiîq because clown town someone wai telling mie a robin was seen 1a,% week, TMaybe the rojbi4n and tfr crow had a. littie conference an<ý decidedi that we mortals needed s littie cheerinig Up aboit tfr weatliEr. Mix~ and sift irit bowl, 1 I c. once-sifted pastry flour (or lh' c. once-sifted ail-purpose flour), 3 tsps. Magie Baking Eowder, ', tsp sait. Cut li ilèy 4 Ibs. chilled shortening and mix li ýj o. washied ai-d dried raisins an-d ~ c. lightly-packed browni sugar. Combine 1 slightly-beaten egg, 2 tbs. inilk and a few drops- alnond îlavoring. Make a weIîlli dry ingredients ai-d add liquids; mlx lightly ffith fork, Fadding tnillç »- f necessary, to make a soft dough. Knead ___ for 10 seconds on a lightly-floured board ~~i**ITrS ~ and pat out into greased pie plate (7y" top inside measure) and -xk ùmb 6 pie-slbaped wedges. Bake li hot oven, 425', about 18 minutes. Serve hot with butter or mnaigar- ine. Yield-6 scones. .A Iways Dependa bic "zero-," silice ith eye aIreacly been broken. The new package elso offers a real opportunrity for increased sales o! pee-wee eggs, for two o! these may lie placed ln eaclh comtpartmient, thuls makiag a "double-yolked'" egg available ta consumners at about the large- egg price. Nralpewe are* more difficuit to sel! for home use ',hall mediumorlag eggs. Althougli the -naked egos" cantieb, kept without refrigera- tion, th e y w remaîn fresli 1longer if refrigerated, accorýd- ing ta Prof. L. B. Darrali, o! Corneli iJaiversity,, who devet- opxed the idea. There's elso thre added con- venience of flot having ta dis- pose aIetggshells, nd the housewvife's vorlk is streamlined still fuikler by lier abitituy ta bail or poadhlirelicegg vg!it t1re seald plastc conader Mfter cokn, the top film ts remioved, and the eggs miay bec eaten riglit fron ttie conrtainer, thus seving dishe's. When the eggs arc elsraratd for caktes. lcngs, or souffles-,? the whies may be drained off meeD y cutingiý, a hale in the tpopfa te campartment. The eggs nmust lie. remioved from thne container, however, fr fryig or scrambling or chen they eruosed flor ohrcaoking pur- poses. This new egg package is just one aof the new\est cdeveilopmenrts i rpgid psic connesUse af whidh, il is predicted, will increese from five ta lausd-ls the nertfive years. Ia 1cl ajtledl lime nma- chine could 'teke cou beck ta [brc Main Streeýt dofanAeia town inl 1900, ta0 look abouit you wifh our reset-da one, prabably lie, "BtIbaok at l4 those horces !', Fo in that yeer, 1900, there wý,ere registered in tfewio, Unhfèld States 'anly 1,84auto- m-obil(es (as compared wiVtli overP 44 million ln 1950) anld> they \ýere really lwand far be'- tween exýcept lu the larger cibles1 and Ille wlad resorts . . . * There we--e ahnost rno paved igwysouitside bhe cities, and af courlse the-re w&7re no road- side garages or fllng stations; every automobilist miust be his owýn desperate mechaic. Pro)-. ably li the mer.ai-idwme a[' America lied-never seen a car. When William Allen White organized a street fair ln Em- parla, IKensas, i1899, bire auto- mobile wvhich was brougit bliere for the occasion-and pr.oved ta be the most exciting exhibit o! thie fair-camne !rom Chicago by rail; it ,vas the firsî automàobile c-ver ta have ci-ossed the Mis- sot-tri River. But liarses wvere everywlihere, puffing surreys,, demaocrats, bug- gies', cabs, delivery wagons o! every sort en Main Street, andi puilling liarvesters on the trac- torless faris outinl the country- side.-Frobn "The ~Big Change.," by Fredericlk Lew:is Allen. TO BRITISH PORTS: Firt Ciass from $192 Tourist Closs fram $145 At Thrift-Seas.n Rates ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE AS $290 TO FRENCH PORTS. firsE Cia»b from $1 99.50 Tourist Cia»i fraie $150 WINTER end SPRING SAH.INGS VESSIL l rom RTEA e'quiEt CfreIn NEW YORK- Frem HALIFAX- TO SCYTHIA --Thus. MARl. 8 Sat, ýMAIl. 10 Hoq*, S.Uthaýpio-n QUEEH kMARY --Wed. MAR, 14 -CelorSti#p PARTHLA --Fr1. MAR. 16 -Iiepo QUEEt4 EUZABETH - -W *d. MAR. 21 1 Cherbourg, Scutafrimpton QAXON A - Fri. MAR. 23 Sal. MAR. U4 Cobh, Liverpool t~UEE MAR - -W.d. MAR. 2 8 -Cebo ,S.Ulhanitoný ASCM'IIA-- Thrs. MAR. 29 Sa. MAR. 31 Havre, SouMhamPton 1. MEDIA --Fr1. MAR. 30 -Lv.rpool QUEEN ELIZABETH --Wed. APR. Ch.rbourg, Southamptan SCYTHIA --Ttvjrs. APR. 5 S.tI ArR. 7 H-vr, Southampton IVERNIA ô r. P. 6 Se. Af R. "oh iepo QUEE$I MARY - 1 W1. APR il-ch, ieroSoltapo PARTIIIA --Fr1. APR. 1 3 -Uv.rpool ifQUEEN ELIZABETH --we<I, APR, î g Cherbourg, Southampton BRITANNIC W -d-APGr1 hok, Liverpool ifMAURETANI>A- Tues. APR. 24- Cobh, Havre, Southompion fASCANIA We.Ap R. 25 ---H.vre, Sot>hopplan if UtEEN MARY --W.Ci. APR. 25- Cherbo*rg, So,,thanipton ifMEIA --Fr1. APR. 27 -Uepo ifIERNIA St APR. I-28 Lvrp iQUEEN ELIZABETH --Liv.,AY 2 C Pco.rolhtpo fi-f RANCONIA-- Thars. MAY 3 1 CQbh, Liv.rpool ifSCYTHIA -W*d. 'MAly 9 W -d. 9Havre, Southampton IQUE EN MARY --Wr.Moy 9-Cherbourg, Subopo i- SAXONIA F'il, MAY I --Gr".o.ek, tiverpocd PARTH IA --FrL MAY îil -LJv.,p.0l if IfUN4tIC -- Wd.AY 16 -C.1,Uep1 fQUEN ELIZA&BETH - .c.MY 16-Che,ourg, Southarpton *Vio bermuda fSmmrSeasn Rates Apply Seceyouv local agent- No one can serve you botter ~, ~r..,, yo jii* 7' CUNAKUD UNE P.p~ Qâî. sty a w4Iingten S is., fonîo. On. 1î p . 2>113 .Y.