T~he hot oneig euen hotter! f t f -t, fleautifal moddls-all wî~th bddi new M.toronti St9.lig. More ode1 inc1uding tu'o iew 44Qoor hairdtops a~nd i »Qnew, 9-passeinger Station Wgonts. An44I - d elfr a> k*ef-!f9 flashing powver teamtsvwi4h t&.t14gigpe205. Thisis the rûeto he-al ë' fiashirig nw x very specia in-the~ way of power, ease andJ Cnt swaitinig you, sw'eness of cotntrol, and nailed-to-the-road -ese '56 Chevrolets stability. ne mneaning to the- ~<adon".20 CIIN0G 1MOXWLS thm ve 1LokAity kind of modeIl'anyone could want. AU a atbg ger more massive grille. Let your of 'e have l the eta'advntages of slideang that lonfger more rakish Body by Fisher-the peope who poeere4 Foflovitlat iéwer, speèdline chromie and perfected the 4-dor 1frdtp~. Y<ur ot only doe-,ChevrolOe fer chaic of iéw '1ticFloice ofh 1'V8 por 6clne s(the one onthe left sinsdowr to an>d new highercompesson -7-the 170 hp ôeuladMsëfien ver the gas cap). "IurbQ-Fire V8" (162 wit SncroMeh> engiesnthe l rcf~iel duc LIEE HN~-or,. 9ptional at extra cost, the "Super hih omrssonr tioswt 1 LIVEIER TAN IT OOKSITurbo-Fire" with 205 hp and 9.25 to 1vlei-edoeain n rnew Motoramic Styling, as you see! compression ratio ! Autmtic andc mfort iclue so 4inyoter modern new Corntem1porary Interiors, to be features ? If Chevrolet doesn't offer them, ngnerig icoeres I Gay new colors, indeed t But beyornd it's only because they haven't been in- practlcal, you cari be sure that even more of the cham~pionship road- vented yet. Sa try the hottest drive of the Chevjrolet erigines have iti n~ that riade the '55. Chèvrolet a year zoon. You hav~en't tried anything IwW er. You know the new Pike's Peak, until you've been behind the w1e of a 43 -d-holder has ta have something very, '56 Chevrolet. C.75eC ROY W. NIOHOLS isOWMANVILLE ONTARIO Easier 'With Stalin When Soiet Past President, w deceaed, Joe Stalin was the big 'bo- ini Rissia he muade it easier to r- ma~in alert-His rnehod- rmade us-, fearful .atwitlwout a wiimper, -tw- raised huge defence for~ces and pai6C< heavy -txs., Ngqthe Sove dera ý are, ding therbest to discotrnt hin tû the "buxti" r4egory in -thCir ef- tort5 to show the, world they orJly" wanit a harice to live I : e I n e tb 0- background, they keep 178 dlivision,-, .. 40 uhmarns and thorasands, of jet- iiîreraft-in readiesust _inicase thin4< the tinmê is ready for taking un- May Extend fIerm It looks as tharsgh overior Geý,n-- Pral Vincent 1ýassey rna e ,iiiltez fo exteind histerm of' office rintil af- ter the nect élection. Nothing fiii has appeared, but~ Ottawa newspapcrnr- have been predictiug a te-mpora-ýy evxten'sion to October 1957. This weck~. His llxceléency leav'es for a ~nile tinp throl4gh Canadas~ north- land where he and bis èutourag-ewl visit many f ar-flÙrîg Canadiýan opt- posts. Gas tDebate Opens As predicted, thre debate of tha- ' session on the riatural g'as pip 1ns froin Alberta to. Quebec openied o-rrý Thursday. When it will conclude î- an)ýbody's guess. Conservativesarà CCF-ers have anrounced their in- tentiont of fighting- the me-asure aThi.: suinmer if ne-essary. Ail Canadian Them-e Basieally, their thenre will depliorern the ever increasing 1coritrol by Amer- icans of industry and natural re- jsucsin Canada. Already it hs.ie been 'auggested liat 1th gvirnzerct is sél4Ing osut to thre darnyarskees-z. ConservûtvC5 W-art Canadiarrs to(ý t. date th.e'e bas been -no indtiiea1. tIIàt any COaradian gr-OUP wold 1-' wilrgior, able to raise t11é hu za' 4stims needed for thre p«0tfeHwF ,r-u- f.irèir tacties aound good andid mtivo abe to arouse coneidot'abiê n*e 'sentiment tO 'tIlei! sprsxt. If it ý4ou ,A inaice: ndrsnaetheire etr1i- tion, thre (onse#rvative5 would b" w3l irg - toave -the- 4'rnrn <take Waa public -PýOje<t, rPer," Àe' tie-in Wxçî~*tLTipro1,iflial gwNrn'-1, The ý CCF. tan* 'enl>r publie ~nr .ýehip. Social eer - with - . berta's interests -xnainly 'want t find inarketsý fbr 4keirMgai'zand il go aongýuwith the govérnmeflt's pI-1 - JThre- goveninent Plan il te ha- Tran sCaradfi hir d ail of the e ripe lire except for thre uneeoamic po!-1 ion-thtou~gh Northern t ro There,. *Ontario a'nd Otta-wa *o,ýuld join for~- ces up to $ 18 mllions witb, Ontario'ý -portion not over $35 il ion. Tii tamunt would be repaid by rsý Canadta wio would lease th~e l untili tirev ebuld take it povr! fl55W&ial7 If Trans.-Canada's project, whieh in- volves an essential lUne ta ithe Unit&e4 .States, does not prove satisfactory lin getting te line started, thre go- ernimetit's atér tives would lie tes, suggest publiecm-esip. tUnfos4tunate Colcidence M'While ail this talk of Canada re- commng a vasal'-state of the U.S.-A-, ~is going on in Ottawa, a Canadiain. conipany is facing a simnilar situaition,- ini the United States. Five legisla-, turcs are reported to lie processing Ibills which would forbid a Canadiae-, bre-wing company froru building' e. plant in tireirarea on the basis that- lits management is controlled by for- eigners. We have protested this dis- ciminating legisiature but our cs mnay lie wealkened considerably if ,vF &tW1uue4 pq -~, + -t-